weight loss

lynnadkisson Posts: 5
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Why does it seem to take so long to lose... My husband can lose in days what it takes me weeks to do...


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Welcome! 1-2 lbs per week is healthy and achievable with some sound planning. You will get lots of support here to keep you on track.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Men do lose weight faster than women though. I think it's something to do with them needing more calories per day on average. But I'm not sure.
  • Because it's hard work!! Men always lose the weight faster. :(
  • wow, very quick reply, didn't expect that. Thanks, I have heard slow and low is the best way... still, husband can do it quicker... he looks great faster... hard to see...
  • just remember - fast weight loss is not always healthy weight loss - and guys are *kitten*, that's all there is to it :) im teasing. dont race with your husband. there's no way you'll win, you'll feel bad and give up.


    ive been here 55 days and lost 12 pounds - this is WAY slow TO ME...but then taso put it into perspective for me one day last week. he said 1.5 pounds on average is what i've lost. i stepped back, hemmed and hawed about it and said he's right. tha'ts pretty freakin awesome work.

    we, as women, have to work harder for everything we want - not just weight loss...dont you know this? :)

    *hugs* you've got this. friend me if youd like.
  • Hard to believe so many people are on this "myfitnesspal".. I just started about 3 weeks ago.. and just started the message board today... I think it is really going help..knowing people are struggling like me
  • Hard to believe so many people are on this "myfitnesspal".. I just started about 3 weeks ago.. and just started the message board today... I think it is really going help..knowing people are struggling like me

    are you kidding me? 95% of are struggling...you'll learn how awesome this place is..its like facebook but only POSITIVE (in my opinion of course)

    we all go thorugh an MFP obsession - im still in mine and i tend to ignore the others not on MFP. :D i love this place.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    my husband cut out sodas and started counting calories and lost 15 lbs in 5 weeks. i, on the other hand, cut sodas, counted calories, corrected my diet, and started working out 5 to 8 times a week - and i've lost 10.

    it's because guys are bigger, and are naturally built to have more muscle than women. i AM NOT comparing my weight loss to my husband's, because our genders make comparison impossible. just do your thing, work hard, and it'll happen for you.

    oh, and if you have any questions, search the forums before you post a new topic. trust me, any problem you're having, has been had already. you'll see that your journey is very much like all the rest of ours. especially stuff like "should i eat my exercise calories". you'll just get the same links over and over again if you ask that one.
  • Thanks for all the advise... I don't drink sodas, I never have...but I like wine (probably too much). I have been on the Paleo diet for 1 week and really like it.. I am shooting for 4 weeks.. the hardest thing for me is exercise.. I hate to exercise... I walk on the treadmill, but not as often as I should... I never do sit-ups, but really really should... the belly fat is awful...
  • I am intrigued. I have never heard of the Paleo diet. How does it work? Anyone else on MFP trying it. I like the concept, getting back to the hunter/gather roots, taking it back to the basics.
  • Sounds like u kind of know it..its the caveman diet.. meat, vegetables, good fats, little fruit, no grains, no dairy. I like it because the book gives a grocery list for the week and the recipes....some are very good. I am not hungry..most of the time...its only been week, and I want to do it for a month..u may like it
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