I hit this goal...

wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
On Feb 27 (weighing in at a little over 209) I decided I would weigh less than 200 by the end of March. Today, I weigh 198.8 lbs. Next goal? I dunno. I'd like to weigh 185 by the time I run the Seattle Rock n Roll Half Marathon on June 25 I guess. Easier on my body to run that distance at a lighter weight, I think. Attainable? Your thoughts?

Don't ask me to open my diary because, just as the little paper book of your youth, my diary is mine alone. :)

I think 5 lbs a month is do-able. I'm currently running 9-17 miles a week and doing cardio or strength training 2 days a week. The other day, I rest...and eat a huge steak burrito from the taco truck by my work. :D


  • DarthBubbles
    The way you're going, it sounds do-able, now make it happen! :)
    Best of luck on your half marathon!
  • kaylamagoo
    Congratulations! Keep it up...sounds like you are on the right track.
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    Awesome. I'm proud of you. Sounds like your doing great. Keep on going. Thanks for posting. It helps and inspires the rest of us to keep moving too.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Thanks everyone :)