Goal weight???

mandycox1301 Posts: 90
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey yall!! Question! Is it bad NOT to have a goal weight in mind? I keep getting asked over and over again but have no answer. I know I want to keep loosing weight, I know I want to be out of the plus section but I have no number in mind! Is this something I should do???

Any imput would be great!!


  • KDIXON78
    KDIXON78 Posts: 5 Member
    start small and then work your way down. Start maybe losing about 5 lbs. even though you dont know what you want to end with at least this is a start for you. Good luck at whichever goal weight you decide. Just stay positive.
  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    I think it's good to have goals in life period. Especially when losing weight. It gives you something to fight for, and when you accomplish them, you get to celebrate! (hopefully not with food, like I used to do! lol)

    Maybe try setting small goals at first, not like a huge ultimate goal weight (uhh, like I did heh) because you may get discouraged. Maybe make your first goal 5 pounds, then treat yourself to something fun, like a day to yourself or a pedicure, whatever floats your boat.

    I have a huge ultimate goal myself, but I've marked it with smaller goals in between. Now if I could just reach the little ones already!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I dont think you have to have a goal "weight"....but sometimes setting yourself little goals keeps you focused and on track...and gives you something to keep working towards! For some people, that is a number on the scale, for you its a pants size....Good luck!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Actually, I think you are in a good place. Alot of us have a goal in mind and we tend to stress over that goal daily. You seem to be taking it one day at a time, and seem to be prepared to stop losing when you are happy with your results.

    If you want to create a goal weight, fine, but do it for you and noone else

  • jalovec
    jalovec Posts: 62
    I agree with ejmcam. The smaller goals are important- they have kept me going. But I don't have a final weight chosen- I'm just going to see how it goes, and see how I feel.
  • When I first started my goal weight was not being 195 lbs. I just wanted to loose weight. Then I set a new weight and when I got there I still wasn't happy so I set a new one... Now I'm almost there and I might change it again. So in answer to your question no I don't think you need to have one right away but when the pounds start coming off I would suggest finding a height/ weight chart and aiming for the max healthy weight, then if your still not happy set goals by 5- 10 lb intervals. That's what I pretty much ended up doing. Just make sure you don't go under the minimum weight for your height and age.
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    It can be a bad thing because then when you get out of the Plus size section..you may just settle with barely below the bar of plus size. I would just say go until you feel good and healthy, size doesn't mean a thing if you aren't healthy.
  • Thanks guys. I have already lost 33 lbs but like I said, I just keep getting asked. I never know what to say...=)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight 10 years ago (at Weight Watchers), and then started putting it back on over time. Every so often I would go on a "diet", and I set my goal weight for my original WW goal weight. I never lost more than a few pounds and I would get discouraged and quit. So, when I joined MFP, I decided I was just going to pick a weight that would at least make me feel more comfortable in my clothes. I achieved that, and then lowered in by 5 pounds. Then another 5...etc etc. Now I am almost back to my original WW goal - and I am 10 years older, so I guess that's a GOOD thing! Anyway, not sure if that is the right approach for you, but you might want to pick a goal that seem do-able, and will make you feel better when you get there. Then see where you want to go from there.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    I don't really have a goal weight - but I have a goal size for clothes.
  • Mandy,

    Goal weights are tricky as body types, heights, shapes vary so much. I think if you look up what an ideal BMI for your body as well as a size you'd like to be, and that should be your goal. I'm 5'10" and I know that staying between 150-155 puts me at a size 8 (from 2 different brands of jeans), but that's how I'm shaped. My neice, who is also 5'10" can wear a 4 at 145lbs (skin tight, I'll add)...I have to weigh 125-130 to get close to a 4, but my BMI says my lowest should be 139, so that's not healthy for me.

    Don't be defined by a number on the scale, find a size (realistic) where you think you'll look great and aim for that. Good luck!

