5'3" and 155 lbs - LOSE 20 with me??



  • 87Diana
    87Diana Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I'm new to MFP and need to lose 20 lbs! Anyone out there with a similar goal and want to do this together? It would be fun to share food/snack ideas and help motivate each other!! I exercise about 4 times a week. I do spinning at least twice and then the other two days I do some resistance training and a work-out video like the 30 day shred (just started it and it's great!) or another video I have from SHAPE magazine which is awesome. I also use my elliptical if I don't make it to the gym to do spinning class or on the days I do weights. I've started to revamp my eating habits to try to get in lots of protein and fiber. I could always use more ideas of how to do this without feeling deprived. Let's do this TOGETHER!!

    Hi im 5'5 and weigh 155lbs looking forward to lose 20lbs. i too exercise about 4x a wk. I'm also looking for support and ideas on how not to feel deprived :-$......so lets do this together!!
  • 87Diana
    87Diana Posts: 3 Member
    Hey :) I'm also new here.. I'm 5'2 and currently 154lbs! I also want to loose 20 lbs by july / august! I eat very well all the time, so I have a lot of tips to eat well and a lot of healthy recipies. I try to exercise 60 minutes / 3 times a week, what is pretty hard because i'm going to university and working 20/hours a week. It will be a good challenge to keep exercising even during final exams, papers etc.! I would be really interested in challenges, it would keep me motivated!

    Hey I'm new to MFP aswell and the hardest part for me is to make good eating choices; and since you posted you had really good tips and recipes i wanted to know if maybe we can motivate eachother and keep motivated ........and not feel starved :P
  • imdoune
    imdoune Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah sure, It would be a pleasure to share with you my little tips! In fact, I never exceed my calories limit and I'm even struggeling at eating all my calories, it isn't even deliberate, I really like to eat and I would NEVER starve myself :) I saw you were in College, thats a good thing, we are in the same boat ahahah!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    If it isn't too late - I would love to join! I am 5'4" and was 150....now at 146 or so...but I want to lose about 20. It would be great to be in a group that is looking for the same goals!
  • Hello all, I'm in the same boat too. WOuld ;love to join also
  • Hey everyone, I'm 5'3" and currently 171.4. I need to get down to 144 but want to reach 130.
  • hi there! Im new also to this site... I'm 5'7" and currently 159 and really want to lose around 30 pounds. I just got married a little over a year ago and put on about twenty pounds this year! :(
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi I am 5'3'' and 155 lbs too! I am looking to loose about 20 lbs myself!
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Boy, a lot of us here are 5'3"!! Just finished day 4 of MFP. Started p90x almost three weeks ago, but wasn't good about diet until MFP, and the exercise made me hungry, so no loss for the first two weeks with exercise alone. I love this site! It is making me think about healthy choices, and deciding how to properly consume the right foods to keep me from getting HUNGRY. Trying to lose the 15lb that I have steadily gained over the past 3 years. I had been someone who could eat with impunity until turning 35; I now have to face the reality that it is time to watch what I eat. I'll admit, I had it easy for a long time, and discipline is not coming naturally to me! Count me in for support; I could use some myself!

    Favorite low cal meal: 2 cups trader joe's organic soup (40cal) 3 egg whites (51cal) 2 Trader Joe's Turkey meatballs (100cal.) Cook egg whites in the broth (egg drop soup, anyone?) cut the meatballs into pieces...at the very end, add the 2 cups of arugula (20cal.) I struggle to finish this, it is so filling!
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    hey there well im 5'7 started mfp at about 156 or somewhere round there but come from a heaviest weight of in the 200's :/ so Ive already lost a bunch ... mfp wasnt the start of my weight-loss journey but at my lowest a couple summers back i got to 138lbs and ended up gaining a few back due to a depression problem i gained :( so thats when i found mfp and am using it to get me back on track and at that once-before weight and hopefully ultimately to around 130lbs.. would love that! I am 5'7ish and sitting right around 150lb as of right now looking to lose 15-20lbs yet though. my first goal is ten lbs and get back to 140 then anything beyond that is great!!
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    Hey ladies!!
    I a little shorter... and have a little more junk in the trunk but I wanna join this group! It would mean everything to lose 20 lbs.... and a little more would help :-)
    I've got two weddings that I will be a bridesmaid for and I need all the help I can get!!!!!
    I've logged into MFP for almost 2 weeks straight and worked out every day this week. So far, I've lost three lbs but I want to lose more! Today is Friday and weekends are my worst...
    My goal this weekend is to go to Yoga on Saturday, or at least get on the elliptical and then go to Zumba class on Sunday.
    Please add me as a friend for support!
    Good luck to everyone who is trying to lose weight and get healthy!!!

    Height: 5'1
    Highest weight: 180
    Current weight: 175.0
    Goal: 130

    Wedding #1: May 21st, 2011
    Wedding #2: September 3, 2011
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    ps- here's a low cal weekend drink :-)

    Pomegranate Vodka and diet sierra mist!

    pomegranate Vodka- 69 cal per 1 oz
    diet sierra mist- 0 cal
  • juliee77x
    juliee77x Posts: 8 Member
    Hi my name is Julie and I am 5'4 and 153 and want to lose 20lbs as well. I have been successful before and know I can do this, if I am held accountable. My goal is to work out at least 4-5 times a week. I work full time and a mom of two little ones, so sometimes I need to plan ahead.
  • I am 5' 1 1/2 " and currently 148. I have been doing a program at work for a balanced lifestyle. Started at 153 4 weeks ago. Found MFP a few days ago and love it. It is really helping me. I even have my parents doing it now too. I would love to lose another 20 but will be happy with 15. I now bring my Ipod to work and walk on my lunch hour each day I am trying to go one block more each day. I also have the 30 day shred and the biggest loser last chance work out love that one 20 mins and gets the blood flowing and muscles working . I am and always have been a junk food junkie and slowly getting better at eating healthy and rethinking what I eat when and why. I would love to join in with you.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i'm 5'4 and 152
  • I would love to lose 20 pounds with you!:laugh:
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    5'3 and 151. There seems to be lots of us!! I got into P90x and turbofire. Then I couldn't helpyself so I started adding step and taebo back into the mix. Add me to this fun journey of losing 20 or more :wink:
  • Increase your calories just a little bit for about a week then go back to how you have been eating sometimes that is just enought to boost your metabolism and get it moving again. It has worked for me when I hit a plateau. Good luck.
  • jazyjen
    jazyjen Posts: 20 Member
    I am 5'3 and started at 153 and am now down to 148 :))! I would love to join you all! Let's friend each other and let this journey continue!! I do Insanity and am in my 2nd week and love it! I also am a Beach Body Coach and would love to give any information to anyone with questions. Remember we are a work in progress :)):bigsmile:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I'm 5'3 153.2! Looking to lose another 25lbs!!! Have lost 23 so far!:bigsmile:

    I'm 152.6
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