Green Tea, Does it work?

So lots of people, magazines, and web sites say that to help lose weight faster drink green tea. Do any of you ladies drink it? Does it work? What are your favorite brands and special flavors of green tea?


  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    What I've read is that it can help to keep you full - and has benefits for antioxydents. (sp?) lot's of hot liquids and even plain water could do the same. I'm not a big fan of green tea, so take a green tea supplement instead. give me black tea or coffee...
  • ChevelleGirl
    Well I bought some today. I got raspberry flavored, and I don't LOVE it. It's gotta be ice ice cold. I did not know they had a green tea pill! That has all the same things in it?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I drink it because I like it. I don't know if it helps to lose weight because of all the other stuff I do to try to lose weight.

    Sorry I can't help.
  • fairyjester
    i drink the diet lipton green tea citrus , i don't drink because of any benefits health or weightloss, i drink cause to me it has a lighter taste then regular tea and i like that
  • kristarablue
    Just read an article on that and I think it will burn an additional 70 or 80 cals. a day however you have to drink a ton of it (I think like 5 cups). I did not think it was worth the weight loss benefits. However, if you like the taste of green tea, I say go for it, but it will not be a great weight loss tool.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    I don't personally like Green Tea. But I do take the Green tea Fat Burner Supplements & they are great. A few weeks ago I reached my plateau & it was getting hard for me to lose. A friend of mine told me about the supplements so I bought me a pack of 10 @ the Dollar General for like $2.00. You take 2 w/ your breakfast & 2 with dinner & they work wonders. After only taking them for 4 days, I lost almost 4 pounds. The most I had lost before the supplements was like 1 - 1 1/2 pounds per week.
  • allroundthesun
    It's helpful for me, but I think moreso because it makes me feel full and gives me a little sweet fix (I put a bit of honey in it) than anything else.
  • ChevelleGirl
    Thanks ladies for all the input!! I think I will try the other flavors to see if I like them, if not I will def go with the supplements instead.
  • hannahgilmore
    Green Tea works and Green Tea supplements work faster, are easier to get a full dose, and are results oriented. These supplements are a combination of Green Tea extract and herbal metabolites and help improve cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, lowers cholesterol and helps fight cancer cells.
  • goldylox1221
    goldylox1221 Posts: 1 Member
    try oolong tea, should help speed your metabolism, drink a cup after you eat.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I know someone who is obsessed with green tea but hasn't lost weight. You'll still need to exercise and eat well. Filling yourself up with any liquid should make you feel full anyway? So I'm a little skeptic. I think it's a healthier alternative to caffeine at least.