OK it's Confession time ... :(

:embarassed: I had a good week (MFP) another pound off, feeling pretty pleased with that.

However had a run in with someone i can only describe as 'A nasty peice of work' yesterday, it played on my mind so much i found myself awake a lot through the night, and in the end got up at 5am, completely unheard of for me on a Saturday morning.

Decided to cheer myself up, so went shopping to the sales (it might have helped lol), came home empty handed, and really in the mood for chocolate, decided to break into an easter egg early , now not only do i feel sick :sick: (physically) but i've used up most of my 1200 calories, so now i need zero calories food for the rest of the day lol.

I certainly fell into the oldest trap, silly to succumb but no point beating myself up, and that in itself is a positive step forward right......:ohwell:


  • jlpdelorme
    Tomorrow is a new day!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Get some calories back....take a long run or walk if you can!!!!!
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    My suggestion to you is to get movin!!! lol you can't go hungry the rest of the day!!!! Earn some of those calories back.... And trust me don't beat yourself up over some chocolate (chocolate is a god! how can you say no to a god??? lol). Tomorrow is another day!!!
  • becky2time
    We all have those days were you just want something bad for you. I have learned to never have anything in the house that is bad for me, that way I can't just sneak off and eat it. Now that I am eating better I don't crave those bad things even if someone is eating them right in front of me. Just take a long walk or go to the gym and don't kick yourself about it, the fact that you know that it was wrong will make tomorrow easier and you'll be more determined than ever to skip the junk and eat an apple instead!! Good luck to you and cheer up!!!
  • Mom9703
    Mom9703 Posts: 1
    Don't beat yourself up about it...you will have good days and bad days but the only thing you can do is get right back on your path. You recognized and admitted what you did and are feeling guilty, so motivate yourself to have a better day and make good choices. :wink:
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member

    I had McDonalds for dinner last night. A cheeseburger happy meal, so I could've chosen something worse, but I didn't need it and it made me sick.

    So not worth the 530-ish calories it was.
  • lisapickering
    It happens! Go workout, not only will you earn some calories back to eat today but it will make you feel much better!!
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    Hey, DO NOT GIVE UP on today just yet, you can always burn the extra calories, or at least some of them and you really do need to eat real food for fuel and muscle maintenance, so go ahead and eat and work out. You might be surprised, sometimes extra calories cause me to lose by reving my metabolism.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Move more. Lots of water. Realize you can't change it and learn from it. Decide now what you will do the next time something like that happens. Have a Chocolate Vitatop in your purse or a fun size pack of M&M's or something else small. You might even decide that you're going to put that negative energy into a killer workout and watch how many calories you burn. Over time you will learn to respond differently and you will be so proud of yourself. Don't beat yourself up. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt and still I relapse from time to time, but I always refocus on my ultimate goal.
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    People like that are not worth a second though let alone the lack of sleep, but in the grand scale of things....I'ts one day and we all fall off the wagon now and then or go over our calories occasionally, you could always go for a long walk or do some for of excersise that would make you feel less guilty and earn you more calories to eat and just try and eat healthly for the rest of the day and be back on track tomorrow. Don't beat youreself up though.
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    Thank you all so much, i've been doing housework and am off for a nice long walk later too, so i'll be earning some of those calories back, and i don't plan to let it affect me so much next time, i'm now wise to that persons ways, fore warned is fore armed eh! , especially as i know i can and will move on from it...:happy: :love: :flowerforyou: