Im new and desperate!

I have been struggling for 2 years with Chronic sinus infections and asthma, been on prednisone alot and have gained alot of weight, i not only feel ugly, but my blood pressure is high, prediabetic and just feel lousy, I feel like it is useless to try, but I need to lose weight,does any one else have to take prednisone, CAN YOU LOSE WEIGHT WHILE ON IT?


  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    I have the same thing I ask your doctor he knows what your capable of
  • shazzygirl
    Prednisolone causes things like fluid retention and fat redistribution (so can make your body shape change) and also higher blood sugar (you mentioned prediabetes already, this medication may be contributing) but that said, healthy diet and exercise can counteract the effects of prednisolone. Have you tried eating less salt in your diet to try to reduce the fluid retention, as well as reduce your blood pressure? Also, losing weight will make the insulin resistance of prediabetes less likely to advance into full-blown diabetes, so you can stop or delay yourself from getting diabetes by getting to a healthy weight and exercising regularly. Good luck!
  • peytjalmom
    If you eat good nutritious food, and get excercise you will FEEL BETTER and be HEALTHIER. Losing weight isn t the only reward for eating right and exercising. I was pre diabetic and started off making sure I was balancing my carb intake with my protein just so I could find the energy that I had lost. When I got that down, I finally had the energy to start exercising, and finally started losing weight. When you feed your body the best fuel, it rewards you, sometimes with weight loss and sometimes with other benefits.
  • marshanne
    marshanne Posts: 6 Member
    thanks for the information, i didnt realize it could be the prednisone raising my sugar, this is the 1st time that it was elevated. We r gonna try some shots hoping to help with the asthma, our goal is to get off of the prednisone pills, they are in my inhaler,but they are not as bad as pills. Im seeing a nutritionist shes starting me on a 12 week program, I weighed 1 day and the next day went back and weighed again and had gained 4 pounds! I cried! thanks for your advice, I will try to cut back more,and cut down on salt.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll encourage you to keep going! It's not easy having health issues when you have a weight problem. I have more than my fair share of them, so add me if you 'd like! Good luck!