Tattoo Ideas/revolution



  • Ya I'm a pretty dramatic person so its always the whoa is me, but you know I don't really have it as bad as I could. I just need some more positive faces(MFP) to keep me on track. I feel like everyones posts are wonderful, and I'm really sold on that phoenix crying. Not sure on the oak tree though, really wanted to represent the cherry blossom tree, but the tears giving life to the surroundings of the tree sounds sweet.

    Also, just remember with every item and detail you add, you add to the SIZE of the tattoo. Phoenix's are generally done pretty large if you want them to look good/amazing. To incoporate the tree as well, you are increasing the size. If you're doing you're WHOLE side, you prolly have room. But, as the piece get's bigger, so does the amount of work and possibly sittings you'll need to complete the tattoo..... so it will be pricey.

    Just know what you want, where exactly you want it, and how much you are willing to spend. I know full SIDE pieces depending on color, detail, etc, have cost people anywhere from $500-$1000 which is usually anywhere from 5hours to 15 hours of work. This is at my shop. I know that $$$ is different even by town, county, state, or coast.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I have a question. If I go into a tattoo place and have them draw me a tattoo. I can opt out of it but can i take their drawing as a reference? Also does it cost money for them to draw something???

    It's pretty uncool to work with an artist and have them spend time drawing something up, only to walk out and not use them. Most artists will not charge you for the consultation and rendering, so they're essentially working for free (with the unspoken promise of work to come). Be completely honest and tell them that you someday want to have this done and offer to pay them for their time!
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member


    Can I get an AMEN and a HALLELUJAH?
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    A lot of great ideas here. So i'm looking to probably spend a grand if I do the side tattoo and it has a lot of color yes? I really like qt's idea about having a phoenix cry on half dead tree while the tears are repairing the other half. BUT I still want my tattoo to show that through these trials that I've gained my independence that I once lost. So the phoenix hits me at rebirth, but still need that independence to show.
  • A lot of great ideas here. So i'm looking to probably spend a grand if I do the side tattoo and it has a lot of color yes? I really like qt's idea about having a phoenix cry on half dead tree while the tears are repairing the other half. BUT I still want my tattoo to show that through these trials that I've gained my independence that I once lost. So the phoenix hits me at rebirth, but still need that independence to show.

    Given that you are tall and have a lot of surface area to cover, I'd think you're looking at more like $1500 for a decent job and it will have to be over at least two, if not three, sessions. As far as ideas, you've been offered a lot of great advice on how to go about imagery and if you follow it, rather than trying to get a solid, concrete idea right off the bat without looking through portfolios, web images, photography sites, etc, then I think you'll be in good shape. I know it's exciting to think about ink, but give yourself time and allow the images evolve as you take in more information-- the more time you give it, the more likely you are to be happy with the result, IMO.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    So youve broken away from something you could have a set of old style shackles on the phoenix leg one on and one open dangling?
  • My side didn't hurt that bad at all and I sat for 6 hour straight. (And I have a ton of tattoos..big I know what I'm talking about lol) If you are doing a piece that big, your artist might take it easy on you as far as $$ goes but you really can't get an accurate estimate from anyone but the artist. And if you don't like the picture they drew you, they can change what you don't like about it until it is what you want.! =)
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Japanese Cherry Blossoms represent rebirth as well. They are beautiful too. You could get a cherry blossom tree up your side or on your back.

    I just looked some pics up on google...the cherry blossom tattoos are beautiful...I don't have a tatoo but if I got one..that's probably what it would be...gorgeous and meaningful!
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    whatever you get, research it properly.

    and please don't get chinese characters or japanese phrases tattooed on your body without making sure A) you know exactly what they mean and B) they will be written on your body CORRECTLY. i cringe when i see people strutting around with tattoos and they are convinced the characters read "beauty" or somesuch thing, but actually read "vegetable" or "goat" or something equally ridiculous.
  • In regard to getting a tattoo draw up and then taking it as reference... No. That art is the property of the artist until it's drilled into your skin forever. They might sell it to you for a ****load of money, though.
  • OH.... and if you never had a tattoo before, just know the side is BRUTAL. And you'll need to sit, and sit well and still or else the "bad artwork" might not be the artist's fault! :wink:

    Truth. I literally slept through my 8 hour back piece, and cried through every sitting for a big sugar skull on my side. Most painful tattoo experience. I think the runner up would be the foot, oddly.
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