How do you find the time?



  • sbodi
    sbodi Posts: 13
    i have the same problem! I've been trying to work out during my lunch by taking a brisk walk and then doing a work out after the babies go to bed. It makes for a long day but it's more than worth it when you see the scale move LoL!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    First of all- MFP is set up so you don't have to workout in order to lose. This means you can set up a "game plan" for days that working out is just not a priority. You can even manually set your calorie goal higher- this will slow your weightloss down a bit, but will give you the flexibility to fit things into your life while still losing.

    Second of all- As other posters have pointed out, there are plenty of ways you can "workout" without putting in hours at the gym. Going outside with the kids, or playing games with them inside, even if you don't get out of the house you can make up a workout- jumping (10 cals per minute) and marching in place (do 30s jumping and 1-2 min recovery marching- it's like running intervals) You can build it up slowly from 10 min to 20 or 30 min and get a solid 200-300 cal burn in.

    Good luck!
  • punky2178
    You have the 2 best answers already posted I just wanted to back them up. 1: your breaks!!! Now just your lunch break, turn your 10 min AM and PM breaks into 10 min walks around the block and your lunch break into a 30 min workout, you all of a sudden have a 50 min workout in your day and it's ok that it's broken up. Not a break person, well you now have to make yourself be a break person. It's your right as an employee to get those breaks and it's your right as a mother to have the "me" time. 2: Schedule it in your day like a dr's appt. None of us have the time, but if it's important to you to lose that weight and become healthy, then you have to MAKE the time. Invest in a double jogger (craigslist always has good deals on used ones), and take your kids with you on a evening walk. It also starts to teach them no matter what age they are that exercise is a priority. Good luck!!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    If you are pressed for time the you can workout from home. I have helped a few female friends get their workouts in for a very time effective workout. My number one recommendation is kettlebells. Get a small set to start and learn the exercises, you can get a wicked workout in 30 mins and will provide a much better punch than just a plain cardio workout.
  • dawn454
    dawn454 Posts: 42 Member
    My kids work out with me ( or they thinks they are) I give them my yoga mat pop in a work out dvd and off we go. Why not try to work out when your youngest goes to bet but your other child is still up? Its actually pretty fun ( "wow mom your really stong" even thow it is only 7 lb weights)

    I agree!!! You have to realize that it is soo important to take time for yourself! My kids are 5 & 7 and I either work out with them or tell them mommy needs some time. I think the biggest reason women gain weight after children is we always feel guilty taking time for us!
  • az1cowgirl
    Maybe try to find ways that you can play with the kids that doubles as exercise.
  • snowflakelaia
    Agree with CoilsKinksCurls.

    You have to MAKE the time.

    I never thought I would someday get up at 4.30am in the morning to workout. People think I'm crazy for getting up at 5.30am to get ready and have a huge breakfast slowly. Now, getting up at 4.30 two or 3 times a week to work out gives me energy for the rest of the day.

    good luck!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I feel for you. Different people have different circumstances and some one that is not in your situation is not going to understand.
    That being said, I would do some brisk walking during your lunch hour as well as picking it up a notch during the weekends. You don't have to be at the gym every day for 2 hours to see results. My Dr. told me walking for 40 minutes 4 days out of the week is good enough.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I have a very similar situation to yours. I am not a morning person either, but I wake up between 4:30 and 5 to get it done. I told myself if I wanted it bad enough I would do what I had to do.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I am not a morning person either! If I had to bounce out of bed & start exercising, I'd end up in the emergency room! lol Nothing wrong with working out at night. Then a nice long shower & maybe a cup of decaf tea & some tv before bed. I sleep like a baby! Good luck!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Surely you get a lunch break. Try incorporating it into your lunch, go workout for 30 minutes and relax the other 30..

    That's exactly what I am doing, I stick my iPod on and go for a brisk walk, anything between 20-40 mins.
    And other than that there's the weekends and once a week I'm going to pilates straight from work (their daddy is home with them anyway)
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Wow I'm amazed by the amount of people who get up at 4am to do their workout! FOUR AM!

    I'd be dead to the world by lunchtime if I'd do that :happy:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    All great suggestions on here. Bottom line is you are not going to find the time, you have to make it. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a great suggestion, and as hard as it sounds, set that alarm 1/2 hour earlier, have everything ready to go and just get it done first thing. You'll feel better and have more energy so as not to miss that 1/2 hour of sleep. Other than that, incorporate it into everything you do and include the kiddos as much as possible. Someone on here as a signature line that reads something like.. if you want it you'll find a way, if you don't you'll find an excuse. I think that pretty much sums it up for all of us!! Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Brooklyn5966
    Thank you everyone for your comments and motivation. I'm not trying to make an excuse, I just know myself and just don't want to set up for failure. Some of you made comments about feeling guilty for taking time for yourself and I do have to agree thats alot of it. I work so much during the day, night time is very precious to me with my kids, but I will try having Peyton work out with me, I'm sure he would love it. I guess I always assumed he be more in the way then helping me but getting it done is the goal. I have two broken ribs so my workout are limited at this point anways, so maybe I should take it slow and do what I can when I can and stop feeling so guilty for not going 100 miles an hour all the time. Thank you everyone! It's amazing what some positive comments can do for you.
  • carribear
    carribear Posts: 32
    Maybe you can find exercise at work, its what i found!

    I have the same problem, however I must admitt I don't have any kids. I get up at 6am and take my sister to school, in work for 7:30am. I do get a lunch however I hardly ever get to take it, then I'm at work till about 8:30pm, come home make dinner and am in bed by 11. I need the OT so I hate to go in late or leave early.

    I noticed one day that I get up and down from my seat alot, admin clerk, I have to walk around to deliver papers, get files, and just going to the bathroom is a distance,lol. I bought a 5$ pedometer at Walmart and it tracks my steps, miles, and calories burned. It's not much but with two boys I bet if you had one you really wouldn't believe how much your walking. :flowerforyou:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Wow I'm amazed by the amount of people who get up at 4am to do their workout! FOUR AM!

    I'd be dead to the world by lunchtime if I'd do that :happy:

    :laugh: I used to think the same way. But you get used to it. I often get up at 3am for several months straight in the summertime (hubby is a construction working in az and I stay on his schedule) It's all relative really. Us early risers often go to bed early too, and there's no waiting to fall asleep either, often I'm sleeping like a rock before 9pm!!