Introducing Myself

willrite4food Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So I started using this site a couple weeks ago with two friends of mine (one is getting married Jan. 14 and we all want to look amazing); but I feel as though I haven't really been making the most of the site. There is a whole network of people out there, both similar and different from me that could help motivate and inspire me (and that I could motivate/inspire). I have been trying to lose weight for what feels like forever. I used to be a figure skater, a sport in which the tinier you are the better you'll be. Ever since I quite my sophomore year of high school (due to injury) I have put on more and more weight. During my freshman year of college I was able to lose somewhere between 15-20 lbs (take that freshman fifteen), but since then my weight loss has stagnated and recently I even began to gain some of that weight back (or all my pants simultaneously shrunk).
I know how hard it is to find the motivation and the will power to diet. Especially when our lives are going 95mph. But I believe that is incredibly important to make our goals a reality, not just for our physical health, but for our mental health. I want to be able to go shopping and feel good about myself. I don't want to feel like I have to hide behind baggy clothes and sweatshirts! I'm not saying that appearance in all important, but how we feel about ourselves is. Other people will base their attitudes towards others on a persons attitude about his/herself. It's time that people saw me that way I want to be seen, the "true" me, if you will, without all the self-conscious nonsense getting in the way!!!
I know that sounds corny, but hey, whatever works, right?


  • Well I think you're beautiful, and you can definitely tell that you've lost weight since we left high school! As long as you stay healthy about it, I think you can definitely lose more weight if you wanted to. I saw that your little weight loss ticker as already at -2 pounds, that's awesome! I think with all of us working together on this, I really do believe that we can "make our goals a reality." :tongue:
  • I think its great to get all this stuff out on "Paper?!" You have just started and i know some days its harder than others but i honestly think that no matter what you/we can do this no matter what.... And then that day you have always dreamed will come along and you will go "WOW" i finally look how i feel in side!!! And that will be worth all the days in between....
    Good Luck!
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