500 calories over daily limit!!!

Not even including my F***IN beers or coke and rum!!!!!

Eff-ity eff eff!!!!!


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Hit the wrong button...too late here.

    Anyway, forget about it, it's done and over. You logged it and that's great. You can learn from that and move forward. You can choose to wallow in self pity, chalk it up to a cheat day, free meal, whatever you want to call it, or just let it go.

    The bottom line, you're going to have days like this. Just don't make them too many. 1. We're human. 2. You got to enjoy life a bit, too. 3. We didn't gain weight by one bad day.

    Cheer up, hon, it's not the end. Sleep it off and make tomorrow a brand new day! :)
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    it's ok! Once in a while!
  • funnythunder
    Eff-ity eff eff!!!!!

    Made me Smile XD

    Sorry, probably not the motivation you require!!

  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    it's ok! Once in a while!

    i just feel so crappy bc of it =(
  • Jouquetta
    Jouquetta Posts: 20
    It's ok! You're in familiar grounds for all of us!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Why are you letting HIM do that to you? You know you don't want to make those choices, and you know what to do in order to make better choices to make you healthy.

    I'm sorry that it all happened, but you can't let the situation drag you down. Find something else to take your mind off food and alcohol. Call some friends, go for a walk, do *something.*

    This too shall pass, but what's the use of making a tender situation even worse by making yourself feel miserable?

    If he didn't do for you what is good for you, then you gotta turn around and do what is good for you. By continuing down this path you will only start to feel guilt, depression, and sadness.

    Tomorrow is a new day, and start it out right by eating a healthy breakfast. Resolve to drink only water or tea all day. Do things that you really enjoy with people that enjoy your company. And don't let the grief of a break-up cause you grief in other areas of your life.

    Take it from the perpetually dumped woman. It's just not worth it. And in time you will realize, neither is he.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Today is just ONE day! Tomorrow is a new day! If it makes you feel better....do a harder/longer workout tomorrow!! One day will not totally ruin your efforts...just learn from it and move on! I must admit I am guilty myself. I have had a couple beers tonight, but guess what??? I don't care. From day to day I think about everything I eat or drink, measuring everything etc. We must enjoy ourselves sometimes!!! It doesn't mean that we have completely fallen off the path!! If you're going to have a crazy day once in a while...well HELL enjoy it!!!!
  • dorcry
    dorcry Posts: 10
    me too :-( I was hoping someone else cheats with drinks on this site. I had two glasses of wine on top of my tropical smoothie dinner. I am about 800 calories over... Tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend, I might as well take a sedative for the whole weekend and pretend I am sick..
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Why are you letting HIM do that to you? You know you don't want to make those choices, and you know what to do in order to make better choices to make you healthy.

    I'm sorry that it all happened, but you can't let the situation drag you down. Find something else to take your mind off food and alcohol. Call some friends, go for a walk, do *something.*

    This too shall pass, but what's the use of making a tender situation even worse by making yourself feel miserable?

    If he didn't do for you what is good for you, then you gotta turn around and do what is good for you. By continuing down this path you will only start to feel guilt, depression, and sadness.

    Tomorrow is a new day, and start it out right by eating a healthy breakfast. Resolve to drink only water or tea all day. Do things that you really enjoy with people that enjoy your company. And don't let the grief of a break-up cause you grief in other areas of your life.

    Take it from the perpetually dumped woman. It's just not worth it. And in time you will realize, neither is he.

    Ummm, did we miss something? I think you are sharing more info than the OP intended. I think you aren't helping the cause.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Why are you letting HIM do that to you? You know you don't want to make those choices, and you know what to do in order to make better choices to make you healthy.

    I'm sorry that it all happened, but you can't let the situation drag you down. Find something else to take your mind off food and alcohol. Call some friends, go for a walk, do *something.*

    This too shall pass, but what's the use of making a tender situation even worse by making yourself feel miserable?

    If he didn't do for you what is good for you, then you gotta turn around and do what is good for you. By continuing down this path you will only start to feel guilt, depression, and sadness.

    Tomorrow is a new day, and start it out right by eating a healthy breakfast. Resolve to drink only water or tea all day. Do things that you really enjoy with people that enjoy your company. And don't let the grief of a break-up cause you grief in other areas of your life.

    Take it from the perpetually dumped woman. It's just not worth it. And in time you will realize, neither is he.

    i kno i kno i kno!! i mean all i drink is water normally and im almost ALWAYS one to two hundred calories under my goal. But freaking crap! Its insane how insecure i've felt today! even before we broke up! I just started my dieting and constant work out 2 weeks ago and i heard bloating will happen as my body adjusts and i just REALLY felt it today. All i can say is lesson learned. From being sad bout me and my BF breaking up, to my over eating bc of silly emotions that'll pass.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Why are you letting HIM do that to you? You know you don't want to make those choices, and you know what to do in order to make better choices to make you healthy.

