Not eating enough calories

melissab84 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm having lots of trouble eating all of my calories. MFP says that I am supposed to have at least 1200 per day. I am only netting around 600 after exercise. I do weight watchers as well and I am usually right under my points goal. Typically I will eat a granola bar for breakfast, yogurt & string cheese for lunch, and a salad with something not too heavy for dinner. I can't imagine eating twice as much just to end up at 1200 calories. Plus that will definitely put me over my weight watchers points. Im just worried about loosing muscle mass from not gettin enough calories. Any suggestions?


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Honestly? I'd ditch WW and add some lean protein to your diet along with nuts, whole grains, and just more food.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Honestly you need to eat more. If you are really happy with what you're eating (I sure wouldn't be) try adding some nuts to your lunch and dinner (walnuts in salads are great!). Or a few snacks of, say, cheese and fruit or nuts or something. Add some meat or a slice of garlic bread to your salad. Enjoy yourself with a little pasta once in awhile! lol.
  • geri25
    geri25 Posts: 43 Member
    Honestly? I'd ditch WW and add some lean protein to your diet along with nuts, whole grains, and just more food.

    i agree
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I'll answer in the form of a question: how long do you think you can go on eating so little food? Sure, anyone can live off of a bit of yoghurt and string cheese for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, but I don't think your Weight Watchers plan is teaching you sustainable eating habits for the rest of your life. Eventually, you'll either reach your goal weight or just get tired of not eating and probably slip right back into your old habits that got you in this position in the first place.

    I think you're better off eating what you want in manageable portions and within a certain calorie limit. You'll be better prepared that way for eating a 'maintenance' diet for the rest of your life.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I don't understand how you can survive on so little.

    I agree with baisleac.

    (also BTW, I know a bunch of folks who have done weight watchers, but don't know anyone who was ever able to keep up with maintenance. Everyone gained it all back plus. Really you're young, healthy lifetime eating habit is what it's all about.
  • lsiberian
    lsiberian Posts: 69
    You may be overestimating your exercise calories too. 1200 seems pretty low though. I'd suggest checking your BMI and BMR again. I'm very concerned that you aren't eating enough food.

    You should consider taking the above assessment just to be on the safe side. It never hurts to check up on ourselves and make sure that our goals to be healthy don't turn us into unhealthy people.
  • I have to agree eating nuts is good. I have been on a diet now for 9 weeks and lost 28 lbs. I get the big bag of mountain trail mix from walmart and snack on that through out the day. I eat 2 meals a day and drink nothing but water besides my morning coffee :) But remember the nuts and try switching out what you are eating. I have also ate sandwich meat with out the bread :) I cut all bread out to. I hope this helps a little :) Have a good one and good luck :)
  • lmlscott
    lmlscott Posts: 1
    I'm having the same trouble. I did better today. I made a bunch of different salads ie whole grain vegie pasta, tuna salad, pea salad with boiled eggs, and chicken salad. . Now when I know I need to eat more, I have a selection of good stuff to choose from, which has helped. Good luck with it. Never thought that not eating enough would ever be an issue with me. I'm learning alot on this site!
  • Rikkijean
    Rikkijean Posts: 21
    when i'm under my 1200 calorie goal i have a glass of 100% orange juice or oasis antioxia berry n pomegranate juice...they are high in calories good for you and not fattening at all...makes a great calorie substitute.......or fresh fruit salad (same general concept)
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    This is just me, but I have to eat enough, or I will lack energy the next day. I have to eat between 1200 and 1500 calories or I won't feel right the next day. When I need to make up some calories, I usually will eat some nuts- very good for you and high in calories. That way I don't have to eat too much, I also like smoothies....the right one can help you get enough calories.
  • reymemo
    reymemo Posts: 8
    I dont know about the weight watchers and if they even consider loss of muscle mass. You definitely need to up your calories but make sure they're clean. If you don't want to get into a catabolic state (lose muscle mass) you need to eat more and more protein as well.
  • melissab84
    melissab84 Posts: 3 Member
    I really don't have a problem with not eating much during the day. I'm a nurse and I am super busy at work. I have a hard time even finding the time to drink all the water I need. So being hungry doesn't come up much. I will occasionally have an apple or another granola bar on my way home so that I have some energy before I go to the gym. I do enjoy eating different types of nuts but the fat worries me. I'm not far under on my fat intake and I would rather be under on my calories than over on my fat. I've been eating this way for the past couple months and for the most part it keeps me satisfied but it hasn't helped me loose any weight lately. I'm just trying to figure out if changing things up a bit will get me back on track.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I do enjoy eating different types of nuts but the fat worries me.

    Fat is not the enemy. Healthy fats are actually beneficial, including those found in nuts, avocados, and fish.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I do enjoy eating different types of nuts but the fat worries me. I'm not far under on my fat intake and I would rather be under on my calories than over on my fat.

    Nuts have healthy fat, which is not just not bad for you but actually GOOD for... brain function, increasing heart health and decreasing diabetes and probably more stuff I can't remember right now

    Rather than tracking overall fat. Track SATURATED FAT and/or CHOLESTEROL. These are what will cause health problems.
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