Just feeling disgusting!!!

ChristineMiller2 Posts: 116
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm sooooo disappointed, I try to stay positive but dang! I'm always at or under my caolorie count, I drink plenty of water and then some and I eat pretty dang well as far as choices! The scale is NOT moving. I work out 5 days a week, weights, cardio and Zumba.......what the hell? The first time I weighed in I had lost 5 lbs, but I'm assuming a lot of that was kicking up my water intake, but I've been working out since October of last year and I see no weight loss? I'm sure I've added some muscles but not enought to off set, lets see 1 lb a week at 5 months I should've been at my goal weight by now but I'm at the SAME weight. Ready to quit, I feel fat, ugly and am just disgusted with no results for all my effort. :*(


  • girl..I am so with you. I started running a year ago..watch what I eat and drink water like it is going out of style..the scale hasn't moved..and at first I was okay with this...I just waited for my pants to fit different..working out changes your body right...nope..I am still the exact same weight and pants size as I was a year ago. I can see a change in my endurance..I could barly run 1 minute a year ago and now I am up to about 45 minutes of running straight..so I know something is working..but what about my damn weight! So discouraging..makes me want to eat that brownie bottome pie everyday..I mean why not..UGH!!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    If you open your diary, I can take a look and be able to offer some help. Generally speaking, you should try to keep track of your fiber and sodium intake as well. Consistency is key and sometimes you wont see a change for a while and then a consistent drop... you just have to stick with it.
  • alexj8403
    alexj8403 Posts: 38
    are either of you on BC? The Depo shot and some pills tend to hinder weight loss.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Please don't be so hard on yourself - You need to realize that you don't have much to lose... so it is going to be a slower process. I know it sucks - but that's just how it works.

    What is your goal loss per week? If it's 2 lbs (or even 1 lb) you should drop it to 1/2 a pound per week. That will up your allowed calories - It sounds crazy, but you may just not be eating enough for as little as you have to lose. The body is VERY stubborn, and tends to hold on to those last 5-15 pounds the most.

    Your food diary's private - but you're likely to get a lot more advice if you open it up. Chances are, there are things you can tweak that might help you start losing.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Try to wrap your mind around the idea that you are doing this for your health too, not just your weight. Every effort you make is making you healthier, whether the scale drops or not. I know how you feel about being disgusted with yourself, but you have to pick out the positive points of your journey to help you keep going! You are getting healthier every day! :) Keep your chin up. You can do it!!!!
  • No I'm not on any medication. Over the past two years I put on 10 pounds I REALLY don't want! And I feel like I've never worked harder for it to go.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I'm always at or under my caolorie count
    This is not neccessarily a good thing.
  • Fiber and sodium......I think I'm high on the sodium side. But I thought mainly it all boiled down to calories? :( I'm feeling very overwhelmed.....I'm pmsing lol
  • I'm never FAR under and sometimes over but usually close. I guess thats what I don't understand I thought we were suppose to be at or near our calorie count if we aren't whats the point?
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Are you using a food scale to weigh your food? Are you using a heart rate monitor to accurately measure & log your calorie burn? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you logging everything you eat & drink? Is your sodium level below 2,300mg every day? Is your activity level set correctly? Did you take your measurements at the beginning of your lifestyle change?
  • I have also gained 10 lbs in the last year..and at first I thought to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. I am on no meds at all..I even stopped my multi vitamin and make sure I get in my 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies...I am usualy never under the recommended calories...if I have a few left over..I look for something to eat to get it where it is suppose to be...I do eat lots of protein and carbs when I am training for a race..like now I am training for a half marathon..and let me just say that I am way above where I should be for weight...weighing in a 188lbs...5'9"
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    You do a lot of exercise! Do you log this and if so do you eat back some or all the calories?
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    If you haven't lost any weight, I automatically think you're doing something wrong. A lot of people love that late night drink of wine or they love to sneak something fatty on the side without logging it. Have you ever said this, "Oh, I can have a piece of that because I burned an X-amount of calories during Zumba?" If you've ever made that statement, then that might be the root of the problem. The only thing that I truly do know is this, "If you give up because of what that scale said, you'll never ever have that bikini body."
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    I know how your feeling. I have struggled with weight all my life, never got so overweight but usually 15-20 pounds over what I would like to be. I'm short so a little extra weight is very noticable (and most of my extra wt is in my midsection- I should say ALL of it!!! ). I am getting frustrated here as well, I lost 5 pounds pretty quickly on here and haven't lost any more. I work out at least 6 days a week- I do the treadmill, I jog outside, pilates, dvd workouts- to always try to keep things different. I typically eat my 1200 calories and also some of the calories I burn daily yet my scale won't move, and honestly I havent seen much of a difference in how my clothes fit or how I look in the mirror either, I def noticed when I lost the five but now I feel like I'm stuck the last 3 weeks. I eat healthy, I'm in the healthfield and I am very aware on what kinds of foods you should eat ect... I drink a ton of water. When I look back on when I actually was able to loose that last 10-15 pounds the only way it came off was when I went on the Atkins and pretty much totally cut out carbs. I was actually able to get down to a good weight. I've tried WW and this plan and I just can't seem to loose that extra 10-15. I am on the birth control pill which I'm going to stop (I'm on it for heavy periods ect.., not for b/c) I wonder if that will make any difference??? So know you are not alone!! =) but we need to keep the faith right!! and keep trying! I'll send you a friend request.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Try not to be so hard on yourself. First, you really don't have much to lose, and of course that by definition will make it harder. I would suggest you take a long hard look at your tracking of foods and make sure: 1) You are tracking everything; 2) You are watching your salt and caffeine intake; both of which tend to hinder weight loss; 3) You aren't underestimating calorie counts; 4) You aren't eating late at night; 4) You aren't exercising too much compared to your calorie intake - remember that muscle weighs more than fat so you may be losing fat and gaining muscle so it isn't showing up on the scale. 5) DOn't feel like you have to eat back all of the calories you earned by exercising.

