All Moms..question about piercings and stretch marks!

I was talking to my husband about this last night. And I"m pretty sure he's right but thought I'd throw it out there, in case I'm wrong.

I had a belly button ring when I got pregnant...2 kids later, needless to say I no longer have that piercing. However, it appears as though I have landed a stretch mark coming OUT where the hole of my piercings was. I don't know if this happens to alot of people or if I'm just one of the lucky few. I know there isn't a whole lot to do about stretch marks, but I'm wondering if there is anything I can do with this. I keep thinking...about that 6 pack I'm working on and realized last night, even if I DO get a 6 pack, I could never show it because of this.


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I dont have any kids yet but I used to have my belly button pierced when i was like 18 and took it out when i was like 20...and I still have the scar. Like it looks like the hole but I cant get anything in sucks
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I have my belly button pierced got it after baby #2, then got pregnant with baby #3 and no stretch marks and it's still pierced, so It must depend on the person. I would think that the more you tighten your tummy up though the more the stretch marks would go away?! Keep working at it and I've seen commercials for creams and things have you tried those?
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Same problem, mine moved inside my bellon button to outside, looks gross , the more weight I loss the more it sticks out.
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    I have a couple small stretch marks by my ex-piercing too. But I am pretty white and you can't really see it. I'm more concerned with how the piercing stretched out and I have a huge hole over my belly button! I am planning on just getting it pierced again eventually to cover that up :)
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I don't know about belly rings, but I DO know about stretch marks. I hate them, but I will say that mine have faded a lot and my stomach is getting definition. But, sorry hon, they won't ever go away. Some people say tanning helps, but I just think it does more damage to your skin. Good luck!! If you can afford it, laser removal works wonders btw.
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    I got a few small stretch marks around my piercing too, they've faded now and aren't very noticeable thankfully.
    I figure that the damage to the lower layers of skin because of the piercing were the culprit - I assume it's more vulnerable to stretching as a result maybe?

    I had mine repierced when my youngest was 2 because I think it looks better with the piercing than with a dimple where the piercing used to be.
    If you get a 6 pack show it off anyway, a few stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed of. Body builders get them on their muscles sometimes.
    If I manage to get the belly that I'm after I will be wearing a bikini this summer stretch marks or no :bigsmile:
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    I have a huge one coming from my old piercing also...I'm just hoping by the time I get bikini skinny it has faded pretty good lol
  • plantbasedbreezy
    plantbasedbreezy Posts: 33 Member
    Though I personally have never had my naval pierced, my sister and a few other people I know who are now mommies have had it. And yes, it is common to get stretch marks with that. There isn't much you're going to be able to do about it, short of getting your stretch marks removed via laser.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    bio oil will help (but not eradicate) I have a scar round my old piercing which will become the centre of a sunflower when my belly's a bit flatter, with the help of my friendly local tattooist!
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    Is it a stretch mark or scar tissue? I had issues with another pircing where I had scar tissue coing out of the piercing, an I was told by the piercer to warm up a little saline water (Sterir contact lense solution) and take a cue tip and saturate the cue tip and then rub it directly on the area. It worked. but you have to do it like several times a day! Something about the enzimes in the steryil water breaks down scar tissue. but the steril water has to be warm. not scortching! Good Luck!!!
  • jiggs31
    jiggs31 Posts: 117
    I have scars around my belly button from two operations and I am always asked if one is a belly button piercing that went wrong!!!

    I say get it out anyway - your new svelte figure is what they will be looking at, they will hardly notice a little scar :)
  • c_woody
    c_woody Posts: 6
    The problem with the stretch mark creams is as soon as you stop using them the stretch marks come back. It's almost like a makeup for stretch marks. Not to mention they are expensive. I was 115 lbs before my first son and gained 50 lbs with both. Needlesss to say my stomach looks like a road map and I have some excess skin. I would say if you get your six pack back don't worry about a stretch mark. Be proud of what you accomplished and look at that stretch mark as a reminder of your babies. Good Luck
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Stretch marks do not go away.. You can fade them out a bit here and there with products on the market. But you can't get rid of them. Tanning does help dense out the look of them. Keep them mosturized, and sometimes that also helps them fade out some.. Your working hard for your body to look good. When you end up with the 6 pack your working for I really don't think anyone will notice a stretch mark when your walking around in that bikini... Come on girl, really I don't... Good luck
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I had a piercing for a couple of years prior to my pregnancies... The only strech mark I got on my belly goes from the belly button to the piercing whole. On top of that 5 months after my first baby was born I had my apendiz removed through my belly was never the same and I now hate it but no big deal....I'm working on my abs and doesn't look as can't really notice it, just me ;)
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I have a little one who left me with stretch marks but they are fading with every pound I lose. I had my belly button peirced three times and it has left me with a scar that is kinda shaped like a star, I have also had surgery that left me with another scar under my belly button and three more 2 inch scars along my ribcage, but if I reach my goal weight and can finally fit into a bikin I am GOING to, and there isnt a single person that will stop me, because I will be ecstatic in my body and I wont care if people are going to make a fuss about a few scars on my tummy. :heart:
  • tummymummy
    I had no problems with babies 1 and 2 and luckily no stretch marks but they were both born at 37 weeks. With my daughter I went to 40 weeks and have a huge stretch mark/scar where my piercing was. I think because its not deep so it was really stretched by my bump :(

    However if I ever get my 6 pack I'll happily show it off, scar and all - Im proud of my body producing my 3 babies and I'll be proud of my dream abs ;)

    Go for it and don't worry about any stretch marks - I've been using bio oil but tbh I haven't noticed a difference x
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks all...I realize the 'stretch mark' won't go away. I'm just not sure whether it a stretch mark on the piercing or like on poster said scar tissue maybe? It's def. made the hole that was my piercing bigger. I'll give some of the things mentioned a try and keep working on those abs!! Maybe that will help.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    sigh, me too! although my belly baring days are done! id feel far too self conscious! i think one-piece, tankinis and monokinis (as they are called!) are the way forward for me!
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    I took my belly button ring out for both of my pregnancies, and put it back in after the babies were born. I do have a lot of stretch marks from both pregnancies, including one coming from the piercing. The new belly button ring I have sort of covers up the one at the piercing tho. The rest of the stretch marks I know are gonna be there for life. I am just hoping they fade soon, because I am definately starting to get that 6 pack and want to look the best I can in a bikini.
    But I figure once the 6 pack is complete, I'm breaking out the bikini anyway. I'm proud of the progress I have made so far, and will be even happier once I get to that point. I may as well show it off. And if anyone does have any issues with the stretch marks, screw them. My husband loves me, stretch marks and all, and he definately appreciates what I went through to 'earn' them. And his opinion and mine are all that truly matter, right?
  • KatieJoMoore
    I have the same exact problem. I have a stretch mark starting where the hole was and going up my belly about 2 1/2 inches. I HATE it, but I suppose it matches with all of the rest of the stretch marks I have from incubating two children :( At least the rest of the stretch marks stay below my belly button. Had I known I was going to have a massive scar running up my abdomen my whole life I would have never gotten the darn thing pierced! At least I now know that I'm not along :)