    I'm sorry that it all happened, but you can't let the situation drag you down. Find something else to take your mind off food and alcohol. Call some friends, go for a walk, do *something.*

    This too shall pass, but what's the use of making a tender situation even worse by making yourself feel miserable?

    If he didn't do for you what is good for you, then you gotta turn around and do what is good for you. By continuing down this path you will only start to feel guilt, depression, and sadness.

    Tomorrow is a new day, and start it out right by eating a healthy breakfast. Resolve to drink only water or tea all day. Do things that you really enjoy with people that enjoy your company. And don't let the grief of a break-up cause you grief in other areas of your life.

    Take it from the perpetually dumped woman. It's just not worth it. And in time you will realize, neither is he.

    Ummm, did we miss something? I think you are sharing more info than the OP intended. I think you aren't helping the cause.

    its ok. i DID post a thread a bit earlier about my bf and i breaking up and i was about to binge and drink =/
  • alikikiay
    alikikiay Posts: 5 Member
    You can pretend you can have the 500 I still need to eat and I won't eat them! :)
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    me too :-( I was hoping someone else cheats with drinks on this site. I had two glasses of wine on top of my tropical smoothie dinner. I am about 800 calories over... Tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend, I might as well take a sedative for the whole weekend and pretend I am sick..

    I think we shall look at it as ONE day that we've learned from and though we enjoyed today, we will work our nest tomorrow to be healthier =)
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    Keep your head up, Girl! Worrying about it and feeling guilty won't change your consumption of yesterday. Just remember how bad you feel about it now and fix it for tomorrow! We ALL make those kinds of decisions every now and then. We're human. Just know that it's okay, it's over and on to the next! Good luck and just think about the progress you've made so far! We're all proud of you, regardless of yesterdays caloric intake! :happy:
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Keep your head up, Girl! Worrying about it and feeling guilty won't change your consumption of yesterday. Just remember how bad you feel about it now and fix it for tomorrow! We ALL make those kinds of decisions every now and then. We're human. Just know that it's okay, it's over and on to the next! Good luck and just think about the progress you've made so far! We're all proud of you, regardless of yesterdays caloric intake! :happy:

    thank you soooo much for your positive feedback!!! ok yes!!! today was my day of "freedom," (positive thinking ha) and tomorrow ill work out twice as hard and eat twice as healthy!!!!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Ok...sorry, I suppose I'm a little sensitive due to the terrible invasive posts that I read earlier! So in this case...... Don't let some guy rule the roost honey! You got along before him and you will get along after him! You're a strong woman......say that to yourself!! I AM A STRONG WOMAN! I RULE MY ROOST!!! hahaha that sounds funny!!! Keep your head up darling.....it's obviously his loss!
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    SOUNDS GREAT! But don't push it too much. Unfortunately, we can't play "catch up" with our calories, work outs, etc. :sad: And remember...

  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Ok...sorry, I suppose I'm a little sensitive due to the terrible invasive posts that I read earlier! So in this case...... Don't let some guy rule the roost honey! You got along before him and you will get along after him! You're a strong woman......say that to yourself!! I AM A STRONG WOMAN! I RULE MY ROOST!!! hahaha that sounds funny!!! Keep your head up darling.....it's obviously his loss!

    oh i COMPLETELY understand!! But yes i am! I am a strong woman!!! I've let my emotions take over me and I let myself be silly and feel weak!!! Its definitely time to take over my life!!! I hope the more I say I'm strong woman, the more it'll help! Lord knows I need it =/
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    SOUNDS GREAT! But don't push it too much. Unfortunately, we can't play "catch up" with our calories, work outs, etc. :sad: And remember...


    Amen sister!!!

    But thats true. I dnt want to pull anything or starve myself. I also just read that eating a little above your calories for one day can increase ur metabolism more bc its almost like "playing" with it. Making it more activated and aware =]]
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    SOUNDS GREAT! But don't push it too much. Unfortunately, we can't play "catch up" with our calories, work outs, etc. :sad: And remember...


    Amen sister!!!

    But thats true. I dnt want to pull anything or starve myself. I also just read that eating a little above your calories for one day can increase ur metabolism more bc its almost like "playing" with it. Making it more activated and aware =]]

    This is true, as long as it's healthy food. Definitely don't starve yourself. See... you know what's good for you. Now, just make the decision every day to do what's right for you! You're worth it and only you can control it! Show us what you've got! : )