    If you've reviewed those things and all is well, then I would suggest changing something up - either a different kind (or amt) of exercise, changing your calorie count, something. Sometimes a subtle change is enough to get things moving again. Good luck!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Open up your diary and let's take a look!
  • angiezee
    angiezee Posts: 38 Member
    Don't be disappointed if weight loss was easy we would not be on this site. It's hard to lose the last 10-15 pounds, and you might be expecting too much. It's true, you should probably be losing around 1/2 a week. I have the same problem now, except I'm no where near my last 10 pounds. But I found that my body will reach a plateau every five pounds. I spoke to a physical trainer and he told me to mix it up. To lower my carb and sugar intake but keep my calories and protein high. Then do the opposite again in a few weeks. I did it and it worked. I'm on the higher end of my sugar and carbs intake and have noticed no weight coming off but I'm sure that when I cut my sugar and carbs again I'll see the scale move. He also suggested I change my workout routine, I think next week I'm going to try hiking and maybe some boxing. Just keep it and don't give up!!!!
  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    Look at all the advice you've been given in your dieting - figure out what you follow and what you don't. If you don't follow advice because its dangerous then don't follow still, if you don't follow because it makes NO sense then try to see their side, if you don't follow because it sounds like it should make you gain (like eating back exercise calories - looks bad until you go against conventional wisdom and see the real point of it) then maybe you need to try one of those things for a few weeks. Something isn't working. Maybe you need to take a second to start over. Start from day 1 and read the important links on the board with an open mind and let it all sink in, then reassess your portions by weighing them and measuring them, then get that new enthusiasm and log every single thing with an OPEN diary - remember that you don't open it so people can judge you, you open it so people can help you. A lot of people have been doing this longer than you and have great success, maybe you should email a few and friend them? Ask them to take a peek at your diary?

    Then go out and do something to make you feel beautiful - get your make up done at a makeup counter, get your nails done, get a massage, buy a new outfit. Make yourself feel great over a cup of tea and a good book. Watch your favorite movie. And tell yourself that you, in fact, are not disgusting. You are a wonderful person who happens to look pretty damn good. You have 15lbs that you'd rather not have. Some of us (myself counted) have hundreds of pounds we'd rather not have and we're not disgusting. If we're not disgusting then you must not be either :) You just remember, you are beautiful no matter your weight and if you lose those 15lbs you will not be more beautiful, you will just be smaller.
  • Thank you all so much, I appreciate that you took the time to type what you did to me.

    I do not mean to come across as a spoiled brat because I'm upset over 15 lbs and others have more to lose, I'm very sorry if it came across like that. But we all have our own insecurties. And what makes me feel disgusting is not the weight itself its the lack of results, that I can't make this work! That I am not seeing the results, and I've given it time, 5 months in fact and zippo. Thats what makes me feel ugly, that I can't seem to do this!

    I will open my diary, I didn't know there was a private or open, I'm fine with that and see if people can help me be a better girl lol

    I wish everyone luck. I'm just having a tough day with this, then I go to put my jeans on and they're tight!! What????? Not happy. I am going to mix up my work out...... and try to work harder at this.

    Thanks again everyone, off to try to open up my diary.
  • I opened it...............and added sodium and fiber intake, looks like I'm a sodium abuser :blushing:
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