I feel like there's no progress but maybe it's all in my hea

chicalatte Posts: 174
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
The first week I ate exceptionally well and healthy and did the first 10 Days of the 30DayShred. At the end of those 10 days, I weighed 112.6 and I had lost 4.75 inches.

This week has been horrible for me. I have ate unhealthy but still worked off all the extra cals and maintained my net cal intake at 1200 or less. But I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 114. I have bout 4 days until my "weigh in" when I do measurements.

I'm scared that with my horrible eating I have ruined what I had progressed in the first week and I honestly feel like giving up. I haven't measured yet but I feel like there has been no progress.

Any words of encouragement?

P.S. I already feel the guilt for the bad eating so please don't attack me for it =/


  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Make sure you are eating 1200 NET or more....NOT less. See if that helps.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    yes come on u can do it just do an extra 5 mins on ur workouts and keep within ur calorie limits
  • i know how u feel, i have bad days but then just put them outta my head and focus on my end goals. if you working out then just up the workout for a few days.

    good luck, add me as a friend if you want
  • Don't feel bad, I've been having an off week due to weather eating things I knew I shouldn't and not even working out at all. I'm sure we all have off weeks, or days. The point is to not feel bad, you're only human and being such have weaknesses, accept this and don't feel so bad. You've had a few off days put them behind you and work harder next week. Dieting is about progressing towards a goal there will always be bumps and hills go around the bumps and up the hills. And don't get so down on yourself, that isn't helping you at all. You look great and are soo close to your goal! :D Don't give up and keep your chin up!

  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Make sure you are eating 1200 NET or more....NOT less. See if that helps.

    So eating bad this past week isnt going to completely derail me right? Im done with the bad food!
  • I am in the same boat i did what you did. My first week i kicked *kitten* but then i started to slack off and i gained two punds back that i worked off!! So instead of sitting down and eatting lunch i go for a 30 min walk and then i have another 30mins to eat......i cant say that i do this everyday but i have that option and should start doing it everyday!!! I wish you the best!! CHEERS!!! :drinker:
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Don't feel bad, I've been having an off week due to weather eating things I knew I shouldn't and not even working out at all. I'm sure we all have off weeks, or days. The point is to not feel bad, you're only human and being such have weaknesses, accept this and don't feel so bad. You've had a few off days put them behind you and work harder next week. Dieting is about progressing towards a goal there will always be bumps and hills go around the bumps and up the hills. And don't get so down on yourself, that isn't helping you at all. You look great and are soo close to your goal! :D Don't give up and keep your chin up!


    Thanks Rachel!
    Its just sooooo hard trying to eat healthy when the people I live with eat so horrid its not even funny. Temptation is everywhere!!!! =(
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When you're as close to your goal as you are, it takes more time. Don't expect or try to lose more than a half pound a week. And some fluctuation is always normal, depending on what you ate the day before.
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    i know how u feel, i have bad days but then just put them outta my head and focus on my end goals. if you working out then just up the workout for a few days.

    good luck, add me as a friend if you want

    Do the bad days ever ruin your progress cause that's what I am terrified of!
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    When you're as close to your goal as you are, it takes more time. Don't expect or try to lose more than a half pound a week. And some fluctuation is always normal, depending on what you ate the day before.

    I just feel that because I am so close to my end goal any fluctuation is permanent and all my progress will be derailed =(
  • ericzintx
    ericzintx Posts: 32
    My Wii Fit reminds me constantly that your body can fluctuate 2 lbs daily no problem, so I wouldn't see this as failure at all. You must look at longer term results as an average over time. As long as you are trending downward over the long run (weeks) - you should stay stoked!
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    I am in the same boat i did what you did. My first week i kicked *kitten* but then i started to slack off and i gained two punds back that i worked off!! So instead of sitting down and eatting lunch i go for a 30 min walk and then i have another 30mins to eat......i cant say that i do this everyday but i have that option and should start doing it everyday!!! I wish you the best!! CHEERS!!! :drinker:

    It was so hard to say no to things this week I feel horrid and weak!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    When you go off the wagon and have a bad day... drink lots of water and keep the sodium to a minimum to bounce back. You're not going to gain weight from one bad day, but you may temporarily retain water.
  • Don't feel bad, I've been having an off week due to weather eating things I knew I shouldn't and not even working out at all. I'm sure we all have off weeks, or days. The point is to not feel bad, you're only human and being such have weaknesses, accept this and don't feel so bad. You've had a few off days put them behind you and work harder next week. Dieting is about progressing towards a goal there will always be bumps and hills go around the bumps and up the hills. And don't get so down on yourself, that isn't helping you at all. You look great and are soo close to your goal! :D Don't give up and keep your chin up!


