New and fairly fat

JustGila Posts: 23 Member
Hi all,

I am here because I want this to work and I would really love some support. I am 26 years old and weigh 220 lbs, I am 5'4" I was 180 lbs about 3 years ago and was comfortable at that weight, but according to my BMI and my height I guess my weight is supposed to be closer to 150. I have a hard time thinking or planning to lose close to 75 lbs. I have struggled with weight for what seems like forever. I am terribly uncomfortable in this body right now. I havent been able to wear a pair of jeans in years-I am the spandex queen. Thank God that leggings are still stylish.
When I am keep my motivation going and have a regular workout routine I know I can succeed, but I havent been able to do that recently. I know I have issues with food choices so I am going to rely heavily on the calorie counter to see what I am actually eating.
So from the forum I am hoping to get a few things from this community:
1. tips for using the mobile application-whats helpful, whats not helpful-am I even using it to its full potential?
2. recommendations for healthy meals that are low calories-I love vegetables and hate chicken. I also love pasta-one of my biggest downfalls.
3. Small success stories. How are people loosing 50ish lbs and not wanting to die?

This isnt hopeless, right?


  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    No it's not hopeless! Add me as a friend id you want! Support helps motivate!!!!!!!!
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    The best way to concentrate on losing 50ish lbs as far as I can tell, and I'm at the start of trying to lose somewhere around 130-150lbs total, is to take each day at a time, try your best and if you don't stay within your calorie goal one day, don't be discouraged, just try again the next day. Gradually, you'll see weight loss and inch loss untill you've reached your goal, look back and wonder what you were worried about.

    Losing weight slowly and changing your lifestyle to keep the weight off is much healthier than crash dieting, dropping weight fast then putting it all back on when you stop dieting.
  • debbiemacfarlane
    debbiemacfarlane Posts: 35 Member
    Well welcome to MFP.
    I like yourself found myself needing to lose at least 89lbs. To be honest I would like to lose another 20lbs after but I could not mentally fathom needing to lose over 100lbs. It seemed unreachable. Some days even 89lbs seems like that but I started with 20lbs segments. I came to terms with the first 20lbs first. I hate working out but found if I want to lose weight then I need to work out and get myself moving.
    everyone is different. The calorie counter on here is simple. I found I was making better choices in food just by finding out what the calories were before I ate it. Sometime I switched to eating something else instead. I had a whole wheat raspberry muffin one morning at work... it sounded healthy right? Thats what I thought too. It had 400 calories. I could eat a whole meal for 400 calories. I haven't had another one since. lol

    I eat a lot of chicken and fish. I still eat hamburger and steak and all the other good stuff too. I just make sure I have the calories balanced to eat it... thats all. I try and pre plan my meals if I know I am going to have a meal out or make something the rest of the family will like. lol

    You are starting with a great forum. There is lots of support and ideas on this site.

    Good luck with your journey. Add me as a friend if you wish..

  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    Don't be discouraged! It is definently do-able! I use the mobile application on my phone. I prefer the website, but I don't think I would be successfull if I didn't track my intake during the day when I am away from my computer.

    I have lost 31 lbs in 8 weeks. I have just been staying under my calories and walking. I started out slowly. It took me 3 weeks to be able to get under my calorie goal. Once I mastered that, then I added the walking. When i first started walking I could only do 20 minutes, 3 times a week. I just slowly increased it until now I am at 30 - 40 minutes 5 times a week. This week I added a second exercise time with 30 day shred. My advice is don't try to do it all at once. Just add a little piece at a time, when you feel comfortable with that, add a new piece. A very wise friend once told me - "It takes 40 days to make a new habit!" The changes we are making have to become habits, so it will take a while to master them.

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • bigbluejim
    The mobile app is actually really good. I depend on it when I'm traveling for work, or out to eat with my wife. I use it to look up food before I order it, keep track of how I'm doing during the day, etc. And of course logging my food. I haven't used for anything except that yet.
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I think you need to take it 1 step at a time. I have lost 35 pounds so far, and while I hated exercising at first, now I love it! I just have to remember to change it up a little. I love running, but when I need a break from that, I find something else to do.

    I have been using the mobile app for about a month or so, and absolutely love it! I have used it when going out to eat and thought I was going to order something, then realized how many calories were in it.. and quickly changed my mind and ordered something lower in calories.

    You can do it! Belive in yourself and set realistic goals. If you don't exercise now, start out small, maybe walking for 10 minutes, then buiding up to other activities.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I only started looking at the message boards this morning, but I would be more than happy to support you in your journey! :smile: