


  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    I've been curious about the benefits of walking, too (natural walking, not the dvd walking <sorry, I agree that her voice annoys me too!>). It's a little frustrating to see how little calories it seems to burn when I log it, yet I've read over and over again about the benefits and success of walking. Everyone's responses are encouraging. I've been walking about 4 miles daily for most days of the week. I would really LOVE to see the saddlebags go down as a result!
  • gstrouphar
    Hi! I don't post a whole bunch, but when I saw this topic I just had to chime in. I love the Leslie Sansone routines. I started out on the 2 mile, went up to the 4 mile super challenge and am now doing the 5 mile super fat burning every night. I really do sweat a lot with the 4 & 5 mile routines and it boosts my energy (and spirits) no matter what. I've noted a huge difference in my legs and the "flappy thighs" are shrinking. I've been at it for about 80 days, most of the time I do the DVD's but I also see the need to incorporate outdoor trails and treadmill work on incline if I want the extra burn. I do know that outdoor walking is much, much different than the indoor--including the treadmill. I did 5 miles of powerwalking outside last week and I felt like an old lady for 3 days after! Either way you look at it, 60 minutes of movement, whether it be LS indoor, treadmill or outdoor trails, you're moving that body and burning calories. I've lost 35 lbs in those 80 days and I feel great and looking to power walking to help me get to goal- 60 more lbs. to go. Good luck!
  • Nkauj_Lis
    Nkauj_Lis Posts: 70
    I like her videos too. It's easy to follow. If you exagerate the movements it burns more calories. Now when I do it instead of fast walking I jog. And when she does knee lift, I do it with a little jump. It's really fun when I do it with my girls.
  • alliebob27
    marielenrdz - You can do it! 4 miles of walking is a lot..and that's awesome! Those evil saddlebags I tell ya..lol. I have them too :( They suck!

    gstrouphar - That's awesome!! Congrats on the weight loss..keep it up girl!! And I can tell too when I go from outdoor walking to indoor..TOTAL difference. Outdoor kicks my butt way more than indoor does lol. I'm sore for days usually!

    Nkauj_Lis - Exagerating the movements is actually a good idea :). Thanks
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    LOL...Alliebob..thanks for the encouragement. And I agree that those saddlebags are pure evil...and have you noticed? They're always the last to go! Those suckers hang onto our thighs for dear life, don't they?!