
Hello Everyone!!
My name is Heidi I am here to help me reach my goal before I turn the big 3-0. I am fairly active however I make very poor food choices.
Spring and summer will def help me reach this goal also no one wants to be having extra pounds when the weather gets warm.
I am a mommy to a 4 year old who is the reason I live so I am sure that will keep me going also
I have recently started the couch to 5 K. I am only 2 weeks into but 2 weeks going strong
I really look forward to getting to know a lot of you and help each other reach our goals :) feel free to ask any questions you have about me :)


  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Dee,

    I have the same issue. I have no problem exercising but the foods I eat are def keeping me from shedding the 15lbs I want to lose. I'm getting a little better but this is more of a lifestyle change so while I am anxious for change, I know it won't happen over night.
    I wish you luck in your journey to becoming a healthier and fitter you :happy:
  • HiDeeMay
    HiDeeMay Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you very much I also wish you luck on your journey. I think if I make slow changes it will make it a lot easier
    feel free to add me :)
  • hamburglar211
    Hi Heidi,

    i'm only on day 5 of this site but it's already helping, it's like having your own little cheerleaders for every milestone! I'm looking to get into shape because i've run out of excuses not to and fed up of feeling sorry for myself!

    My problem is definitely portion control and wrong food choices! I finally bought proper running shoes too so let me know how you get on , maybe i'll actually start running in them!

    Good luck! : )