  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    My "goal weight" is just an estimate - I'll fine tune it when I get there. I like having a goal, but that's me - do what works for you. Good luck to ya!
  • tvman802
    tvman802 Posts: 5
    I reached my goal weight of 195, it was just a number below 200. I had guessed that if I got to that weight I would look like the mental image I had of myself. It turns out I was off a little, so I have reset my goal weight down another 10 pounds. Your goal weight is just a number you have picked, but it does give you a measuring stick to see what your progress has been.
    Like another said, if you don't want to use weight, use a size. If you have never been smaller, or can't remember being smaller pick a size that you think looks good and go for it.
    Just remember that "All that matters is progress"
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    think of it as a personal preference
    i personally LOVE being extra curvy with a DD bra size so i want to weigh 150, but alot of girls on here want to be about 130
    its up to you :-)
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks guys. I have already lost 33 lbs but like I said, I just keep getting asked. I never know what to say...=)

    i would just tell them that you are in this to be healthy and happy, and the final weight isn't that important. maybe pick a clothing size if you don't want to pick a specific weight. i know with me, i will be thrilled just to be under 200. but my goal according to my tracker is the high end of the healthy weight for my height. heck..i will be thrilled to be under 250 :P

    some people like goals cause it gives them something to work towards. but if you can keep motivated just by doing, and not by working towards a specific thing, then go for it. whatever works for you.
  • momsailor
    momsailor Posts: 5 Member
    Usually having small goals, like losing 5% of your body weight, will keep you going. For a "final" or big goal, you could choose to calculate your Body Mass Index, BMI, and pick a weight in the "normal" range. There are lots of online calculators and they all work on the same underlying formula. Most online calculators will also indicate your normal range based on age, height, and gender. There is one under the Tools menu here on MyFitnessPal. Good luck!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I am going to play Devil's Advocate and say that... having no goals means you reduce potential disappointments and eliminate deadlines.

    Usually people set a goal and its a temporal thing.... "I want to lose xx lbs by Xmas" or restricted by a quantity (lose 20 lbs)..They get dejected by failure, or get impatient from a lack of results and they fall off the wagon. And really what do people do when they hit a goal? (They usually stop)

    What you should set yourself up for is LIFE STYLE CHANGE.

    You are changing your life and getting healthy for the long run. How can that be disappointing?

    Its good to be healthy and comfortable in your own skin and if you do this right... you will be. At your own pace and your own time.

    Anyways... my Devil's Advocate 2 cents worth.
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    Here is a site to calculate your proper body weight, http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm , then you will need to determine your frame size, one method is take your right thumb and index finger and see if you can reach around your wrist. If you cant your a large frame, just barely your medium and if easily your small frame. People that are even below thier proper weight are considered more healthy. My highest proper weight with a large frame is something like 167. I have not been 167 since the 5th grade.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Here is a site to calculate your proper body weight, http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm , then you will need to determine your frame size, one method is take your right thumb and index finger and see if you can reach around your wrist. If you cant your a large frame, just barely your medium and if easily your small frame. People that are even below thier proper weight are considered more healthy. My highest proper weight with a large frame is something like 167. I have not been 167 since the 5th grade.

    Think you are missing an L on the end of the URL... Should be http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.html

    Otherwise... nice find... very interesting!
  • joyjk01
    joyjk01 Posts: 1
    Hi, Mandy.

    If you only have a few pounds to lose it`sm easy to set a goal weight. Some people have a lot of weight to lose to get to a so called normal weight. Just thinking about losing 50, 100, 150 pounds, maybe more, can be incredibly defeating. In those cases it`s so much more empowering to set small attainable goals. A five or ten pound goal gives you a point that you are able to reach in a short period of time. Give yourself a reward and set a new goal. Stay positive. You can do this.

    PS. - You`re welcome to use my response to that question. ``I don`t know what my goal weight is. I just know it`s less than I weigh now.``:happy:
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