Anyone who has lost, reached goal, and maintained?

I would like to hear from anyone who has successfully lost, reached goal, and maintained for over one year (one year of maintenance after loss).

I am just feeling so discouraged these last couple weeks - I am losing faith in myself - I am scared that I won't be able to keep this up... the diet change and exercising - I'm starting to feel burned out. I've been at it since Feb 1. Honestly - I don't know if I've ever gone this far without losing interest by now. Reality is setting in that I really must continue this forever if I want to acheive my weight loss dream. I want to believe I can do it - but I really am feeling a big time burn out with the dieting and eating. I don't even bother to log lately. UGH

Anyhow - didn't mean to ramble. Anyone who has done this and is maintaining, I really want to hear your story.


  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I hear ya...I'm losin my motivation....I was out of town for a week and it's totally thrown me off and I haven't been able to get back on track yet....
  • Dalejr
    Dalejr Posts: 17 Member
    I have been doing this for 2 yrs. It's a lifestyle change. For me it's easier in the winter. Summer is hard, parties, bbq's, etc. Just keep it up. I think that losing slowly is a lot harder but better in the long run.
    Good Luck
  • writenina
    writenina Posts: 35
    Maybe you are doing too much, or tried to make too many changes at once? I started in late jan and i can honestly say im not feeling the same.
  • Deberlin88
    Deberlin88 Posts: 70 Member
    I started my weight loss journey back in 2008 when I weighed 183 lbs. It took me about 15 months to reach my goal weight of 140, then another 4 months or so to lose 50 lbs total. I maintained that for over a year by keeping at what got me there. Since June of last year, I've gained about 15 lbs, so am working towards losing that again. While it hard, and can be frustrating at times, I know that it's a lifestyle change that is worth it in the long run. I cannot begin to tell you how great I felt last year and how much confidence I had. You've lost 17 lbs, so you're doing great so far! Keep it up and you will LOVE the results! Trust me. :)
  • kknudson
    kknudson Posts: 60 Member
    I lost my first 50 lbs and maintained that for a year. Now I'm losing again to get to my ultimate goal weight.

    Sometimes, excercise can get tedious, that's true. But it's those times when you just have to ask yourself if you really want to lose the weight and be healthy. If you do, you'll change something up. Join a fun class, pick up a fun active hobby like horseback riding, biking, hiking, etc. Or just take a long walk to clear your head. If you really want to lose weight, you just have to accept that parts of it will suck, but not all of it has to. Have some fun, girl!

    Also, make sure you're getting enough calories so you don't feel deprived. That can really make the diet part a drag.

    Give yourself time to get used to the changes you've made. You've given yourself a challenge- make yourself proud!!!!!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have only been in maintenance a month. It has to be a total lifestyle change and getting your mind wrapped around that is the first step. There are 2 realities to consider... change nothing (diet, exercise) and change nothing (weight, health) or do the work to get what you want. It is work... I exercise, spend time planning meals and grocery shopping for healthy fresh food, logging everything I put in my mouth... because I wanted to be healthy and I wanted to lose weight. It doesn't come for free, friend. It takes work but it is so worth it!

    Maintaining was a little sketchy at first for me because I was still in the mindset of losing weight... this is the first time in my life I have not wanted to lose and it is so refreshing! So- I didn't have any problem with slipping into old habits b/c those old habits are out of here and are replaced with an entirely new lifestyle that I want and enjoy maintaining. I love the way I feel now and love the way I look... I would never give that up for the junk I used to shove in my mouth and the sedentary lifestyle that once held me captive.

    I have gained back years of my life and can now fully enjoy the family I work so hard for... you can do it... you just have to do it. If you don't- then nothing will change. It is all in your hands. I promise it is worth it! Put in the work and reap the benefits. You CAN do it! You are much stronger than food.

    Food doesn't love you back, it doesn't care about your health, it doesn't care if you die.... your friends do, your family does, we do! Be strong and stay the course!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    HI! I've kept my weight off for a year now. i do still want to lose another 15 to 20lbs but losing 70 was my origional goal. its been pretty easy to maintain actually. i work out at least 4 times a week for an hour. sometimes i'm lucky and get 5 days a week in, but i've been busy lately so its been more like 3 or 4 times. i eat weel during the week and on the weekends i kinda go overboard, but i figure since i've done so well its okay. im comfortab;e where im at now and i dont get as upset as i did before if i do eat something that really high in fat. like pizza. :glasses: but it can be done. i was overweight for 6 years before i finally said enough is enough. my sister got married and when i saw the pictures from her wedding, that was my a-ha moment. when i was losing weight i was exercising at least 5 or 6 times a week and depending on how i felt, worked out for an hour to an hour and a ha;d each time. i was very strict on my diet for the most part. i am super lazy, and i still dont like exercising. but i do it. if i can do it, anyone can. so just hang in there and remember you can do anything if you set your mind to it. my favorite saying is "what would you attemp to do if you knew you wouldn not fail?" so be strong!!!:glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile: :drinker: good luck!!!
  • jackier19
    jackier19 Posts: 24 Member
    I started in June and successfully lost 70 lbs. It's easy to lose your focus but keep reminding yourself why you decided to do this in the first place. I was sick of feeling uncomfortable in my own body. I wanted to enjoy life with my husband and run around with my two boys. Right now I'm in the maintaining phase. I'm trying to find the right balance of eating right and actually enjoying the things I couldn't have before. I have a 5 lb wiggle room rule set for myself. I know if I get to that 5 lb mark I have to focus on eating healthy and exercise.

    Everyone has moments of weakness but keep moving forward. One bad meal does not destroy your efforts. And always remember what a great thing you are doing for yourself by getting healthy! Good luck!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    You guys are all such wonderful, beautiful people - and I feel inspired to continue - it won't last forever, I'm sure - but this post has lifted me up. I know one thing - I am not using MFP to its full potential. I don't log anymore, and I have friend requests out the wazoo that I've never responded to - I have been skeptical as to whether it would help to have "online' friends. I am a big fan or REAL LIFE, know what I mean? But... after reading some of these lovely, kind posts, I think I may have to look into MFP a little deeper.