
My name is Allison and I am a thirty year old teacher. I am incredibly short which makes every ounce show. My goal is to lose 26 pounds. In the past I had lost 41 pounds, but 16 have snuck back on. Lately, I seem to just be loosing and gaining the same three pounds and I'm tired of doing that. I've been using this site to keep track of my food, but just read a post about talking to others every day. It seemed like a pretty good idea. The first time, I lost weight, I did it with my mom, but this time she doesn't have anything to lose so I've been trying to do it on my own and it doesn't seem to be working. I'm looking for some supportive friends who will give me encouragment, but also be able to point out where I am going wrong, so that I can bust through these three pounds :)


  • rolandgig
    rolandgig Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to you Allison. I am Roland. I joined at the beginning of this month. I have 82 pounds left to lose from the original 100. I have never seriously tried losing weight before, but decide, at 51, I needed to for health reasons. I have no known health problems now, but they run in my mother's family, and most are related to weight.

    I don't know if I can point out where you are going wrong, but I can offer encouragement and be supportive. What helps me tremendously is being able to look up and record calorie counts for various foods on my iPod Touch using myfitnesspall's free app. It is great to learn all this.

    Now for the encouragement: You did it before. You lost 41 pounds and kept 25 of them from finding you again. Now that is something to take pride in. You can do it again. Will yourself to do it and keep in touch with those that believe in you.