Pumpkin Oatmeal

draya114 Posts: 46 Member
Pumpkin oatmeal is easy, delicious, and super filling!

1 package of regular instant oatmeal
2 spoonfuls of pure canned pumpkin ( you can use more or less it really doesn't matter)
cinnamon to taste
Skim milk for consistency of your choice

Mix together and pop in the microwave for about 1min 30 sec

You can add vanilla, craisins, nuts, raisins.....Whatever you want! This recipe is so versatile and can be altered any way
Use milk generously. It absorbs alot of it. And if its too runny for you after the first 1min 30 sec just pop it in for a little longer.
Tip: The more liquid you use and the longer you cook it equals more oatmeal!


  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I will be trying that, thank you! x
  • skramer13
    skramer13 Posts: 70 Member
    Ooh, I love pumpkin...will definitely be trying this. Thanks!
  • ValMae
    ValMae Posts: 52 Member
    Oh my gosh, I LOVE anything pumpkin-y or spice-y! This sounds so good!
  • cabbie461
    cabbie461 Posts: 23
    MMM...yes I think so. Beats plain porridge with skim milk. I put a little glucodin powder on mine this morning.( No fructose) Improved it a bit. Would'nt touch the stuff if it wasn't so good for you. Porridge I mean.
  • Simone1970
    This sounds delicious! I'm heading to the grocery store now and will definitely pick up some canned pumpkin and oatmeal. Sounds like a very nice treat for during the day, can't wait to try!
  • Thea_N
    Thea_N Posts: 16
    THIS LOOKS DELISHHH: a little tip.. try with quaker quick or old fashioned oats...Instant oatmeal is simply thinly rolled oats which are then cut into very small pieces and pre-cooked by steaming. The oatmeal is then typically “enhanced” with oftentimes salt, sugar, and in some cases, preservatives. It’s then stuck in little 1 oz serving packets for convenience. Unsweetened, instant oatmeal has a glycemic load of 17 versus 13 for regular oats, which means it will spike your blood sugar more quickly (not good). Try the other oats, hopefully you wont be disappointed!
  • Iris0022
    Iris0022 Posts: 54
    I have made the same thing except with quinoa instead of oatmeal. it is one of my favorite things for breakfast.
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    Would totally try this with quinoa as I am staying away from grains. Sounds good!
  • fluffyinny
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    sounds delicious
  • missziathediva
    Oh that sounds good!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member