I keep falling off the wagon!

Some days I just forget that I'm on a mission to eat clean and lose weight so I don't log food at all...then i eat poorly, which leads to more cravings and more bad eating.....geez! (sigh) it's a constant battle. maybe i need to leave a post-it in my bathroom to remind myself to log food. Or set-up a pop-up on my iphone to remind me. I'm back to tracking today, at least. What about you out there? Is this you also? what's your solution?


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Try and stay focused. I have an open food dairy, I think do i want to eat this candy bar and let all my friends at mfp? Focus on the long term goal. Food is instant gravication, being healthy is forever.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I seem to derail every few pounds for a week, then it's back on track. It is so hard those first few days SUCK!!
  • msqueenkimh
    msqueenkimh Posts: 3 Member
    Do you have the phone app? that may be easier to help with tracking. I remind myself that every day we begin again. Good Luck!! :smile:
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    I agree with msqueenkimh...get the phone app if you can...it's the only thing that's been keeping me on track. I go on the app more than I do with facebook! :)
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    Some days I just forget that I'm on a mission to eat clean and lose weight so I don't log food at all...then i eat poorly, which leads to more cravings and more bad eating.....geez! (sigh) it's a constant battle. maybe i need to leave a post-it in my bathroom to remind myself to log food. Or set-up a pop-up on my iphone to remind me. I'm back to tracking today, at least. What about you out there? Is this you also? what's your solution?

    Every once in a while I have the same problem. I have discovered that if I log as soon as I eat it keeps me on track. The log is the key I was working out and not losing a friend told me about this site and since I started using it I have lost 9.5 lbs in 2 weeks. The log is my whole key to success. Good Luck :)
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    I fall off the wagon regularly but I always log my food, even the bad stuff. If not the only person I'm lying to is myself and that's just pointless. Today, for instance, I ate 16 fudge mint cookies. Now I'll log it and move on.
  • getmehealthy
    bad days happen to everyone - just get back on the d@%# wagon :) One day at a time is all we can do. Have a goal of 4 successful days in a row! Then go for 5, 6, 7..... please don't give up.
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    I fall off too! I can't stand it. After I feel horrible about. But I have started writing little notes on my calendar to make sure I workout and eat better. I think you should put up little post-it note. pretty soon you wont have to!
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    It helps me if I set up timelines/goals. For instance, I have a wedding to attend in May and I need to buy a dress. I want to look damn good in that dress! Next, I am going to Vegas this summer so...got to look hot for that too! There is always something that keeps me going. Even if I fall off one day, I remember why I'm doing this and I get motivated all over again. Plus, I am a mom of three and I truly want to be someone they can look up to and I want to set good examples for them so they don't have the struggles I have had with weight!
  • frugal2
    frugal2 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks, everyone! it helps to hear your stories.
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    I feel your pain...the first time I embarked on this I was REALLY rigid about it and was fairly well behaved. This time it has been much harder. I fear having an open food diary...though if I keep up my slacking I may go that route to keep myself in line...

    Though a giant pain to do, the best way I have found to start things off is to aim for one week of no bad foods. If you can do that, I usually find that my stumbling block foods often do not seem so palatable. (Granted, that week is usually a bit hellacious, but at the end I feel so much better!)

    Anyhoo, maybe we take the 'don't beat yourself up about it' too far and need a kick in the pants now and again...so c'mon, log the foods (the good and the bad) and pay attention to what MFP tells you would happen if every day were like that one for 5 weeks. ^_^