30 Day Shred - Did anyone continue through the knee pain?

RedE4Change Posts: 43
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Today should be day #11, Level 1. After the intial soreness the first 3 days, I have been feeling great! However, now my knees are really bothering me!! Especially the outside of my left knee cap and upper thigh. I have done some researching (including on this board) and find that it's quite common. What I want to know is...did anyone continue through it? Did you stop completely? Did you alternate between 30 DS and then a difference exercise the next day? I have been doing so well with it, and am so motivated to finish. This is really frustrating me. I absolutely don't want to stop. But I've been resting my knees through the day, and icing it. And it's getting worse. So I'm thinking I might need to change something, I'm just really scared to do that.


  • I would definitely invest in some knee braces. If you are having problems I am assuming they will get worse until your knees are stronger. Maybe alternate work outs instead of doing the same one day in and out. Try doing a yoga one or just a cardio one. Do you have cable? I sometimes do the videos that I get from on demand that are free.
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    I am on Day 12 - so level 2 now. I noticed that at the beginning my knees hurt a bit but I haven't had any pain since then. I switched to a better pair of running shoes so that might have helped. Also make sure you are doing the squats and lunges the correct way. I too am motivated to do it right through but only you can decide if you want to stop or not.
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    No I did not continue through the knee pain. I alternated days, usually just walked or did yoga or something. I can't afford to mess with an injury so I rested. I still saw good results from the shred. Don't worry about that. Just listen to your body!
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    You might want to alternate heat and cold.. Heat increases the circulation to the area and cold helps with the swelling and inflammation. I would alternate your workouts so that you can take some pressure off that knee. If it continues to get worse best thing to do is stop, get you some anti-infammatory meds and take care of that knee before you end up blowing it out.. Motrin or Ibufphren are 2 good anti inflammatories.. But this is just my opinion, not a dr....Good luck...
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    It happened to me the first time I did shred, and I was about the weight i am now, almost 270. After continuing and it getting worse, I decided to put it away for awhile. Probably a week or so after stopping, the pain went away. I lost a little weight, and tried it a couple months later and was fine. This time around, i am planning to start the video again in about 10 weeks, after I have lost some more weight. I think you should listen to your body, if you it is really hurting, you should find something else to try for awhile, and then go back to it and see what happens. Good luck!
  • oh my gosh! i thought I was the only one who had this problem! I had to get physical therapy mine got so bad, but I've been icing and stretching it often. I also take aleve every 12 hours to get the swelling down, but this has been going on for a month and a half and still hasn't gotten better. It's put my regular running at a standstill. I still do 30 day shred, but I just take it easy on my knee.
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    Right before I hit L3 my knees really started to bother me, one side in particular. I began alternating between L3 and Last Chance Workout, Shred it w/Weights and L1 and 2 workouts so that I was only doing it every 3rd day and that seems to have helped. So I guess technically I did not stay on course and finish a full 10 consecutive days of L3 but I did eventually do all 10 days.
  • Jaccilatt5
    Jaccilatt5 Posts: 46 Member
    I got through to level 2 and my knee pain got worse...I tried to tough it out but I ended up quiting around day 17. This is the first exercise that made my knee hurt like this so I figured something must have been wrong. so I took 2 days off after I quit and now Im back to kick boxing, zumba, running and anything else I feel like doing. I know exactly how you are feeling and for me giving it up was the best option.....good luck.
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    justyourtypicalgirl Posts: 136 Member
    Make sure you are doing your squats properly.
    *Your butt should never go lower than your knees
    *Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart
    *Keep your weight on your heels (you should be able to wiggle your toes through the whole movement)
    *Make sure your knees track over your feet
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    Today should be day #11, Level 1. After the intial soreness the first 3 days, I have been feeling great! However, now my knees are really bothering me!! Especially the outside of my left knee cap and upper thigh. I have done some researching (including on this board) and find that it's quite common. What I want to know is...did anyone continue through it? Did you stop completely? Did you alternate between 30 DS and then a difference exercise the next day? I have been doing so well with it, and am so motivated to finish. This is really frustrating me. I absolutely don't want to stop. But I've been resting my knees through the day, and icing it. And it's getting worse. So I'm thinking I might need to change something, I'm just really scared to do that.

    Don't stop.....Modify for tolerance - don't do the knee impact moves until it feels better.
    I started level 2 this week - it took me 3 weeks to feel comfortable at level 1 - I didn't do it everday and could not do the impact stuff like JJs - but I would keep moving thru all the impact moves. One alternate days I would swim AND do Yoga. My knees were sore with 30DS but tolerable. I decided to start level 2 and I was a fearful, but OMG I was able to do it - well for the most part....I did keep up and got my HR into a good zone again. Yeah ME!
    You need to let your knee heal - if you push thru the pain you will want to give up - Hang in there and see your doc if it does not improve! I've had cortizone shots in my knee and wow - it helped so much! That was 3yrs ago - now I'm careful!
    Much luck!!!!!!!
  • Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I learned a lot from this thread! Yesterday I bought two Mueller knee straps at Walmart for $7. They are so simple to use and actually made a HUGE difference. I wore them for most of the day, and noticed a huge difference just walking around as I did errands, and going up and down stairs. I also went ahead and did day #11 of 30 DS, still wearing my knee supports and modifying it quite a bit. I substituted punches for most of the other cardio exercises. And I just kept a squat position for the arm raises instead of doing the static or side lunges. It helped a lot!! I still iced afterward, and am a little sore today, but it's definitely a bit better. So I'm going to try heat in a bit. And see if I can continue with the shred...hopefully getting back to following the DVD exactly.
  • MaKisMom
    MaKisMom Posts: 65 Member
    I have to modify some of the exercises on JM's videos because of my knees. I tore the meniscus in each knee, but haven't had surgery yet to fix them b/c of being pregnant/nursing for so long. Be so careful of your knees, once you do damage they never go back to normal. Braces are a great idea!!
  • Be sure to do rotations and stretches before you work out to get the most of the exercises. Your doing a great job baby! Im proud of you and admire your will power. Keep it up. Im sure you will achieve the results your looking for. I love you.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Make sure you are doing your squats properly.
    *Your butt should never go lower than your knees
    *Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart
    *Keep your weight on your heels (you should be able to wiggle your toes through the whole movement)
    *Make sure your knees track over your feet

    ...and keep your feet pointing straight ahead.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Its not commom to get knee pain its common that women dont take care of their joints, I never had a problem with this dvd or any workout bcuz I knew I needed multi vitamin and more calcium to stay in the game with no pain
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