Easy workout?

jessimacar Posts: 291
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
This is probably on that list of "questions that are posted 3 times a day" but I'm going to post it anyway.

Does anyone have any ideas for a super easy workout? I don't have money for a gym since I'm moving soon. My new apartment will have no room for me to dance and kick to a dvd. I'm really just looking for a routine of simple exercises that take up minimal space, that are relatively easy for a beginner.

I've lost 30lbs so far, but I haven't worked out except for going to work, which isn't real exercise but burns a lot of calories. My weight loss is slowing down, so I've realized that I can only go so far while taking the easy way.

I need to be fit as well as eat healthy. I think that I've finally learned how to eat healthy (even though I don't do it all the time) and it's finally time for me to learn how to be physically healthy.

So if anyone has some tips or a great website that I can check out it'd be appreciated!!


  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Does your apt have a gym>? I use the gym in our complex. Do you have on demand? They have free excercise shows. What about doing anything outside? Walking, running, rollerblading, etc?
  • Try basic crunches and leg lifts. Also, and I know this sounds stupid, try the workouts in magazines such as seventeen. They're effective as long as you do them right. Beginners yoga might be good as well.
  • Walking is great exercise. Set yourself a time goal (45min - 1hr) and keep your pace brisk. Add some hills and stairs if you want to challenge yourself.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    T-Tapp. Just Google it. Apparently some people get good results with it.
  • I just did the leslie sansone walking workout from the on demand. It was very good and very easy and took no room to do!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    Walk, if your apt has stairs run them, stability ball(less than $10 at Walmart) all things I use to seek in exercise without going to the gym.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Agreeing with the Leslie Sansone's! Very doable with little space and will get some decent cardio in! Push ups, crunches from all angles, and lunges will cover most of the body!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    If you live in a safe neighborhood, walking outside is free and it's easy and its a great workout.

  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    when i didn't have any i used on line walking video's by leslie sansone

    part one


    part two


    each video is a mile and it isn't just marching in place. there is warm up to cool down if you do the whole half an hour and if not just a mile is ok as long s you cool down on your own.
  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    I ordered this recumbent bike from walmart (yeah I know I grabbed the link from amazon). I like it because it folds up so I can put it in the closet when I'm not using it. It's not hard to move around either. Seat killed my butt at first but now it's not so bad. The more I sit on it the more the seat softens up. http://www.amazon.com/Stamina-15-0200-InTone-Folding-Recumbent/dp/B000UZFSSO
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Thank you for recommending the walking on on demand. I just watched it and going to do it tomorrow since its supposed to pour.
  • s2kute4u
    s2kute4u Posts: 3
    Hey Jess, You can get a challenging full body workout with nothing more then your own body and a Resistance Band. Go out and get one that if you stand in the middle of it (like you were getting ready to skip with it) and pull up your arms in a curl, it's challenging. (Get one too easy to pull and it won't give you a good workout, one that's way too hard will actually deter you from working hard because it'll wreck your form trying to work with a super strong band)
    You can work your biceps, triceps, abs, back, shoulders, and your legs all with one band and appropriate moves (Which I can give you, or google it). A full body workout is an awesome way to burn monster calories.
  • 343paul
    343paul Posts: 24
    You can do push-ups and crunches. Go for sets of 10 to 15
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Check out bodyrock.tv online and on youtube. Lots of great videos there, almost all are bodyweight exercises you can do at home, and they can get you ripped!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Walking......no cost, no noise! Can do it outside or as some have suggested, inside using Leslie Sansone's Walk Off the Pounds (buy a DVD or check her out at youtube.com)
    Walking is basically the ONLY exercise I do. Led to an initial 72 pound loss (from 197-125), gained 20 of that back a year ago during the winter, and have now lost 10 of what I gained back.
    Would like to lose 5-10 again....but in all honesty, I am happy when my clothes fit, and the scale reads below 140.
  • Lakerlady5747
    Lakerlady5747 Posts: 77 Member
    On days that it is nice outside, try doing some things outside. You could go for walks/runs/hikes (check to see if your area/new area has some parks with trails, etc). You could also go rollerblading (you can get some decent "rollerblades" (in-line skates) for about $40-$50), biking, etc. Definitely try to take advantage of doing things outside.

    Also, as some other posters have mentioned, see if your new apartment complex has a rec center/ gym that you can use. Some offer a free membership to their rec center, while others may offer a discount to a local gym. Just check it out!=)
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