
gdlauth Posts: 3 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Not feeling very good about myself today...up against a wall with workout this morning and didn't push through. Really disappointed right now...:frown:


  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    We all have those bad days especially in the beginning of the journey just start over with the next day :flowerforyou: Just keep it going dont quit
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey love, I felt the same yesterday and very nearly gave in as only had lost half a pound after a hard working week!

    If you give in, you will only sink lower, honestly I fought so hard yesterday not to get a takeaway for dinner! BUT, unlike me, I didnt give in and today I am so proud of myself for doing it! I don't have that self loathing I associate with giving in! AND.. the security manager in our building told me this morning that the weight is falling off me! So I am now determined to have a fab day and I KNOW you can too!!!

  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    You dont have to be a power athlete every time you work out, you just have to give it what you can. AT least you were up and doing it. One foot in front of the other. You can do this!!!!
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    Don't beat yourself up we all have days where we just can't be as good as we want to be--give it what you have to give for now and the motivation and strength will come back to you! Just hang in there and keep giving yourself pep talks and know that tomorrow will be a better day!
  • I am struggling too, dont worry though, we all have bad days. Try and stay motivated you will get there, easy said than done though!
  • Scott_R
    Scott_R Posts: 20
    This is my 4th day stuck at 40lbs even though I have exercised every day and not cheated on my food plan here I sit !!!! I will push through this just gets really frustrating !!!!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    We all have our times when we struggle. I've had a terrible week and felt like quitting, but then I ask myself what's going to happen to me if I don't keep going? My weight is slowly killing me and I need to keep trying. Hang in there! Feel free to friend me if you'd like, we can encourage one another!
  • You dont have to be perfect every day, just remember you can start again tomorrow!
  • RPerry44
    RPerry44 Posts: 8
    We all have bad days. And if it was easy we would all be thin and in great shape. So forget about it and move on. Just keep chugging away and you will get there. Hell the other night I was really stressed from work, then my ex stressed me out even more and bam, I ate a whole box of strawberry pop tarts. And afterwords I felt really bad, but I forgot about it and moved forward. So keep going and you will be fine.
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