"But you're tall...."

I HATE it when I say anything regarding the fact that I am overweight and people respond with "well/but you're so tall it's not as noticeable"
WHAT?!?!?!?!? I was...WAS :)....87lbs overweight! Not 8lbs, not 7lbs, EIGHTY SEVEN! How is that "not noticeable"???
Saying that is like saying, "Yes you're a cow, but you're a TALL cow, so it's not as offensive."
Ugh...people say the dumbest things...
My #1 revenge is that yes I'm tall and chunky right now, but soon I'll just be tall....and AWESOME!!
LOL ;)


  • MissSaraMarie
    MissSaraMarie Posts: 6 Member
    Oh my goodness! I get that too. I HATE IT.
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah... I'm 5'9". I've had people say that to me, as well. I think they were just trying to be nice... :P
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Me too. The danger is I started to believe it. So then I was a tall cow.
    Getting from heifer to calf is taking some work but we'll get there.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I get that ALL the time. It's like becaue I'm 6', it is offensive for me to say I want to lose weight. I get the big sigh, eye roll and: "You're tall, you can carry it, you don't need to lose weight like the rest of us."


    Umm..excuse me? Yes, I do. Just because I'm tall doesn't mean I can't be over weight, or borderline overweight. I am allowed to have concern for my health, and yes, my looks.

    I want to kick them in the shins when they say that.
  • RocketsGirl75
    well i get the....wow you don't look like you weigh that much but it is because you are so tall....yeah well sometime i think i might be as big around as i am tall so didn't you notice that?!? LMAO!!

  • glamazonjenn
    glamazonjenn Posts: 31 Member
    Preach is sista!!! I am 6' 1" and I here all the stupid comments too....I love to shock my close friends with my top weight...and as there jaw just hangs open I say well I know I was nearly 300 pounds but I am so tall.....easier to say now that I am under 250!! Hang in there tall friend...we will be holy hotness when we are tall and thin....we can lose the weight..they can't get any taller...giggle Keep up the good work!!!
  • mamakathy
    mamakathy Posts: 130
    I can relate. I have 8 kids......first response is: Wow! Did you have them all? Followed by: You look great for having 8 kids. To me that's the equivalent of saying you'd look pretty crappy if you only had one or two. I never know quiet how to respond. LOL
  • luvmyboys17
    I hate it too!!! I'm 5'10" and yes I may "hide" it well, but it's STILL there and it's not healthy regardless....
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    LOL! HAD to click on this because I hear this almost daily! I'm 5'11 and a half and people always say "what else do you need to lose". I'm 205 so um, ALOT! lol. Glad to know I'm not alone :)
  • as1789
    as1789 Posts: 46
    Wow, I'm only 5'8" and I get that all the time from my short roommates! It is so deceiving. I actually started to believe it for awhile. Thank God I snapped out of it.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member

    It's like some bizarre parallel universe where tall people SHOULD be overweight. lol I'm going to have to decline that free pass...
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    After hearing so many people say the same thing to me, I began to believe them. I thought I could just continue to eat whatever and not exercise. NOT! Now I find myself not recognizing myself in the mirror as I walk by one in a store. I mean...I don't even know that person! However, I am determined to get rid of the extra me and get back to the old me.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    unfortunately my best friend is very tall, I am very short, I've been losing weight for a year now and she had her second child a while back and is now overweight, I asked her if she wanted to start exercising with me but she actually believes the "ur tall so u dont have to exercise" thing. I'm trying to tell her without TELLING her that she is getting unhealthy, she eats nothing but fast food and never exercises but b/c her mom is stick thin and everyone around her is huge she thinks shes perfectly fine :/
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 5'11 or 6' (depends on who's measuring lol) and I've heard it too. I've also had some amusement seeing shock on people's faces when I tell them my weight. Yes I'm tall, but who cares if I 'carry it well'..I still need to lose the weight! I love seeing tall girls band together lol :) love u all
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    happens to us guys too lol. at 6'2 i was at my fattest 292 i usually stayed around 280 and i'd hear oh well your tall like its acceptable to be fat because youre tall.. now at 255 i hear i'm getting skinny and i'm like i still have another 35 to lose
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I myself am not tall, a little less than average at 5'4 (5'5 in the eighties,,,you know, the hair?:laugh: ) Anyways, I will appologize now, that I may, at some point in my life, possibly, might have suggested the same thing to someone , once. You are correct, we usually dont think before we speak, especially when we have no clue that it could possibly be taken in a completely different manner than what we are trying to say,,,and that is...........

    When we see taller women, I myself anyways, feel as though you do not look overweight. For some strange reason, it just seems that a taller person can carry themselves so much leaner than a shorter person. I have also thought to myself, if I were just a few inches taller, and I wouldnt look so over weight.

    So please, on behalf of all women who are not in that "taller" category, I'M SORRY!!! (but you all do look so much better,,,)
  • wellyourenotSKINNY
    I'm tall as well, I've always been.
    When I told my friend I want to drop 15 pounds, I made him upset becasue he told me "I didn't have 15 pounds to lose."
    Yes, I can carry the weight, but that doesn't mean if I lose some of it, I'll look like a twig.
    Tall chicks are allowed to be banging too ;D
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    happens to us guys too lol. at 6'2 i was at my fattest 292 i usually stayed around 280 and i'd hear oh well your tall like its acceptable to be fat because youre tall.. now at 255 i hear i'm getting skinny and i'm like i still have another 35 to lose

    You know what I hear the most about guys? I hear that it's OK for you to be overweight because you are in fact, a guy. Huh? So...it's wrong for women to be overweight, but not men?

    But back to the OP, my mom used to get something similar to that. She's 6 feet tall, and what people would tell her was that her goal weight was too low because her daughter (me) was her goal weight. Well, here's the thing. Her goal weight is 150. Yeah, I used to weigh 150, but I am 5'5" and at 150 I was FAAAAAAAAAT. I had no muscle tone at all, so I was wearing a size 16/18. They were just saying she didn't want to be 150 because someone shorter than she was 150, but in reality, I was clinically obese at the time.

    I think when it comes to people's goals, others should just seriously mind their business. Anyone can reach any goal they have, regardless of anything else. Shoot, when I was at my heaviest of 191, people told me I would never even get below 150 pounds. And here I am at 138. :tongue:
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    OMG!!! How I hear you on this! I am almost 6'0" and I have always heard that kind of stuff and it drives me nuts. Yes tall people can be unhealthy and let's say it...overweight, obese, fat, chuncky, etc. Heaven forbid if we have to lose a some weight. People look at me like, "are you kidding me???" Seriously. Drives me nuts. So glad to hear other people go through this!!! HAHAHA! :laugh:
  • Darrickb
    Darrickb Posts: 27
    That is funny I am 6'1" was over 320lbs when I told people they would say yeah but you carry it well . That they were so convincing I started to believe it.