going to bed hungry



  • andrea777
    andrea777 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to have the same problem, I always wanted to eat something right before bed...Now what I try to do is about an hour or two before bed I eat a small bowl of Cheerios and then drink a glass of water...That has helped me to fall asleep without feeling hungry and also help me to not eat RIGHT before bed.

    I am right there w/ you - usually I have a small bowl of cheerios or cornflakes - and I am so happy and satisfied and never go to bed hungry! :)
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I stay up really late most nights because of my work schedule and I find that a small, healthy snack about an hour or so before bed helps me sleep. I have a half cup of applesauce (no extra sugar) or a piece of cheese or similar. I only eat it if I have calories left and genuinely feel hungry.

    Over the last few days I've been eating under my calories and not snacking at bed time. At 3am I woke up so hungry I had to get something to eat. I could tell it wasn't a craving because I reached right past the cookies for some protein. I had a little tuna on low fat crackers, felt immensely better and slept like a baby. Lesson - don't starve yourself. (I know, I'm a slow learner sometimes.)

    So, I think if it's planned eating and not your your heavy meal of the day, a pre-bed snack won't hurt and it might help keep your blood sugars even, which is good for weight loss.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    protein shake in the freezer, huh? never thought to do that.... but now I will! thanks Adam!
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    Eat a healthy snack...:)
  • pchann
    pchann Posts: 84
    One cup plain nonfat yogurt mixed with 1 scoop of casein protein powder. Healthy pudding :)
  • LilMsMeliss
    LilMsMeliss Posts: 1 Member
    I've been drinking a cup of Almond Milk, the vanilla unsweetened kind only has 40 calories per cup, helps the hunger pangs before going to bed.
  • protein shake in the freezer, huh? never thought to do that.... but now I will! thanks Adam!

    Yah I am a huge fan of low carbs, low fats, and low sodium so you don't wake up the next morning all weighed down and groggy! Take care and hope it helps.... Adam
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Tried it at work on Thursday - Froze it for 30 mins. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it just tasted super cold. Nothing amazing. Either way - Protein powder FTW! Love that stuff. Definitely one of my "best finds for 2010" ...
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