Week One - fading

So, I have been tracking my calories and work outs on here for one week. I technically started working out a little over two weeks ago. I'm trying to hit 6 days a week. So far so good. I lost two pounds this past week, but now I'm feeling the fade coming on.

How do you stay focused? How do you not let outside influences affect you?

There have been two re-orgs at my work in the past 3 months. Stressed about the job, bills, the person I'm seeing. All the while I want to lose some fat, tone up the midsection, and build a little muscle as well. Today I just don't feel like doing anything. I'm currently a little over on my calories, but it's still enough to lose weight just not 2lbs a week. I haven't worked out yet and I don't really want to. I just want a milkshake, banana pudding shake would be so lovely. My mom's health isn't so great and she has been freaking out this past week. I also have an interview setup tomorrow. Ugh. That shake is sounding better and better.

I tend to let one bad day turn into 3 bad days, which sometimes just stops the whole process. This is especially annoying if I've managed to make it one or two months before that fade hits. It always comes and at some point I always tend to give up.



  • shan2bthin
    shan2bthin Posts: 68 Member
    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Find what helps you destress whether it be the gym, walking, or reading and make that your go to when stressed NOT food. Also try logging on MFP when you feel yourself fading for support and to hold yourself accountable. You could have that banana pudding shake but try to figure out a lower cal version--be creative. Best of luck!
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    I suggest that you do two things: First, get out (or make if you don't have one) a list of the reasons you want to lose the weight and read through it. Second go outside for a walk. Even if you only have 10 minutes getting outside can make a real difference in stress eating. If you're actually hungry, eat something healthy and then go outside for a 10 minute walk. After your list and your walk, you might be able to better resist, and you might not need to resist if the urge to eat goes away.
    Don't give up!!
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    Here's the thing - you are doing this for yourself right? Well, time to get seflish!! What do you really want for yourself? To become fit and healthy and not have to worry about clothes fitting right, your appearance, huffing and puffing going up steps, feeling guilty about what your eating....it goes on and on...

    When you lose focus and start to fad - ask yourself why you are doing this? when you are stressed from work - go hop on the treadmill (or whatever you do for exercise) and during that time to yourself, work out the stresses of the day in your head and think about how you can make it better the next day...

    If you want that milkshake, pudding, etc - think about how hard you just worked out to burn those precious calories...do you really want to have to go work out some more to burn them? or grab a banana/apple instead and eat that while you think about not having to do another half hour on the treadmill....??

    You mom's health being not so great......well I think she will need a very healthy, strong child to get her through it....

  • jmlitton33
    jmlitton33 Posts: 35 Member
    this is really tough, and I think everyone goes through that. the best thing to do, is push through the bad days. force yourself to get up and get your work out done. honestly, every day i don't want to exercise, but, after i do, i always feel 100% better. think of exercising as a way to reduce stress, too. i let my frustrations out on my machine, and it works out pretty well. focus on yourself and your health. BANANAS ARE BAD FOR YOU! :D kidding aside, let yourself have something special every now and then, and fill yourself up with healthy stuff, and you will find yourself not craving the bad stuff. relying on sites like these is a big help and motivation, too!
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I suggest that you do two things: First, get out (or make if you don't have one) a list of the reasons you want to lose the weight and read through it. Second go outside for a walk. Even if you only have 10 minutes getting outside can make a real difference in stress eating. If you're actually hungry, eat something healthy and then go outside for a 10 minute walk. After your list and your walk, you might be able to better resist, and you might not need to resist if the urge to eat goes away.
    Don't give up!!

    Wow, such simple advice but I think that could really help me sometimes. Thank you!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I had a very bad day today as well (calorie wise). I knew I would be over. But I made a determined choice to not let all hell break loose.

    Advice? Think of the progress you have made so far. Like a building block. Each day builds on top of the other. The beauty is that if one block falls you can pick it back up and reposition it. Much like our fight to get healthy. Bad days= the falling block. We pick up and start again.

    Eat the fruit instead of the shake. Get a smoothie. Go walking for about 30 min to relax your mind for a bit.

    You can't control some of the things around you. But you can control YOURSELF!
  • eed_bookworm
    You need some serious MFP pals for support. Today is my 70th day in a row logging in and tracking my food and exercise. I couldn't make it without the pals who commend my workout efforts and who celebrate my good food choices.

    You have a lot of stress. Just think how much more stressed you will be if you don't do this healthy thing for yourself. Eating right and exercising will give you the energy you need to tackle all the issues in your life and you will feel great about yourself.

    Either search for some friends under the community tab or put a plea in the Support Forum.

    Best of success to you!
  • jec2nd
    jec2nd Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I decided to go eat some prunes for now. They are sweet, and while not the best fruit to eat they are much better than a shake. I've still got plenty of time tonight to work out.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    KUDOS for making a good decision! One good decision leads to many more. :smile:

    MFP is the best, isn't it?
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    That's GREAT!! Do you like fruits and veggies??? I have some things to share with you if you want to friend me!! Your goal is so attainable!! Friend me!
  • jec2nd
    jec2nd Posts: 6 Member
    Ok, so I'm dressed in gym clothes. I stared at my profile pic and asked myself if I wanted to look like that again or not. Sometimes I concede...well, I'm only 30ish pounds over weight. I used to be closer to 50lb. 30lb over is ok, right? NO!!! That pic was just from 5 years ago. That wasn't that long ago, and that type of thinking is what leads to the numbers going up instead of down.

    And several of you are right. If I don't workout tonight I will feel more stressed tomorrow. Along with the interview stress I'll know that I skipped a workout. I don't want that extra feeling of guilt on my plate tomorrow. Plus I don't need to worry about my health and my mom's both.
