Hi Everyone!!

I just joined MFP yesterday and I LOVE IT!, I was previously using another site and thought a change in scenery would be good for me. I am 26 and I'm looking to lose 70lbs. I work full-time and I'm also a full time student. I recently fell in love with spinning, and have been giving it my all. I'm here to work on reaching my goals and make some new friends along the way. So, nice to meet you all and Good luck to everyone!:smile:


  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    You will love it....welcome, good luck!
  • kahlah23
    kahlah23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! I am also a full time student and I work full time as well. It is hard finding the time to eat properly with such a busy schedule. I would like to lose 100 pounds. I recently joined fitness bootcamp and am loving it. Good luck with your weight loss! You can do it!
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    welcome and good luck, feel free to add away ......
  • Lady_G
    Lady_G Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome to the site. You are going to love it. Like you I was using another similar site and only changed after being disappointed when they finally released their mobile phone app (which was so bad). I changed to this site about 1 month ago and was pleased to find that it was actually better than the site that I was actually using.

    Good luck with your weight loss.
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    hey! yes! welcome.. spinning is awesome and so is mfp.. you will love it here! feel free to add me chrissyv1024
    have a great wekeend!