Feeling Healthier & Healthier but...

I'm having some issues now that I've made the complete mental & physical change of lifestyle. Now, I'm obsessed with my health and am constantly thinking I should be doing this or that activity-wise, but the problem is then I'll have to consume more to make up for the calories burned and if I'm not hungry that could be a problem.

So, I'm wondering how most of you do it? Because obviously most of us got here or became overweight by pretty similar means...eating poorly and not being physically active enough. So, when it all clicks into place and you're eating healthier and being much more active it becomes habitual. You want to do more and want to be more active because you have the energy to do so, which is my case now as I'm always thinking about what to do or just naturally I'll find myself stretching/moving/etc. How does one embrace the healthy lifestyle, but keep up with fueling all of it in a healthy manner when perhaps at times you may not feel the need to eat?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I personally plan all my meals ahead of time and in the correct range of calories that I expect to need based on a general knowledge of how much calories I burn when I workout.

    If you look at my diary, it's complete through next Friday. I have my plan in front of me and I eat only what's on my plan.

    When I eat and then log it later, I find that I am overeating or undereating an awful lot.
  • JenWorthen3
    JenWorthen3 Posts: 64 Member
    Just be sure that when you are eating, you're eating good filling foods. Lots of high protein things to keep you better nourished. And just make sure you never go under those 1200 calories. On super active days, it's hard to consume that many, but just be sure to not go under too far all the time. Once in a while, it's okay. As your body changes even more, you'll find yourself getting more hungry and wanting those extra calories. And allow yourself to have fun every once in a while. I read the most amazing article in Runners' World a few days ago that talked about not eating enough. It said that your body is like a car. The food you eat is the gas. If you keep driving your car without fueling up, you're going to start doing some serious damage to it. Same thing goes with your body. And remember that fueling up with the good stuff helps you run your body cleaner and smoother. If you filled up your car with high fructose corn syrup, it wouldn't go very far. Neither does your body.

    I personally eat lots of nuts and fruits during the day. My favorite snacks are pistachios or cashews right now. I love those Mrs. May's Trio bars (except for the high sugar content). Foods like these help me to have more energy and feel full longer. Good luck and good health!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I generally do what Lyadeia does also.

    But really the answer to your question is unsalted nuts and natural peanut butter :P That is how I fill up cals with some good healthy stuff. Plus it's damn tasty! :)

    Also, not everyone is on 1200 cals :)
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    Yeah I'm no where near the net 1200, I'm around 1700/day but I'm a pretty big guy to begin with 6'1" 249 Lbs at the moment. I just finally went sub 250 the other day woo and I understand planning meals/food and what you're going to eat and also being able to plan what you're doing workout wise everyday. But my problem isn't any of that it's more or less, that coming with the territory of being healthier is causing me to just naturally be more active meanwhile my appetite has actually gotten smaller. Like I'll find myself stretching randomly and doing weird random pushups for no reason...things like that are more of what I'm talking about. Either way thanks to everyone for the advice & feedback.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Oh yeah, I definitely do that. In front of my tv, I have the following: pilates mat, resistance bands, stretch bands, foam roller, taped tennis balls (for back massage) and a kettlebell.

    I haven't found my appetite to have reduced but it has been a while maintaining weight for me so maybe not best person to answer that one.

    At the end of the day, I reckon if you are going to sit around and watch TV you may as well do something productive while doing it. If that sort of stuff can help your body transform into something that is improved on what it is today, then why not do it? :)
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    Oh yeah, I definitely do that. In front of my tv, I have the following: pilates mat, resistance bands, stretch bands, foam roller, taped tennis balls (for back massage) and a kettlebell.

    I haven't found my appetite to have reduced but it has been a while maintaining weight for me so maybe not best person to answer that one.

    At the end of the day, I reckon if you are going to sit around and watch TV you may as well do something productive while doing it. If that sort of stuff can help your body transform into something that is improved on what it is today, then why not do it? :)

    Yeah very true Chris, one of the things I'm definitely learning that's more true everyday is to listen to my body and what it tells me.