    Thanks Rachel!
    Its just sooooo hard trying to eat healthy when the people I live with eat so horrid its not even funny. Temptation is everywhere!!!! =(

    My dad and I are the only people in my house who eat well and exercise so I know how you feel, and my mom is like the devil's advocate because she loves to order take out which is my one true weakness. Like today I was over in calories because she ordered pizza. Which I love...so i had to have some. How I even lost one pound this week I'll never know. It's very hard not to eat junk food when my mom and siblings do. But I manage sometimes. Lately working it off has been hard because weather has a huge effect on my mood and it's been cloudy so I havent been working out. :/ Bad me...Sad I'd start two mile runs and have yet to. I think you'll be alright avoid the temptation keep up with what you're doing, drink lots and lots of water, and keep a positive attitude. One bad day or week will not undo weeks of hardwork :D
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Make sure you are eating 1200 NET or more....NOT less. See if that helps.

    So eating bad this past week isnt going to completely derail me right? Im done with the bad food!

    Only if you let it.
    Brush it off as a bad week and get down to business! You have to decide what you want. Do you want to let this week drag you down or use it as motivation to get your butt in gear. Only you can decide! Good Luck.

    Also since you don't have much to lose you are in sort of the same boat as me. I just recently upped my calories to 1560 because with all the reading I have been doing it makes more sense. If you want more info I can surely send you some info.
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Make sure you are eating 1200 NET or more....NOT less. See if that helps.

    So eating bad this past week isnt going to completely derail me right? Im done with the bad food!

    Only if you let it.
    Brush it off as a bad week and get down to business! You have to decide what you want. Do you want to let this week drag you down or use it as motivation to get your butt in gear. Only you can decide! Good Luck.

    Also since you don't have much to lose you are in sort of the same boat as me. I just recently upped my calories to 1560 because with all the reading I have been doing it makes more sense. If you want more info I can surely send you some info.

    is that 1560 w/ or w/o exercise? Like are you talking Net cals. I find it so confusing! XD
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Don't feel bad, I've been having an off week due to weather eating things I knew I shouldn't and not even working out at all. I'm sure we all have off weeks, or days. The point is to not feel bad, you're only human and being such have weaknesses, accept this and don't feel so bad. You've had a few off days put them behind you and work harder next week. Dieting is about progressing towards a goal there will always be bumps and hills go around the bumps and up the hills. And don't get so down on yourself, that isn't helping you at all. You look great and are soo close to your goal! :D Don't give up and keep your chin up!


    Thanks Rachel!
    Its just sooooo hard trying to eat healthy when the people I live with eat so horrid its not even funny. Temptation is everywhere!!!! =(

    My dad and I are the only people in my house who eat well and exercise so I know how you feel, and my mom is like the devil's advocate because she loves to order take out which is my one true weakness. Like today I was over in calories because she ordered pizza. Which I love...so i had to have some. How I even lost one pound this week I'll never know. It's very hard not to eat junk food when my mom and siblings do. But I manage sometimes. Lately working it off has been hard because weather has a huge effect on my mood and it's been cloudy so I havent been working out. :/ Bad me...Sad I'd start two mile runs and have yet to. I think you'll be alright avoid the temptation keep up with what you're doing, drink lots and lots of water, and keep a positive attitude. One bad day or week will not undo weeks of hardwork :D

    Yeah the weather has been horrible this week here! It was so sunny and beautiful last week which definitely motivated me to work out, But this week its COLD and it stormed the other day so I def was like EH I JUST WANNA SLEEP!
    Yeah, I live with my bf's family and his parents eat take out LIKE EVERYDAY. and if its not take out its outrageous amounts of pasta and bread and fried things. I tend not to eat her cooking cause I have NO idea how many cals are in it. Like when i
    cook myself I know how many cals are in it and what a proper serving is, and I replace some of the ingredients with low cal substitutes and she def doesnt! =(
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    yes come on u can do it just do an extra 5 mins on ur workouts and keep within ur calorie limits

    Thanks <3
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    When you go off the wagon and have a bad day... drink lots of water and keep the sodium to a minimum to bounce back. You're not going to gain weight from one bad day, but you may temporarily retain water.

    I didn't know this thank you! =)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Oh, heck... I once "gained" 8 pounds in one day from overdoing the sodium going out for Italian with my nieces. It was gone in two days.
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