My little vent of the day....

I have been on my journey to get healthier for a long time. I am usually the person my friends go to to ask about what the nutritional value is in certain foods etc. Well I am sick to my stomach today thinking about going out with friends tonight to a Mexican restaraunt that doesn't list their nutrition info. I understand that I need to learn to deal with things like this because that's life, but I am so worked up about it. I don't know how to log it, I don't know what my best choices are and I know without a doubt that I will gain about 3-4 pounds from this. Its ridiculousbut this will put me back up to over 150 pounds and I can't deal with that. I realize it will be mostly a sodium gain and it will be gone within a few days but then I will be stuck right back where I am today instead of further ahead. I would love more than anything to be able to have a margarita, the chips and salsa, and a full entree and not worry about it but its driving me nuts! I have a feeling when I get there I will fold and eat whatever I want because of all of the stress this is causing me toay... thanks for listening to me vent :(


  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i am soooo there as well!!! u now what i do on those days tho... i work out extra hard, or maybe even throw in a lil extra workout. u can type it in the food selection and it will tell u approx how much of everthing it is. it prolly wont be exact, but then u can know the roundabouts and know what u need to do from there. just keep up the good work, and remember... ur allowed to have special days. u cant always deprive urself! best of luck!
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    I agree with the last post - you can only do what you can do!!! I went to a Mexican retaurant a few weeks ago for my sister's birthday party, and had to "guestimate" my calories - I erred on the side of caution and made sure to eat chicken taco salad, but still - you never know how it's prepared and what they've added/deep fried/oils/etc. - but, all you can do is try to make as healthy a choice as you can and don't beat yourself up about it!!!
    You're doing amazing and don't let this bring you down!!!
  • chelynn24
    Dearest Holly, I understand your frustrated but I know when it comes down to it that you will know which food option is best for your body. I also encourage a margarita, mostly because they are yummy, but get a glass of water with it and drink that too! I know your my go to person for advise but I'm saying to you, have fun. One meal out of a weeks worth of good eating choices isn't going to ruin your life! Enjoy it an have fun! :) love me!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Dearest Holly, I understand your frustrated but I know when it comes down to it that you will know which food option is best for your body. I also encourage a margarita, mostly because they are yummy, but get a glass of water with it and drink that too! I know your my go to person for advise but I'm saying to you, have fun. One meal out of a weeks worth of good eating choices isn't going to ruin your life! Enjoy it an have fun! :) love me!

    this is good advice. go out and enjoy yourself. one bad meal isn't going to make you gain 3-4 lbs. if you're afraid of that then just put off weighing yourself for a few days.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Really its just one night out,what it going to hurt.Just like people say they cant see living off a fad diet the rest of their life to keep the weight off I would hate to have to worry about every little calorie the rest of my life.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    First.... Smack yourself woman!!! Did I see that right that you've lost over 100 POUNDS!!!! You can got out and enjoy yourself, do your best guestimate of the calories, and have a margarita... or four. You deserve a night out to splurge a little. One night will NOT undo all the work you have done. Be proud if yourself! You deserve it!
  • Higglyjiggly64
    Have you tried searching online? You could put in "healthy choices at XYZ restaurant". See if that brings anything up. I also agree with the previous posters. However, you have worked REALLY hard to lose that 100 pounds so I understand why you are freaked out about one night of enjoyment. Really tho, work out at 110% for the day, drink lots of water before going out and at the restaurant and ENJOY a night out with friends. They are an important commodity to have! Trust me.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Take a step back and breathe. Tell yourself that you *can* do this and ENJOY the time with your friends. Yes, you will likely gain a little water weight, but that's nothing you can't handle. You DO know what your best choices are - avoid anything fried, ask for sauces on the side, try to get something that comes with veggies, leave off the cheese/sour cream (or ask for them on the side so you can limit portions) - pay attention to the portion size,etc. You might want to immediately box up half of the meal if it's large (which it's likely to be) so that you can control how much you eat more easily. Drink a glass of water for every non-water you drink, and try to limit the extra sugary drinks (margaritas, etc.)

    You may not know exactly how many calories are in what, but you can definitely make educated decisions that help you pick something that isn't completely crazy, modified to be even more reasonable.

    You CAN do this!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    You need to relax. Have that margarita, but yes, also get a glass of water. I went out last night with co-workers and had a beer with dinner. Alternated sips of it with water. I finished the beer, but also finished the first glass of water and had about 1/2 of a second glass of water. I had seafood bisque, and it was yummy. My dinner was a salad with a piece of salmon. I ate slowly and paid attention to my fullness. When I felt myself getting full, I took a look at my plate and realized that I had about 1/2 of my salmon and salad left. I said to myself that this would make a great lunch for tomorrow, so I asked the waiter for a box. Done. Just enjoyed my leftovers for lunch. Some people recommend you ask for a box as soon as your food is brought out to you, so you can immediately put 1/2 away to bring home. I haven't done this yet, but I think it's a great strategy.

    So, I enjoyed the company of my coworkers, I enjoyed a beer, I enjoyed my dinner, and I left feeling satisified that I didn't completely stuff myself. It can be done. Enjoy yourself!
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you all for your advice! You guys are awesome. I really liked the "smack yourself" post zaggytiddies! I also liked the thread talking about the cheat day and excercise etc. I am feeling a little less stressed!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    :drinker: relax and enjoy. These are all great suggestions and I agree with Trent you know what's healthy. Only thing to add is find a Mexican restaurant that does show their nutritional info online and make a few pre-choices is that will make you relax about it, most Mexican restaurants have pretty similar menus. Boxing up half the meal is a great suggestions, so is sharing an entree if that's an option. Enjoy the company and being out!!
  • gstrouphar
    How about a chicken or shrimp fajita skillit without the flour tortillas and maybe a side salad? The grilled skillets are oh so good and if you don't do all the cheese and sour cream, it's pretty ok. Compare any dish you may want with a comparable from another similar resturaunt. I think that's probably been mentioned already but worth mentioning again!

    P.S. have the marg! One won't hurt! Right?!