The new girl

Hi everyone! I'm Amanda. I have a goal of 135 lbs or a size 8. Currently I am 206 lbs 5'6" and size 16. I have already lost 10lbs in the past month but recently found this site and decided to give it a try... I am going to the gym at least 4 times a week and tryng to stay active. I put in my food for the past 2 days and apparently I'm not eating enough calories... I don't feel hungry though... I know the dangers of your body going into starvation mode but I just don't want to eat if I am not hungry. I drink lots of water... and about 4 cups of coffee a day because I work night shift... My biggest meal is when I first wake up in the afternoon which I guess would be considered breakfast so I feel like I am eating right the rest of the day. I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, low sugar, high fiber... Why do I need so many calories? Should I be MAKING myself eat?


  • KaylaPeterson24
    KaylaPeterson24 Posts: 60 Member
    I've had the same problem! The website constantly tells me I'm not eating enough calories even though I'm not hungry and I'm seeing results so why eat more!
  • delonnag
    delonnag Posts: 11
    If you want to lose the weight you have to fuel your body. Otherwise all of your hard work will not produce the numbers you want.
  • amandaj27
    amandaj27 Posts: 10
    What about using protein shakes to get to my calorie goal? I know food=fuel but I have LOTS of energy since I have been working out...
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    I normally eat up most of my calories in 3 meals. In the exercise tab, it tells me to burn an extra 490 just in cardio, I burn that off and don't ever eat back. It's been working for me very well and keeps my eating habits at ease too lol.
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    Protein drinks are tricky because some are high in fat and can launch you over on sugar and extra protein. If I ever do drink one it's in the morning with some fruit or at night if I don't want to eat a ton because I'll be heading to sleep. I guess it comes down to what your numbers are looking at for that day and how you can move from there.
  • delonnag
    delonnag Posts: 11
    Remember you want your body to continue burn fat when your not working out and just resting. If you don't give your body enough food - it will hoard your intake and you will go into survival mode and you will not see the weight lost you want. Have you ever watched the Biggest Loser? They talk about that all the time. So if you want the 2 lbs a week, you have to eat.
  • amandaj27
    amandaj27 Posts: 10
    The one I have is low on sugar... I still have like 580 calories to go for the day and I would normally be going to work right now but I am going to bed... I guess tommorrow is another day... Also when you work out are you supposed to eat more since you burned off that many calories? I am so confused. I thought it is good to burn off calories??
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    Well I was confused about that and it seems like it's a 50/50 thing. One thing that people agreed on was that you shouldn't burn more then 1000 calories in a day and if you burning more then you're consuming it will kill your weight-loss, leading to "starvation mode".

    Personally, eating the recommended calories and burning what it states under exercise has been working fine for me. I did a week or so of eating what they recommended and burning about 100ish calories in cardio everytime I went to the gym and the results were very disappointing. ( This was mainly because I never realized it stated how much I should be burning, until I got off the app and saw it on the

    It is good to burn off calories but at the same time your body needs a certain amount of calories to maintain and progress through a healthy weight loss.