Feels Like im binge eating again.. and falling off the wagon

AmandaLenn86 Posts: 57 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I started this so strong!! I did my shopping which seemed to be pretty easy. I ate well worked out 3 times a week and now im down 16lbs since Feb 1st the day i started!! On Week 6 i got a stomach bug and lost 7lb just from that! so that took me to 20lbs lost.. then i gained 4lb back and now im at 16lbs i believe it was a lot of water weight lost when i was sick and i gained it back when i started to eat again!

Here is my point.. ever since i was sick i didnt do the gym that week and i only did Zumba 2 times last week with no gym .. This week ive only been to the gym one night and i loved it but its just the getting there, And my foods have all been unhealthy choices!! i dont go over my calories by more then 150 but ive been eating fast food and large protions!! I feel Horrible for it but i feel lost also!! i just feel like its so hard to pick what your going to eat when you haev a husband who dont want to eat healthy and a little one who eats normal food, Im not rich i dont have the extra money to buy 2 sets of food choices and i feel if its there i will eat it!!
I am a binge eater i eat with emotion, Happy, Sad, Scared.. you name it i eat!! im just trying to balance it all and to be honest idk what to do anymore.. I want to continue and not go back to my old self that was 16lb heavier but i dont know if i have the strength to figure this all out once and for all!!
I just need some advise and help to understand what all of you do and eat so i can keep this train moving in the right direction!! PLEASE HELP!!!!:yawn:



  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Just keep telling yourself how great you feel when you are working and progressing. Start exercising and I can garuntee after 5 minutes, you won't stop!
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N don't think you need advice sounds like you were doing what you needed to be doing just need a kick in the butt and I say that in a nice way. Excuses only saitsfy the soul but never get anything done.
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    Advise everyone in your household that they are now on a new meal plan for healthy eating. Inform hubby it's a lifestyle change, not a diet, because you want him to stay healthy and be around for a while. And for your little one, now is a good time to form good eating habits.
    Hope this helps =).
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    oh my gosh, been there, done that.
    Try to remember that NOW is the time to stop it, before you gain back the 16 pounds and have to start all over again. You can do it!! Try just one day at a time and you will get your mojo back!
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    You just described what I am going through to a T! My bf and dd dont eat the food I cook if it is healthy and I have gotten back into the habit of not working out and not really counting my calories like I should! All I can say is, we HAVE TO STAY MOTIVATED! what I have been trying to do the last week or so, is give myself a reward. If I jump up and do ten minutes on the treadmill I can rent a movie. If I do thirty minutes or more, I get a new shirt. If we are low on money I do little rewards. I know it is hard and I am falling off pretty well this week. But I am here for support so add me if u want!

    Just know I am know exactly how you feel because I am doing the same thing!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that I'm in the same boat. *hugs* It's hard. Do you want to make a pact with me to get to the gym at least 4 days a week? I really need to get this weightloss ticker going in the right direction! It's been a LONG time!

    You can do this!
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    I think everyone can relate! To get back in the swing of working out, I usually mix up my workouts, like I take a cycling class and the next day a yoga class, and I remember how good it feels when I'm done. You can't get that feeling from anything else! And if you feel too tired to go to the gym, tell yourself you only have to do half your workout, and then by the time you get there you'll most likely knock out the whole thing anyways.

    With food, I am a grad student so I understand not being able to afford different sets of food for different people (I live with my fiance who eats whatever he wants). And I have a problem with cookies. So it's all about portion control! I can eat some cookies, just not all of them :) You can eat normal meals with your family, just sub in a salad for their pasta and eat a smaller portion of meat (or something like that).
  • It's about persistence not perfection. Pick yourself up - think about why you want to lose the weight and put those goals out in front of you. For me it was to feel better and to be able to play with my kids and to be there to watch them grow up. Make yourself a set of short term goals and non food rewards. For me I bought myself a book for every five pounds lost. When I hit 60 pounds lost I took my family to Disneyland. It's not easy to get on the healthy food wagon, but the longer you do it the easier it is. My family eats much more like me now because I researched items I could eat and they could which is not hard. Our family has chicken or fish as a protein almost every night and vegetables and my kids and husband have bread which I take a pass on. On nights when they eat pizza, I eat a turkey sandwich. When they eat something like that, I do my workout while they eat and come down and eat after my workout. All of these things are possible. The most important thing is that you invest the time to take care of you and spend that time working out in ways you enjoy. Good luck, you can do it.
  • its9tlg
    its9tlg Posts: 1
    Hi Amanda, I'm in the exact same boat. I plateaued at 14 pounds, and now Iam slowly going back to my old ways. :( I need a good kick in the butt too.
  • I found that I didn't have to have a conversation about healthy eating with my family when I stopped buying garbage. I make the meals in my house, I do the shopping so unless they are gonna shop for themselves make their own meals they eat what I make. Believe me they won't NOT EAT if its ready in front of them when they're hungry.
  • RedBone03
    RedBone03 Posts: 56
    As many have stated you have what it takes to make the change.. Its just a matter of sticking to it.. Just find ways and select foods that are healthy yet, good to eat, for not only you but for your family as well.. Just get back in the habit of working out, even if you cant make it to the gym, just getting out and walking around your neighborhood. Small steps now will pay off in the long run. Keep it up.. I believe in you.. I know you have what it takes to do it...!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    I am just starting out (began on Feb 1, too!) so I don't have the wisdom or experience to give you much advice. I just wanted to say that it seems to me that you have done very well. 16 pounds in six weeks is a great accomplishment. I get discouraged and 'fall off the wagon' for a day (or several) too. One thing that is helping me is to realize that I cannot eat the same foods as my husband and children while I am trying to lose weight. Our family has a pretty healthy diet, but it's too rich in carbs and fat for my personal metabolism. I work outside the home, and don't usually have time to cook a two separate dishes for every meal so here is how I deal with this situation:

