i gained weight!! help!!

Svancura Posts: 5
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started this site recently but have been circuit training for about three weeks (5 days a week) and eating very healthy. I'm also a vegetarian. I started at 139lbs and I'm 5'3. I'd like to get to about 130lbs. I haven't seen much change at all so I weighed myself and saw that I am now 141lbs! Please Help! I don't usually pay too close attention to the scale but I look bigger. Can anyone tell me the Issue?


  • It's most likely muscle...don't worry too much. It takes your body at least a month to get used to the strength routine and you will see weight loss after that.
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    hey its hard for us to comment becuase your diary isnt public, but could it be water weight and/ or muscle gain? If you measure your self with a tape as well as scales it will help. Some weeks my scale has not moved but when i measure with a tape ive lost, hence water weight or muscle gain. If you check your sodium levels to, too much sodium will make you retain water and cause the scales to go up.
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    What do you mean by you "look bigger"? Do you look more toned than you did? It may be that you've gained muscle mass.
  • brooke_g0501
    brooke_g0501 Posts: 66 Member
    Could you be gaining muscle? I just started this 2 weeks ago & have lost 2 lbs. My BF started a month ago & has lost about 22 lbs., but he is a bigger guy. We really stick to the suggested calorie intake too.
  • oneiljen
    oneiljen Posts: 11 Member
    Well remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and depending on how long you have been strength training it could be that. But most likly the 3 lbschange is just water weight. Watch things you eat in regard to sodium levels too. That can change.

    It really is probably just an influx due to water. Lots of things can effect that. IE: your monthly cycle etc

    So keep up the good work!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Get a measuring tape. When you don't notice a loss with LBS take your measurements. It's what I've been told and I plan to do. Make sure to log them in check-in.
  • oneiljen
    oneiljen Posts: 11 Member
    Oh yea....be sure you are adding in cardio to your workouts!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    What time of day are you weighing yourself? Is it that time of the month? Are you eating close to or all of your alotted calories for the day? I know that all of them can affect your weight.

    1. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning after you wake up but before you eat breakfast.

    2. Also, if it is close to your time of the month it could be water weight.

    3. If you don't eat as close to your alotted calories fo the day... including eatting back the carloies you burned off your metabolism will slow and start storing it because your body think it is in starvation mode. I experienced this when I was sick with bronchitis a few weeks ago. Because I was too sick for the first 3 days and could hardly get anything down my sore throat I was not eatting anywhere close to my alotted calories and wound up regaining 3-4 lbs.

    I hope this helps.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    If you just started your circuit training, I would put money on the fact that you are retaining water.

    When you start a new program, especially one that includes weight training, DOMS sets in almost immediately. Part of DOMS is the fact that water rushes in to those muscles to help repair them. You might look "fat" but I bet it's really just "bloating." It can take up to 6 weeks for this to normalize...but once it does, your water levels return to normal and you will see that the scale drops like an anchor.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Yea trust me dont watch the scale if you are truly doing a hard work out... Been hard at it for 8 weeks now.. gained 2 pounds...my chart says I am OBESE with a healthy waist line... always think that is funny to say. HA!

    Anyways...I lost 5% body fat already wearing a large shirt again and jeans that are two years old... the scale is your enemy!!

    All it does is make you crazy.... do measurements and body fat percentage and dont worry about what you weigh...

    Just a thought....

    =0) Have a wonderful evening!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    We are the same height and I'm currently 139lbs - I fluctuate at times depending on TOM, eat too much sodium, or if I don't weigh myself the same time. Two lbs is definitely possible to lose quickly and get back on track. I was 141lbs and working out like crazy then I took 2 days off and lost 2 lbs. You never know listen to your body and evaluate everything you are doing. Food choices, eating enough calories, sodium, or rest can all be factors.
  • You may be eating too much with your new workout routine. You may feel hungry a lot more too with all the working out and eating more because of that (even if it is healthy eating). Watch and count every calorie as much as you can to figure it out. Cut sugar out of the diet, the human body was never meant to even have that in its system, other than natural fruit.

    I had the same problem and with cutting calories I'm now losing weight to match the working out.
    Also, only drink water in small sips, don't chug otherwise you get the bloated feeling and hold onto water weight, plus it screws up the bodys normal PH (like a swimming pool has PH, we do too).

    Hope this helps.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    A lot of factors can come into play with a new workout routine. How quickly did you gain the two pound? Is it in the three weeks, or did you weigh yourself one week and see a gain the following week?

    I personally started a new routine just a few weeks back and laughed at myself when I went to put my jeans on and they would barely fit. My stomach is smaller, but my butt is noticeably bigger. I expect the scale to go up the first month or so, so I'm not stepping on it. Another five weeks from now I'll worry about the scale, once I decide if I like the results of my workouts- if I do, the scale really doesn't matter so much. If I look and feel good, I think I'll be happy enough.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Vegetarian diets can be high in sodium (processed meat like products), hence water gain. Or, too much carbs and not enough protein, resulting in more fat. Or too much oil, means too many calories. Or too much sugar, again, too many calories. You should make your profile public so people can see what your diet and exercise consists of. You might be gaining muscle, or you might be over working your body and not getting enough calories, which will cause you to gain fat. Best judge of where you're at is a tape measure.
  • Svancura
    Svancura Posts: 5
    I've my profile viewable. Maybe that way you can see my input vs. Output.
  • Svancura
    Svancura Posts: 5
    I have a crazy sweet tooth but I'm working at eating fruit when I crave the sweets. I'll try the sipping rather than chugging water. Thanks!
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