ive been on a rollercoaster with food ...alot of ups and down...i just want to be more consistant with my eating habbits and not gain alot of weight and not have to diet all the time!!! any suggestions:tongue:


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    make healthier food choices. read the labels. take stuff out of your house that is not healthy. and healthy does not have to taste like cardboard. when you have a 12 year boy that has 2 helpings of butternut squash with chicken you know you've done something right.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Make a food plan, shop for what you need for the plan and don't buy anything that's not on the list. Fill your fruit bowl and veggie drawers and come up with some tasty meals. You can do it for 3 days. Then up it to four and so on. You'll feel better, you'll be eating better, and you will actually save some money. If you have extra foods freeze them and save them for sometime when you don't have time/energy to cook. Take them for lunches.

    You can do this. I find that i eat poorly when I don't have a plan in place. You just have to figure out what you want to do and make it happen.

    I believe that you can do it if you want too. :) Hang in there and just remember it's just life none of us are making it out alive.
  • HelenTheKitchen
    You need to stop looking at the way you eat as either "dieting" or "not dieting." Try teaching yourself to make healthy choices with allowing yourself a small treat now and then. Food is your friend, not your enemy, learn to allow yourself the things you want in moderation. You don't need to go on a diet, you need to change the way you eat for the rest of your life. I know it's easier said than done, but looking for the quick fix isn't the long term answer. Lots of love and best of luck.
  • tabf1980
    tabf1980 Posts: 9
    You can do it. Baby steps are key!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    ra-ra-ree! kick 'em in the knee! ra-ra-rass! kick 'em in the *other* knee!

    there's some encouragement for you! :tongue:

    you can eat anything in moderation. i know a lot of people quit junk food completely out forever. more power to them! but not me. i could do that for a few months - maybe even a year - but i would eventually end up downing seven bags of cheetos in one sitting. been there, done that! so keep your head level - you can lose weight without giving up what you like. i just ate a whole cadbury egg a couple of days ago, and i had one last week too. i have three more sitting in my refrigerator, ready to be eaten at my leisure.

    because i *can* lose weight and still enjoy chocolate. i just can't see the chocolate like it's the last opportunity i'm ever going to get to eat it since i decided to go on a stupid diet - that totally sets me up for a binge! this is not a diet, but a lifestyle change, and if i'm going to be successful, i must have a degree of junk in my life. in moderation. just how i am.

    use the food journal on here - don't slack with it or you can guess what your results will be. a lot of my problem was forgetting that 'oh - i just ate pizza two days ago!' the journal really helps me keep tabs on what goes down the hatch. and drink water. lots of it. i'm up to 96 ounces a day, and it's doing wonders - broke a 12 week plateau for me!

    best of luck to you!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Don't be on a diet ever, diets don't work! Change your mindset and your choices. There's lot of good threads on here you can search for like Jillian Michaels fat burning recipes and a few on clean shopping lists (id find the links for you but I'm on my phone not a computer). Make a plan, include some healthy yummy things you like and small portions of treats (I eat a square of chocolate every evening, but I never buy candy bars at the checkout or out of the machine at work) so that you will stick with the plan. You can do this!!!
  • Hinto
    Hinto Posts: 52
    Yep, don't think of it as a diet that you do for a while to lose weight then just go back to whatever you were doing before. Make small changes, both for what you eat and for the excercise you get, take it slowly. Set realistic targets. Losing 1 pound a week is fine. Weight that comes off slowly has a better chance of staying off.

    And just the fact that you're here is a really good step, this is a great site with lots of good information and lots of great people that will help cheer you on.
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    Set your sights on the ultimate goal: to be healthy. If you "diet," you will fail. Being healthy is a lifestyle. Make little changes, and over time you will see results. Cut out a soda and replace wtih water, improve your dinner meals, choose a healthier breakfast.

    I also shadow another prior comment around planning. The first 2 months i would use almost an entire weekend afternoon to plan my menu: research nutirition online, develop my meal plan, and then go shopping for items ONLY ON MY MEAL PLAN. After shopping, at the start of each day, pack your cooler according to your menu plan and start eating! Once you do the prep work, there's no thinking involved. Now, it's a habit. I don't have to plan my meals ahead....i'm in a routine and it's going great.

    Be patient. You didn't become an unhealthy eater overnight....so give yourself some time to adjust slowly. Remember that these changes are for life, not a 60 day fad diet.
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    One more thing.....MFP Message Boards are my motivation. When I am feeling down or the ice cream is calling my name, I just log on and gain inspiration from all the great folks online. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. It means alot.