Just starting out... again.

Hey everyone. I'm Danielle and I've actually been at this for a while on and off. I live on a college campus where good foods and working scales are hard to come by. I can't keep motivated, so I decided to try and gain some insight from all of you. :) Already after reading one post, I've decided that I would be better off going to the gym after class today. Just need to make the next step and get into some workout gear because if I'm not set to go before class, I'll just come back here and sleep. The only other thing that gets me off track is the lack of scales on campus. I would love to know how much weight I've lost already because I can feel it in the way I carry myself, but having a solid number would make me more inclined to lose more, I suppose.
But if you've read this far, thanks. If you have any tips or insight, even better.
Hopefully making myself accountable to someone on this website will help to motivate me.
Thanks guys!

*Today's fitness adventures:
Gym at Noon
Relay for Life!


  • 1111renee
    1111renee Posts: 108 Member
    get yourself a scale for your dorm room...............have a gym bag ready packed so you can jet right after class.........good luck :)
  • Codygirlslim
    Totally agree with that! Get your personal scale...slide it under your bed. They are as cheap as $9 at Wal-Mart. I like the gym bag idea too, or get yourself some DVD's and do them in your lounge or room (if there is room). YOU CAN DO THIS DARLIN! Remember, you are setting up habits for the rest of your life here! And all of us will be here when you need us!! :happy:
  • CollegeGirl19
    haha, thanks guys. i just went to class in my gym clothes because no one cares if you dress up in college. :)
    i did find a working scale at the gym after much hunting and a few locked doors, but i definitely think i will have to get my own scale for next year!
    it's nice to have friends on here.