Ulcer! :(

I have a stomach ulcer... and its really, really frustrating me! For the past month, I've been under the assumption that perhaps I was lactose intolerant, as I've been experiencing digestive discomfort, usually after having swiss cheese, though other things (steak, fish) have upset my stomach. About a week ago, my morning coffee was making me feel like I was dying. For three days I dealt with it. The fourth day I had some green tea that was even worse! That was when I went to the dr.

Since then, I have cut out caffeine (all of it), all animal flesh and animal by-products. I'm eating lots of veggies, fruits, and whole grains but this thing is still causing me pain.. I do not know what to do differently. There doesn't really seem to be a pattern now in my food choices, but it mainly bothers me in the morning (tomorrow is day 3 of taking prilosec in the am) and its really painful at night, but not every night. I can't even have herbal tea, as I feel it only makes things worse.

Anyone have any strategies for dealing with stomach ulcers? I'm interested in trying anything that might help me keep the pain and discomfort away. I forget what it is like to feel nothing after eating-- I cannot wait.


  • VialOfDreams
    If you have ulcers you need to go to the doctor, so they can prescribe antibiotics. They used to think ulcers was caused by acidic foods, but they now know that it is a bacterial issue.

  • mycrazyturtles
    Milk always helps coat the stomach and ice cream. Take another prilosec at night if you have to. Stay AwAY from caffeine and steak for sure. Chicken does not usually bother me.
    Also see if your doctor can give you samples of nexium it works way better. Then once under control you can go back to prilosec.
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I had an ulcer when I was like 16 I think. I remember the doctor had me taking Mylanta and I was on a bland, soft food diet for a while. I'm sorry! I know they suck and I hope you get some relief!
  • manda907
    manda907 Posts: 22
    Milk always helps coat the stomach and ice cream. Take another prilosec at night if you have to. Stay AwAY from caffeine and steak for sure. Chicken does not usually bother me.
    Also see if your doctor can give you samples of nexium it works way better. Then once under control you can go back to prilosec.

    Milk can actually make the ulcer worse as it promotes acids in the stomach to work hard thus most people that have ulcers when drinking milk thing they are having lactose issues when it's really the milk irritating it even more.

    My husband was having issues as well and found that Prilosec OTC worked better for him than Nexium (and cost a heck of a lot cheaper!!!!)
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Hey! We are ulcer buddies! Tips that have helped me - please remember this board is not a doctor, but I am happy to share what worked for me and my doctor:

    Take Priloesec/Nexium morning AND night
    No coffee, soda or tea
    No chocolate, as chocolate made it hurt badly (and this was at Christmas time too, with all the yummy candy!)
    No greasy foods or fast foods.
    Eat small frequent meals... Do not fill your belly up all the way or it will hurt!
    No alcohol or nicotine. Do not even think about touching alcohol or you will PAY beyond all belief.
    Stress makes everything worse, and this is no exception.

    These are all so hard to do, but it sounds like your a good way there. Eating small meals, with no spices or peppers is helpful. With the proper combination of medication, diet and lifestyle modifications you should be well on your way.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    H2 receptor antagonists (ie pepcid and zantac) or bismuth subsalicylate (pepto bismol) are temporary treatments.
    The H2 meds decrease secretions to decrease the irritation, and the pepto coats the stomach lining to cause less inflammation.

    Ideally you should have your doctor do some testing for H.Pylori.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    A friend of mine and my father both had ulcers caused by an h-pylori infection. Over the counter meds may ease the symptoms, but they don't cure it. You need anti-biotics. There are specific tests they can do to diagnose exact cause.

    If my dad and Dawn's experience are any guide you should go to the doctor sooner rather than later. The longer it goes untreated the worse it is.
  • emily859
    emily859 Posts: 38
    ah!! Thanks! I was doing half the right stuff you mentioned- but I was definitely eating "big" meals (not totally big by caloric standards, but they made me feel really, really full).

    How long did it take you to get rid of yours?
  • emily859
    emily859 Posts: 38
    As the bacteria go, I am going back on Wednesday. If its not any better, she's going to do the tests and refer me to the specialist. I was just hoping I don't have to go that route.
  • manda907
    manda907 Posts: 22
    Sometimes doctors will have patients get an endoscopy done to check and see if it's really an ulcer or what's going on. Just a heads up, really not a bad proceed and very quick to do. They usually just kind of knock you out and most people don't even remember what went on afterwards.
  • mycrazyturtles
    Milk always helps coat the stomach and ice cream. Take another prilosec at night if you have to. Stay AwAY from caffeine and steak for sure. Chicken does not usually bother me.
    Also see if your doctor can give you samples of nexium it works way better. Then once under control you can go back to prilosec.

    Milk can actually make the ulcer worse as it promotes acids in the stomach to work hard thus most people that have ulcers when drinking milk thing they are having lactose issues when it's really the milk irritating it even more.

    My husband was having issues as well and found that Prilosec OTC worked better for him than Nexium (and cost a heck of a lot cheaper!!!!)

    well milk always made my stomach better and Nexium worked for me not Prilosec, I was just giving my opinion. But I know a lot of milk can create digestive enzymes that are not good for ulcers. I only drank it before bed and it helped me a lot.