    - I eat only the protein and veggies from the meal, and leave the pasta/rice/potatoes to my skinny husband and boys
    - I don't go back for seconds. If I am still hungry, I'll sit at the table and eat an apple or orange.
    - I make a quick, balanced meal for myself using foods that I typically eat for snacks. For example, I might eat a hard-boiled egg and some fruit for breakfast instead of the homemade pancakes that everyone else is having.

    It's not easy, and I'm not super-strict about it, but it makes me feel good to stand up for myself and eat what's right for *me*.

    Good luck to you!
  • halleys
    halleys Posts: 1
    I know exactly how you feel! I to eat emotionally - or even out of boredom sometimes. My boyfriend doesn't need to eat healthier so I had to come to terms with the fact that I make one dinner for me and one dinner for him - usually of things I'd love to be eating. But we are in this for ourselves, and when I feel like going back to old habits I just try to remind myself of all the reasons I have to live differently then so many other people. I am doing it for cute bikinis and sexy jeans and dresses that fit! I love going to the gym but it is hard to get there, usually I just put on some upbeat music and try to get pumped for going. sometimes I do skip days, but then I find going for a longer walk or climbing various stairs makes me feel like at least I'm doing something. I am inspired by the weight you have lost since February! I hope to lose weight as successfully as you did, keep it up!
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I wanted to lose weight and stop eating unhealthy bad chocies. I have a husband who does NOT need to lose weight in fact he needs more calories. But he likes the choices in the healthy food. He feels better. We do the shopping together. We also agree NO MORE FAST FOOD! Its just not good for you. All the trans fat and its just to easy to stop. So its cheaper to make food at home and make it healthy. If your husband is not supportive well then you need to tell him where to shove it. i also believe in not drinking any soda. Diet soda is just as bad. We save soooo much money not buying any.

    i am not rich and in fact pretty poor but I eat healthy. Just do the shopping and cook what you want. Set good chocies for you, your husband and your child.

    Oh and you save a ton of money not eating fast food.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I have been buying a bunch of fruits and veggies, brown rice and granola as well as lean proteins for myself. I have been trying to get my family to eat like me whenever possible. I figure whatever I can get them to eat is still a step up from where they were. Things in the pantry that are crap just don't get replaced with crap once it is gone. I try to find a healthier replacement for that item. My kids now eat protein bars instead of fruit snacks. If your husband is a mindless eater he will grab whatever is easy and available. So by doing this gradual replacement you can help them and yourself.

    When you are sick, just take time to heal, do not be doing Zumba or any other workouts and putting more stress on your body. It will just take you longer to heal. Let you body put everything it has into getting you healthy again and than get back to your routine. If you find yourself doing fast food at least try to make a 'lesser of the evils' choice on the menu. They are all loaded with sodium though which will make you retain water, not something we want.
  • mufiey
    mufiey Posts: 38
    in my house if your old enough and you don't want to eat the healthy foods i prepare then you fix it yourself that helps keep me from the temptation part. ive found if i can promise myself that if after the first ten minutes of exercise i can quit if i want to that i hardly ever do. it seems to be that first start up that gets me. i know its hard and frustrating there is so much to do through out the day but you have to remember this is the one thing you do for you!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    At first my family wouldn't eat my healthy food, either, so I cooked separately for them. Then they started stealing my food! So, now we all eat healthy. If you make your food really tasty, they'll eat it, and they won't even know it's "healthy". Good luck!
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