Losing Battle

Sadie55 Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I am NOT doing well. I counldnt find posts for those of us who ARENT doing so great.
Im losing the mental battle of motivation. I of course WANT to be healthy and happy but I am stuggling more than ever. Im a stress eater and when times are tough, I just dont even care and go for it. Any advice? =(


  • I felt the exact same way before I found mfp. I was a huge stress eater and just didn't care even though I felt awful about my weight. I found keeping the junk food out of the house and putting in healthy snacks helped alot. I try to eat 3 healthy meals a day and when I need to snack I go for the fruits, veggies & nuts. You also have to have some self control. Ive noticed since I've been eating healthier I haven't been wanting to snack as much. And exercising helps me with releasing my stress. Even if its just a 30 min walk. Take it day by day. Do the best you can, it gets easier as you go. Ive only been on here for 5 days and lost 3 pounds. Everyone here is very supportive! Hippie this helps, good luck. Feel free to friend me if you need extra support.
  • B140
    B140 Posts: 56
    I think it would really help if you had some other ways to deal with stress. Do you like to take a hot bath, read books, listen to music, look at photo albums, cry your eyes out, hit a pillow and scream at the top of your lungs? These things all help me when I am emotionally stressed. They won't take the cause of your stress away, but they might help you get a little emotional equilibrium and they won't make you more stressed because you feel like you are a terrible person because you are hurting yourself by eating stuff you don't need.
    Also, you might want to watch for signs that you are getting stressed (increased heart rate, sighing for no reason, being critical of yourself or others) and try to take some deep breaths and calm your self down before heading to the kitchen.
  • Hippie? Lol that was suppose to say hope!
  • I am NOT doing well. I counldnt find posts for those of us who ARENT doing so great.
    Im losing the mental battle of motivation. I of course WANT to be healthy and happy but I am stuggling more than ever. Im a stress eater and when times are tough, I just dont even care and go for it. Any advice? =(

    My advice would be to 1) find another outlet for your stress. Try a new hobby, a lot of people find activities where they work with their hands to be stress relieving. If you like being active try sports. Most cities have recreation centers that offer classes or sports leagues. Talk to friends. Talking, even if it's about something completely unrelated to your problems, can be very helpful in reducing stress

    2) Really take some time to sit down and think about why you want to be healthy. It's not enough to say, "I want to be healthy cause I know I should be." You have to make it personal. Think about the areas in your life that will be positively affected by improving your health. For example, I once read a post where a woman said that her reason to get healthy was so she could have energy to play with her kids. The getting healthy wasn't her motivation, her kids were. Find what it is that drives you, write it down, and put it somewhere you will see it often.
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