30 day shred

Hi i have read a few things on here about the 30 day shred. its not something i have heard of before i saw it on this site as its not big Australia.
Just wondering if or who recommends it and if it would be worth me buying and what its like?
Is it exercises or aerobics style?

Any help would be great!


  • Foxerlina
    Foxerlina Posts: 51
    I'm wondering the same thing! I googled and found that it was the Jillian Michaels workout, which to me looks like an intense strength workout as opposed to cardio based exercise. I'll most likely just go ahead and buy it when I get paid! I'm feeling the urge for a new challenge :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I hadn't heard of in here in the UK before joining this site either. but I'm so glad I did! Its a fantastic work out. Only 25 mins long including warm up and cool down, but its definitely tough! Its in a circuit training format of 3 mins strengh, 2 mins cardio, 1 min abs repeated over 3 different circuits. Sounds easy right? Thats what I thought, but it really gets your heart rate up! It has 3 levels which you progress through, moving up after 10 days or when you feel ready (I found the 10 days about right) so you don't get bored doing the same routine over and over. Once I completed the 30 days I started doing 2 levels back to back fo an even tougher plan. I still use it in rotation with my other Jillian Michaels dvds several times a week. Its my favourite work out!
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    It's good. It's like 20 mins circuit training. Check it out on youtube. I would say it's a good start. :smile:
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    hard core circuit training!! lol i love it. 3 minutes of of strengthening, 2 minutes of card, 1 minute of abs.
    do level 1 for 10 days(or whenever ur comfortable enough to move on. if ur not comfortable to move on after 10 days, do it awhile longer.)
    level 2 for 10 days
    level 3 for 10 days


    i personally love it. i think its pretty intense if ur not a person who works out hard core regularly ha

    good luck!
    i def recommend it =)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, I know everyone will vary but how many calories approx do you burn from this? I started today but not sure what to record.

  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi, I know everyone will vary but how many calories approx do you burn from this? I started today but not sure what to record.


    put it under circuit training general for 27 minutes =)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Ok thanks, I will.x
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I log it under circuit training but my HRM says I burn a few more cals than MFP gives me for that. Around 300 for level 1 and 320-350 ish for levels 2 and 3. I'm 5ft 9.5 and 155lbs if that helps.
  • welcominganewself
    It is definitely worth doing. Jillian Michaels gives you an intense 20 minute full body workout. It is intense, but do able and you feel incredilbe after. You can find it pretty cheap on amazon.com. I am on day 5 and can already feel a difference in my endurance :)
  • anamelina
    anamelina Posts: 13
    It's intense and quite tough, but the exercises are not too technically difficult and there is a lot of strength training involved which really gets your heart rate up. I am on day 12 and really enjoying the challenge, but also really noticing a change in my body which looks and feels much more toned. But be warned Gillian is an aquired taste as she is quite a tough trainer and comes accross quite bossy, but I like how she is very motivating! Good luck its worth it!
  • tppm
    tppm Posts: 5 Member
    A friend at school told us about this video that she got for Christmas. 6 of us bought it now at school and I have ordered it for two more of my friends. We love it! 20 minutes! Who doesn't have time for that. And it is a great sweat-on!
  • siancatrin
    siancatrin Posts: 7 Member
    I started it on Sunday for the first time and it is a killer!!!!! Honestly my arms and legs have been in so much pain! But I feel better for doing it and it really is a good work out! xx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Im hoping I can keep it up, do you do it on days you do other exercise too? I go swimming and to Zumba a few times a week too.
