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Office Party Vent

lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
I am so annoyed with my co-workers today. We had a surprise lunch for someone's birthday and I choose not to eat but brought a fruit salad. When I said no thank you to having cake also, the same person had the nerve to still bring it to me at my desk. :grumble: And she said if she was going to ruin her diet today, so was I. Ummmm.. I think not. I do not want the cake and I am trying to not seem ungrateful but I am slighlty pissed about it. I just don't want the cake :(


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Good for you. Give the cake back to her or throw it away... So people are rude
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    That's what people do when they KNOW they are NOT making the best choices for themselves, they want to force their bad behavior on those around them so THEY don't feel so bad.

    YOU STICK TO YOUR GUNS - IMAGINE how absolutely TRIUMPHANT you will feel for sticking with your decision to pass on the cake today! Woot woot!

    If no one around you will take the piece of cake she brought, IT IS OK TO DROP IT IN THE TRASH CAN. If possible drop something over it like coffee grounds to make it really seem icky!

    REMEMBER THIS - EITHER WAY that cake is going to be a WASTE product. You can put it in the trash can and let it be WASTE... OR you can eat it and let your body turn it to WASTE, which we all know is FAT! So, WASTE on your HIPS... or WASTE in the trash can - YOUR CHOICE, no one elses!



  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    No idea why that post of mine went in twice - guess I just felt really strongly about it, lol!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Kudos for being so strong! Cake is a weakness of mine & I know how hard it probably was to turn it down the first time, let alone the second time!
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    you have every right to be irritated. how rude of her - good for you for not eating it!! hang tough.
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    She's just jealous you have will power and she doesn't! Don't worry about it and throw the cake out!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    you have every right to be irritated. how rude of her - good for you for not eating it!! hang tough.

  • Danilea7
    Danilea7 Posts: 8 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! My coworkers are constantly eating junk during our lunches, and we are always having someones birthday (cake and all). I usually turn down most things or try and order the best possible option like grilled chicken. But I am constantly getting crap about it. Don't let anyone pressure you into feeling bad about doing something good for yourself. It's not ungrateful and they should be respectful of your new food choices.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    That is awful that she did that to you!:angry: You have a right to be angry about that. Good for you for staying strong!!!! Way to show your willpower. Between you and her, it's pretty obvious which one of you will be successful in the long run! Keep up the great work!:flowerforyou:
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I threw it in the trash in the break room on the other side of the office. I just hate being pressured. Thanks to you all for re-assuring me that I was right. :)
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    That happens to me all the time at work!!! I never ever eat and the two billion reasons people come up with to have a "food day" and people say that I'm "snobby" because I don't. Whatever!!! Sorry that coworked did that to you, she's lame. Good for you for not giving in!!!
  • Susan821
    Susan821 Posts: 7
    Good for you! Do not let people sabotage you. It's hard enough we have to struggle with ourselves. You are the stronger person. Keep on your journey. We're all proud of you!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Couldn't agree more! You did the right thing and the commitment and strength you are showing will help make sure you reach all your goals. GREAT JOB!!!!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    you should have waited 5 minutes then brought it back to her and said: "if you aren`t going to stick to your diet you might as well have 2 pieces."
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    you should have waited 5 minutes then brought it back to her and said: "if you aren`t going to stick to your diet you might as well have 2 pieces."
    LOL! I like that!
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    I admire your resolve and respect your decision to stick to your diet. However, I think there are better ways to stick to your diet without seeming rude or standoffish to your coworkers.

    I had a coworker who was on Weight Watchers and wouldn't participate in company events that involved food. Whenever someone was having cake or something was going on in the cafeteria, she would bring her own food and would sit at her desk. Nobody cared if she ate any of the food or not, but people were kind of bothered by the fact that she wouldn't socialize with anyone at these events and just hid at her desk.

    Why not bring your lunch (great choice with the fruit salad!) to wherever people are having cake and just hang out while you eat your food and they eat theirs? Your coworkers might think that you are trying to avoid them, and not just the food. By bringing the cake over to you, your coworker may have been trying to force you into socializing with her.

    Coworkers seem to be kind of snarky when it comes to this kind of stuff-- you might be giving them the wrong impression that you think you're better than them because you're chosing not to eat what they eat. I think that by showing up at these kinds of events (and eating the healthy food that you bring) shows that you're not trying to avoid anyone or put anybody else down, but that you're just committed to living a healthier lifestyle for yourself.
  • Hinto
    Hinto Posts: 52
    You rock, she sucks.
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    Misery loves company... so because SHE has no willpower, she wants to drag you down too... Watch her...the 1st day she sees you eating anything remotely "unhealthy" she will make a BID DEAL out of it...just hold your cool!
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    My coworker did something like that to me a couple of times. I have a terrible sugar addiction and find it nearly impossible to turn down sweets. So I gave explicit instructions not to even offer them to me because it was difficult for me to say no (especially when I started... now it's a lot easier). My coworker had a box of Ferrero Rochers and was giving them out to everyone. I said no, so he left it on my desk and walked off. I put it in a candy jar I have on my desk that I never touch. Then he came back a few minutes later and brother another one. I ended up just grabbing it and taking it to another coworker, who gladly accepted it. I was so upset, but at the same time proud that I turned it down successfully! So look at it as a test of your willpower.

    That said, I am now at the point where I am capable of having one bit of cake without craving any more. I used to have one or two big slices in a row without a second thought and then felt like crap for it. I'm rather proud I can accept a tiny piece and be done. Moderation is the key!
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I went to the lunch and even took in my own little snack. I am never rude or snarky with them. I was very polite when I said no thank you and this is not teh first time I have declined to eat certain items. I bring my lunch and my breakfast to work and I always sit and socialize with everyone. I still think it was a bit much to bring the cake a second time