Tattoo Ideas/revolution

manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hi I am considering getting a tattoo either on my obliques running up under my arm pit orrrrrr on my upper back between my shoulders. Now my question is I've having troubles figuring out what I want exactly. I want something to represent independence or rebirth. Just feel like i'm going through a transition and when I'm through it I want a symbol on me to say i've conquered this. At one point I thought about a phoenix but some of the images I looked up were not that neat. I'm a 6ft 178lb person right now.

Any Ideas or pics perhaps?



  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    make sure you research pictures and the tattoo shops themselves i have a few tattoos and they all have meaning so make sure its what you truly want because it is permenent
  • sarah6423
    sarah6423 Posts: 10
    Japanese Cherry Blossoms represent rebirth as well. They are beautiful too. You could get a cherry blossom tree up your side or on your back.
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that would you Sarah. Sounds like a cool idea
  • I'm *heavily* tattooed and can honestly say that the idea will come to you if don't try too hard to find it. My sleeve literally appeared on my arm in a dream, and I made the appointment the next day.

    Obviously rebirth is frequently symbolized by a phoenix, and a lot of artists can put a creative spin on the phoenix, but I don't know what you're looking for exactly. If you read up on mythology, or something along those lines, you should be able to get some good ideas.
  • Japanese Cherry Blossoms represent rebirth as well. They are beautiful too. You could get a cherry blossom tree up your side or on your back.

    Cherry blossom tree on the side and on the back is soooo played out. I got one on my back four years ago and since then it's all I friggin' see lol
  • Bob_Sugar
    Bob_Sugar Posts: 61
    I have half a sleeve but I don't have the body for an ab piece. I've thot Roman numerals or a prayer of some sort would be a cool idea...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    How about an Egyptian ankh, a symbol of eternal life.
  • I actually have a huge tree tattoo on my side! It is a dead tree blowing in the wind and has just a few leaves on it. I got it to remind me that even though a tree can look dead and beaten and bare, it is just a phase and one day it will be vibrant again..basically the hard times are never permanent. I will try to put a pic on here but I'm a caveman when it comes to technology lol.
    If you find a good tattoo artist, they should be able to draw you a phoenix or whatever you want specified to your taste. But like others have said, make sure it is exactly what you want!
    (p.s. people say it hurts the worst on your wasn't that bad!)
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Look at

    There is a lot of great art work there, and also people share their tattoo could give you some ideas. It really has to come from you though, a tattoo is a permanent thing, so it should represent your personal creativity.....
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Don't try to find a picture on-line, you'll never find something that you like enough. Your best bet... head over to a local art school and see if you can commission someone to draw it for you. The Phoenix can be a really beautiful thing. Find a couple people, offer them $50 each (college kids have TONS of time and no money lol), get two or three drawings, take it to a tattoo artist, and show them what you like about each, then ask them to draw you one incorporating what you like in all of them. Do not put something on you unless you're IN LOVE with it. It'll take time, but once you know, you'll know. I spent about two years trying to figure out what I wanted (and mine is literally the size of a half dollar lol) and as soon as it popped in my head I was completely positive that's what I wanted.
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I would talk to some people with extensive tattoos. I have quite a few and I've gone into the shop with only an idea in my head and come out with a beautiful tattoo. These guys and gals are artists and if you just find a really good tattoo artist, make an appointment to talk to him/her about your idea, then he/she might be able to draw something up for you that is 100 times more amazing than what you had in your head, but will fit you perfectly. Phoenixes are awesome and they can be rendered in so many different ways. Search google for images, print out a couple of ones that you like and take them with you when you go to talk to the artist. Seriously, you can usually go in and talk to someone with committing to a tattoo.

    Also, when they ask how big you want it? The answer is always, "As big as you can make it in that space". :D
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    do a pheniox with the wings as branches to a cherry blossom tree
  • sarah6423
    sarah6423 Posts: 10
    Japanese Cherry Blossoms represent rebirth as well. They are beautiful too. You could get a cherry blossom tree up your side or on your back.

    Cherry blossom tree on the side and on the back is soooo played out. I got one on my back four years ago and since then it's all I friggin' see lol

    It is very popular, but if it means something to you then it doesn't matter. I've been wanting a cherry blossom tree since i was 12. Idc that it is extremely popular. It means something to me and just because people I don't know have one doesn't change my mind. Not that this is about me at all, I'm just saying if it means something to the person getting it then it doesn't matter that a ton of people have it.
  • sarah6423
    sarah6423 Posts: 10
    You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that would you Sarah. Sounds like a cool idea

    You can find a ton on Photobucket or google.
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Wow a lot of great ideas! I have been considering a tattoo for close to 2 years now. I like some the idea with the phoenix wings branching out on a blossom tree or even the withered tree thats still standing.

    I always feel like that I keep hearing some horrific news, but I keep moving forward. Back in Feb. I was in a much better place and felt that I gained my independence and didn't need anyone. Going through a recent break up and trying to transition to friends is a day to day progress. I know time heals wounds and i'm just waiting for time to pass. I am not getting a tattoo quite yet but I want to search, because when i regain my independence I do want a tattoo that I've been through a lot, but I'm still standing, that I have made that transition and I'll stand firm on it.

  • itsChristin
    itsChristin Posts: 4 Member
    I like the phoenix idea! You will get through your hard time and when you do you will feel amazing!
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    I have a question. If I go into a tattoo place and have them draw me a tattoo. I can opt out of it but can i take their drawing as a reference? Also does it cost money for them to draw something???

  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    cool..i just got a tattoo on my inner calf. takes up most of it..but its of the earth being swallowed up by a black hole..its awesome.
    rebirth..the perfect thing that comes to mind for me is the phoenix..
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    it all depends on the artist and tattoo place. they probably wont just draw you up something for nothing, since it takes time and especially if they think you'll take it some place else. some places will charge for it, some wont. depends
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    You gotta find something that actually means something to YOU. I got my first and so far only tat the day I turned 18. Cap Suzumski from Timeless Tattoo did it and it is phenomenal artwork. Its actually been in a few magazines. He's a legend in the scene. BUT he picked it out and it doesn't mean much to me. People compliment it all the time and to be honest I'm like "meh". Forget it's there half the time.

    It's been 6 years but I finally know what I want next. It's a cool idea to me that means something now and for the future. Not something I'm going to look at in a year and be like "wtf was I thinking?"
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