Smiling While Exercising? (Am I Crazy?)

So, the other day at the gym I was listening to show tunes while on the stationary bike. I was bopping around and singing (in my head, of course) and generally having a good time.

Then I caught a look at myself in the mirror.

I looked like a crazy person! And yet I was the only one around with a smile on my face even as I was sweating and breathing hard.

I just can't be one of those people who go into total intense serious mode while exercising. I like you, I admire you, and I may even aspire to join you... but I am just not one of you.

Am I crazy? =]


  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    ROFL, no, I am enjoying myself too, unfortunately I overdid it soI have to go back to the boring bike for awhile and rest my bum knee. . i'm so disappointed, as I was enjoying the jogs I was doign with my dogs :)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    ha ha..AWESOME !! hope you had a, i can't get into much, happy nor serious at the gym..i guess that's why we don't go ;) best of luck
  • michis05
    michis05 Posts: 99 Member
    that is awesome!!!! being distracted while you workout is the way to go....i will be running and singing to myself..i really dont care if the cars driving by me are looking at me and/or laughing...guess who is working on their fitness to look good? ME!! not you mr. car driving person laughing at me!! do what makes you happy and keeps you distracted :)
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    No way! I have been doing the same lately. I made an awesome play list for my ipod & it has really pumped me up while I work out & I am singing & smiling while I do it too! I was even singing & dancing around after I got done (good thing I have an elliptical at home or yes the people at the gym would think I was crazy!)

    I have noticed that I am smiling a lot more since I began using MFP. I am proud of myself for the changes I have made & when I work out it makes me extra happy so I am smiling even more then.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I think having fun, and enjoying ourselves is something we tend to forget to do as we "Grow Up". How many children do you see frowning or looking serious on the playground. If we don't enjoy our exercise we won't keep doing it.
    :happy: I say enjoy yourself and ignore everyone who is being too intense or serious.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    No! Lol. I find myself smiling all the time when I workout! :)
  • yeaah
    yeaah Posts: 34
    Hahaha that is funny! I ONLY find myself like that when I am dancing, otherwise I am strict as.....whatever is strict. I usually smile when scoring in soccer or when i do something stupid, but in the midst of my exercise i find myself SOOO tied up! Haha, IIII looked in the mirror once and found a crazy person too, but only because my facial expressions were so ugly of strict pain. BE GLAD YOU SMILE! :DDDDDD
  • ashleighk2010
    Ha ha. I'm glad I'm not alone and to know that even some of the serious people aren't judging me too harshly for being silly. I am not like that 100% of the time... but it's definitely the majority. I always feel silly but that just makes me smile more.

    I try to smile at some of the most intense people. I'm happy to report they almost always smile back! =]
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    lol same thing happened to me a few weeks ago! I was running on the treadmill and a certain song came on in my playlist and I just started grinning. So I probably looked crazy to the person on the treadmill next to me and on the cameras that are in my gym lol But I didn't care. It helped me get to the end of my run!! It still makes me grin every morning ;) So I say do whatever you need to do to make your workout enjoyable!!
  • Maztastic
    Maztastic Posts: 43
    My exercise is mostly swimming, I train with a local club. I often find myself smiling as I swim (particularly during the warm up) just because I'm enjoying what I do. I love our Saturday morning sessions from 7.30am - 9.00am. the water is clear, the weekend is ahead, I feel invigorated, my post training treat of a cappuccino lies ahead. What's not to smile about? I also love the challenge of the sprints we usually do at the end of the session and I know how much my heart is loving the workout. I'm just not always sure at that point whether I'm smiling or grimacing. :tongue:
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Rock on Girl!!! That's awesome. Heck, belt out the show tunes if ya want! I myself would be inspired to work out next to you! (I may have to turn up MY volume, but hey!)
    My dad always had a saying that he'd start jogging when he seen a jogger smiling! LOL