is it possible?

Next year is my senior year, and I want to stop being known as the fat girl or bigger girl in highschool. I want to go out and be who I really am without being ashamed of my body. I want to wear the clothes and have the confidence of the girls around me.

It discourages me to know that I will not be able to shed all this weight in time.
Is it even possible for me to lose 60 pounds by September ? Is it realistic also ?


  • KaleighL
    KaleighL Posts: 159
    If you workout hard and eat healthy consistantly you should be able to reach close to that. its been done.
  • bekihughes
    It is! Just as long as you do it healthy and don't starve yourself. Eat right and workout lots. YOU CAN DO IT! Have you ever seen that show I use to be fat on MTV they all lost 90 pounds in 3 months!!!! Stay possitive girl! We are all on here for the same reason!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    What you do is focus on doing the very best you can every single day, and when the time comes you will feel and look great, whether you made it to 60 lost or not! One day at a time!
  • HelenTheKitchen
    You're very young, so it'll probably come off really fast. As long as you're healthy about it I think it's definitely do-able. Make sure you talk to your Dr. so she/he can recommend any supplements that you might need because you're still growing. Good luck!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    60 lbs in 5 months.. that's a bit ambitious but really what could possibly be wrong with being 40 lbs or 50 lbs of the way towards it by that time?

    Track everything, see the threads on exercise calories, eat healthy and enjoy.
  • HelenTheKitchen
    What you do is focus on doing the very best you can every single day, and when the time comes you will feel and look great, whether you made it to 60 lost or not! One day at a time!

    Ooooh, I wish I gave this advice. This is fantastic!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    It depends on what type of weight loss plan you go on. I have a lot to lose and have lost 55 lbs in 10 weeks. I am on a medically monitored Modified Fast with the local hospital. I have 4 meal replacement shakes a day and one meal consisting of 6 oz of lean protein after being cooked, either 1.5 cups of cooked non starchy vegetables or 3 cups of raw vegetables per day. I am never hungry and very content. Keep in mind though I had about 150 lbs to lose. If I were you I would focus week to week and use this website as a tool to teach you what you're putting into your body.
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    I think it is possible. Make sure you use MFP to track your food, exercise, water and to get the support that you need. I find that I am a slave to MFP but I know that it is what I need until I am ready to do this on my own. Find a good exercise program that you can live with, for me it is Jillian Michaels Shred DVDs, they are not too long (only about 27 minutes of cardio and strenghth) and I get a great workout from each of the workouts on there.
    Best of luck to you and I hope you have a wonderful senior year of high school no matter what size you are :smile:
  • mom2claudia
    Well, even if you lose 30 pounds in that time, that's 30 hard-earned pounds!!! Any weight you lose will drastically change your appearance, self-esteem and HEALTH. You can't fail unless you try, hon! So who cares if you don't meet your goal in exactly 5 months? If you fall short, you just keep going. Eventually, you'll get there as long as you keep on trying. :)

    Good luck on your journey!
  • patsyanne
    patsyanne Posts: 111
    Good luck in hitting the 50 lbs lost. It does not matter if it happens before school starts or after, losing some will help your self esteem and make you look better too. I remember being in your shoes a long time ago and I am still in them now, just quite a bit older. When you do get the pounds off please do yourself a favor and continue on this site recording your food and your exercise so that you wont gain it all back. Maintenance after the loss will be the key for you as a young person. I hope your senior year is your best year ever!!!:flowerforyou:
  • breannatrevs
    thanks to all of you!
    I love this website with all my heart, i have never felt so much support in all of my life.
    Ive tried diets for years now and never have I ever wanted to lose this weight so much.
    its nice being able to talk and confide in strangers but we all support one another because we all have that one thing in common !!!!
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Do what you can before school starts! Any progress is progress! :) And any progress will seem huge when you go to the first day of school and people see you who haven't seen you over the summer! It's much easier to see even a 10 lb loss on someone if you haven't seen them every day as you make the changes. That's why before and after pictures are such a nice thing to have! :)

    But I will tell you this! You don't have to lose weight and wear the same clothes "as the other girls" to have their confidence. It's all in your attitude and in your head. Know that you are beautiful! Know that you are smart and sexy and anyone is lucky to be your friend! I will admit that the weight loss will help you with your confidence (it's skyrocketed mine) but you don't need to lose the weight to gain the confidence!

    You're beautiful! Good luck on your journey and know that you aren't alone! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mowrynation
    What you do is focus on doing the very best you can every single day, and when the time comes you will feel and look great, whether you made it to 60 lost or not! One day at a time!

    This is soo true! !! You can do it! Just be healthy doing it! :flowerforyou:
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    It can definitely be done with a lot of determination. I would focus more on inches and the way clothes fit more so than actual pounds though.