I've worked out my body's secrets!!

bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
And I'm sorry guys but I have to brag!!

I changed things up, shook my body all around and guess what fell off?

1.1 KILOS!!!

Not that exciting? OVER 3 DAYS!!!


Yes yes yes yes - soooo happy and feel SOOOO GOOD.

Sorry guys - that is all :)


  • amii37
    amii37 Posts: 15
    You have every right to brag,so don't be sorry.Awesome job!!!
  • SeaShell33
    SeaShell33 Posts: 141
    you have earned every bit! well done!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    NEVER apologize for making yourself happier and healthier. Celebrate those accomplishments!! People here love to hear success stories to know that they can do it too!! Regardless of what is happening with their bodies at the time. So glad to hear you are succeeding!! :happy:
  • Sarahmami
    Sarahmami Posts: 18
    So what did you do? :)
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Hey Sarah!

    It took a bit of tweaking to work out, but I kick started my plateau with a massive burn last saturday, and made sure I ate well around it (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). I then kept with big burns each day until now.

    The first thing I did with my diet is up the protein for breakfast. This gave me a better start and kicked the metabolism early. Akeep the protein fairly high at lunch and up the carbs at lunch as well. Kept the crap out of my diet, sugar cravings mostly killed with fruit, or simply by walking them off.

    Drinking at least 8 glasses of water and usually more.

    Mixing the cardio exercise. For example, going for a run then immediately jumping on the bike, which challenges different muscles immediately forcing them to burn harder. Exercising in the morning and then staying active through the day to increase the burning.

    My MFP tells me to eat around 1700 calories a day. I usually eat around 2000, this week I have eaten around 1600 of super wholefood with massive amounts of nutrients and goodness, not hungry at the end of the day, and burnt around 1000 calories per day. Doesnt work for everybody (many people "eat" their earnt calories) but it is working for me right now.

    My body will probably need another tweak in a week or so when it flattens out again - I'm looking forward to the challenge again next time!

    And staying positive - the weight WILL fall off eventually, its just trying different things to see if it works :)
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    wow great job!!!
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    Very happy for you!! You go girl!!!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Fantastic progress, I knew you could do it!!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Although I don't know what that is in pounds, congratulations! The important thing for me to know is that you feel great about it! So way to go!
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    this week I have eaten around 1600 of super wholefood with massive amounts of nutrients and goodness, not hungry at the end of the day, [...]

    well, great...now I'm hungry :tongue:
    Sounds super-delicious although it doesn't say anything specific ^^

    Anyways! I'm just proud of you :smile:
    What does your personal trainer friend say to your progress?

    Please be careful with that deceeding the net-calorie goal...as long as it works it may be fine, but then all of a sudden you'll gain the pounds back twice as fast.
    That is the crux of most of the crash diets. :ohwell:
    Reducing calories and working out hard is in sum nothing else...except that you'll gain muscle.

    Just take care...I know you do :wink:
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I love when that happens...but how much is that in LB's? Sorry all american over here and they don't teach us conversions that well...how dare we function like the rest of the world...LOL.
  • Sarahmami
    Sarahmami Posts: 18
    Wow!! You kicked your butt! Way to go! I need to work on my breakfast. That is my one downfall. I hardly ever eat it! And if I do, its only a granola bar.... I work til 11pm and need more calories later in the day.... Suggestions?
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Um I think that 1.1kg is 2.4 pounds?

    Thanks Spaboleo, my plan is to gently easy back the exercise when i get off this "metabolic wave" and gently increase the food back to 2000 calories. My PT is in contact with me every day and confirming how to do this. I was worried initially that I was losing too much too fast, but he has assured me that it all comes back to the big burn on Saturday and there's nothing to be worried of. The amount each day im dropping is decreasing, which is a good sign that I am coming back to normal!

    Ive been with him for 5 years and he has taken me to the fittest I have ever been a few years ago so I trust him!

    Ive virtually lost all cravings for bad food now too which is a massive plus!

    The food im eating is a lot of cottage cheese, pineapple (big fat burning food), wholegrains, mostly organic everything, eggs for breakfast, lots of fruit and vegetables, lean chicken and fish mainly for meat sources. And heaps of water!
  • LeeBeeW
    LeeBeeW Posts: 100
    Well done! I plateau'd for about 6mths :( and over Christmas I finally got the KG's moving again so I know how you feel.
  • Vertigo50
    Vertigo50 Posts: 3 Member
    First of all, great job!

    Second, Google will do conversions for you very easily.

    Just type in: 1.1 kg in pounds

    It will give you the result at the top of the search. In this case:

    1.1 kilograms = 2.42 pounds
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