Newbie thats down and under :( hope this works

steffystef Posts: 17 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Stephanie, 24 and a new mum. Ive had the app on my phone for about 3 weeks. I was really excited about it at first, but as time has gone by not so much as I havent seen any results. I know it takes time but it really puts a damper on things when theres no progress. Im hoping that by joining on here, ill get some encouragement, inspiration and hopefully helpful tips on what else I can do to get to my goal. I look forward to this new journey :)


  • sdijji
    sdijji Posts: 10 Member
    this site has really helped me i hope once you get the hang of it, it will do the same for you! good luck on your healthy journey!
  • steffystef
    steffystef Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you :)
  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    The best way to use this site is to add friends for support and motivation. Wish you the best and welcome!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    you need to open your diary so we can see what you have been doing so far. can't help you until we know what you have been doing.
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    Keep at it! It took me about 3 months before I started to drop weight. Your body needs time to adjust to the changes :-)
    Good luck!!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I agree, open up your diary so that you can get some constructive criticism as to what you can change to make it work! It might not always be pleasant to hear that you need to cut something out, and put something else in- but if you want results, it may be what has to happen.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • Welcome! It took me almost three weeks to see any results! I actually felt like I was gaining weight! Keep at it, trust me :)
  • FitnessGuruToBe
    FitnessGuruToBe Posts: 4 Member
    The math is foolproof. If you entered accurate information while creating your profile and you're accurately and honestly tracking the food you eat, you will lose weight, guaranteed. Portion control, balanced nutrition guides and exercise monitoring - all the tools you need are here. Take a step back and make an honest reassesment, then let the math lead you to victory.

    Calories In > Calories Out = Weight Gain
    Calories In < Calories Out = Weight Loss

    Trust the math!
  • ixsa
    ixsa Posts: 3
    Good Luck,
  • When I started on here (which was when i started my lifestyle change) it took me a few months to really get on track and to see consistent results. I was working hard and eating decently, but it took me a while to get into a rhythm, especially with exercising on a regular basis. I think i gained and lost the same 5 pounds for about 3 months. I was sick and tired of that and was feeling really frustrated so i just dug in and cut out the things i knew were throwing me off.
    I have found now, after a few months that my exercise endurance is up and my willingness to plan and prepare healthy meals is very high. It's much more natural for me now that I've discovered what i like to eat and how to plan my days. It's not as much of a challenge and although I don't lose a whole pound every single week (but some weeks i lose 3), I am consistently losing something or maintaining, rather than going up and down.
    I guess my point is just to stick with it. Logging your cals/exercise is a good thing because you need to figure out what it is that is hindering your loss. Do you need to work out more? or harder? Do you have too many days over calories? are you eating enough? you need to give it time to see a pattern and then change what you think it right for you.
    Good luck. You are welcome to add me as a friend for support through this.
  • Sassyblue
    Sassyblue Posts: 15
    Ho do you open up your diary????
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    :happy: It works if you work it! I love MFP it has really helped me lose the pounds good luck hang in there.
  • steffystef
    steffystef Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks to everyone! I think I was able to open up my diary.. Im not sure if its what Im eating but I do work out everyday. Im a stay at home mum and try and make to the gym daily so that I can get a work out in. I may not eat the best, my husband does the cooking when he can, otherwise he orders and I scramble for some low calorie item in the kitchen. If you can see my diary and have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Any advice, critic or whatever is welcome!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I def echo @healthyaf . It's important to log everything and weigh everything. I find a lot of ppl focus on deprivation and tryign to stay below a calorie limit and sacrifice NUTRITION which is much more important than just cutting cals. 3 tips for you:

    1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. Drinking water is crucial for weight loss.
    2. Limit your sodium. Stay away from those processed foods that are low cal but high sodium like canned soups, frozen meals (Lean Cuisines are my weakness :ohwell: ) and 100 calorie packs of cookies, etc. Although they are low cal and better for you than eating fast food, they are not a good staple in your diet. I try to only eat 1 of those a day at the most.
    3. Focus on eating the minimum of the foods you NEED and then you won't feel guilty about eating the foods you WANT. Try getting in 2-3 fruit, 4-5 vegs, 1-2 complex carbs, and 2-3 lean protein everyday. That way if you do have a little bit more carbs than you should at least you've gotten a balance diet in the rest of the categories.

    Best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    For me it's been trial and error..I'm still working to find what works the best for me. It maybe the same thing for you. If you've been doing the same thing for some time, switch it up a bit. Your metabolism likes when you stray from the norm :)
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Oh I just took a peep at your diary. You're under cals majority of your days. That's key you're body is prob in starvation mode and storing EVERYTHING. Make sure you get 1200 cals everyday. Try to cut out all that fast food. It's chock full of sodium. I see you've been very conscious of your portion sizes but that's not enough. Even if you only eat 300 cals worth of pasta, you're prob over your sodium limit for the day and therfore retaining water. Try eating super clean for just 1 week straight AND getting 1200 cals daily. Absolutely no fast food and see the difference it makes. I'm positive you'll drop weight in no time!
  • Thanks for your post! Just reading it made me feel stronger. I've been going back and forth with the same 3-5 lbs. You know my frustrations and knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel is ALWAYS a good motivator!
  • Hi, my name is Kaelynn and I love this site. Keep on trying and find when your best time to exercise and do it then. It really helps especially when you're hungry. Keep on it does workl!! I'm here for ya.
  • steffystef
    steffystef Posts: 17 Member
    So true ajgomez1211! And thanks for the advice! I do stay way under the 1200 most days. I thought thats the way to go and give myself kudos! LOL.. anyway, im terrified of eating the full 1200, but ill definitely go out and get some healthy foods to cook. Im not a good cook but ill try it out this week and see
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Just looked- I agree with the previous poster who said you need to eat more. Every woman needs at LEAST 1200 calories to function each day (without having your body store it all). Definitely start eating what MFP allows you. Log every single thing that goes into your mouth. Even if it's just a small bite of a cookie, or an apple. It all adds up. Don't be afraid to eat 1200, your body needs that.

    Add in veggies! Try some fruits too. I see you eat alot of Special K. Are you doing the Special K diet?

    Drink lots and lots of water. I struggle with this in a big way, but it's key for weight loss.
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