Can't get rid of the love handles!

I have been calorie counting and working out on an elliptical trainer that we bought every day since 1/1/11, when my wife and I decided to get in shape. I have lost 30 pounds since that time. My stomach is flat now, which it really hasn't been since my early 20's (I just turned 50) which I am really happy about. But I have these love handles that so far don't seem to have gone down any, tho I'm sure they have some. Any suggestion as to what types of workouts to do to target this area? I might add, that I have no butt what so ever ( it's flat, always has been, and will probably always be) So this may add to the visial that my love handles are sticking out. Tried on new Tshirts last week, and went down to L size, but the fat love handles bulging out is what stopped me from getting them. Would really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!


  • pammyxjean
    pammyxjean Posts: 21 Member
    my husband struggles with love handles, and hes only 25, lol.... I know that plyometrics or jump training helped me get rid of the the handles. Also running REALLY does wonders, but I hate running.... so I like doing Plyo and jump training! Chalean extreme is good for toning!
  • yummymummy50
    my husband struggles with love handles, and hes only 25, lol.... I know that plyometrics or jump training helped me get rid of the the handles. Also running REALLY does wonders, but I hate running.... so I like doing Plyo and jump training! Chalean extreme is good for toning!

    What's plyometrics, please? Sounds like I might need to try that!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yeah - I have that too. We all genetically hold on to fat in predetermined places. There is no exercise to reduce fat on your obliques sadly (for me too bro) - the only answer is to drop your body fat percentage! The best way to do that is adding in fast paced resistance work. Lifting heavy at the gym is of course good - but you hardly have to do that to get great full body, muscle building workouts.

    Next time, skip the elliptical and do this:

    It's full body - the squat/swings (which can be done with just about anything) work your entire lower body, shoulders and back, the burpees work everything else. You'll burn more calories than the elliptical - AND - you'll be building important muscle to go along with it.

    Also, when you are doing cardio, work on HIIT's - (go super hard - like hungry bear chasing you hard - for 30 seconds, then easy for 90 seconds.) It burns a lot more body fat than steady-state cardio!

    Best of luck!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Plyometrics is any kind of jump training. For example, do a low squat, then burst up and jump as high as you can 15 times quickly. Your heart should be racing, then you can take a short break allowing the heart to lower slightly, then do another set. This combines Plyo with HIIT training and gets an amazing calorie burn.

    Steady state cardio is not where it's at!
  • yummymummy50
    Plyometrics is any kind of jump training. For example, do a low squat, then burst up and jump as high as you can 15 times quickly. Your heart should be racing, then you can take a short break allowing the heart to lower slightly, then do another set. This combines Plyo with HIIT training and gets an amazing calorie burn.

    Steady state cardio is not where it's at!

    Thank you. I'll give it a go!
  • ChristineMiller2
    Hey there, unfortunately there is no such thing as "spot reduction" when losing weight, I SOOOO wish there was. Lowerig you body fat is the only way of I know to get rid of them. Great job on the weight loss.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    yeah I am underweight and have love handle..go figure.So mine really show! The only fat I think I have on my body is there. Any other suggestions than the jumping thing. I have had 8 knee surgeries on one knee alone
  • jhawkins1988
    try doing side bends with a weight in your hand. Stand feet hip width apart, weight in one hand. slowly bend to the side with the weight on it. Do 20 reps or more. Switch sides and repeat!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    try doing side bends with a weight in your hand. Stand feet hip width apart, weight in one hand. slowly bend to the side with the weight on it. Do 20 reps or more. Switch sides and repeat!

    That's a great oblique exercise and will certainly make them stronger (and in fact, slightly bigger too) but won't do anything about the fat on top. In general, I don't do any weighted oblique moves due to the nature of that muscle will actually grow wider (who wants that...). I recommend stabilizers like side plank and even side crunches over weighted stuff.

    For the love handles (I'm an expert in having them sadly...) that's just fat reduction. Everyone loses weight in one particular spot last - keep up the clean eating, keep up the full body cardio and you'll rock them off your body!!!!

    Clean eating is really where its at. I swear, I can get down to 8% bodyfat and my back fat/love handles are almost totally gone, but if I look at a cupcake, BOOM!!! It's a fat-party on my lower back and everyone's invited.

  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Thanks for posting that workou Steve. I do the Bodyrocker (sometimes) but I guess I missed that one --- in need of getting rid of the love handles too LOL!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    BTW Steve ... just opened your site ... already seeing lots of helpful info!!! So everyone check it out!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    try doing side bends with a weight in your hand. Stand feet hip width apart, weight in one hand. slowly bend to the side with the weight on it. Do 20 reps or more. Switch sides and repeat!

    FWIW, I recently read that one should not use weights with side bends or else the love handle size can increase. (The source was "Ab Boot Camp". Original website is dead, but there's a copy of the whole thing here

    To the OP's question - keep on doing what you're doing. When your body fat % is low enough, the love handle will have no choice but to surrender. It's all about body fat percentage.

    Edit: doh, looks like Steve already addressed the weighted side-bends thing, above.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    try doing side bends with a weight in your hand. Stand feet hip width apart, weight in one hand. slowly bend to the side with the weight on it. Do 20 reps or more. Switch sides and repeat!

    FWIW, I recently read that one should not use weights with side bends or else the love handle size can increase. (The source was "Ab Boot Camp". Original website is dead, but there's a copy of the whole thing here

    To the OP's question - keep on doing what you're doing. When your body fat % is low enough, the love handle will have no choice but to surrender. It's all about body fat percentage.

    Edit: doh, looks like Steve already addressed the weighted side-bends thing, above.

  • KevKidd
    KevKidd Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Steve and everyone else for the advice and suggestions.

  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I don't know if it's all the cardio I do or the pilates I've taken up but my love handles have recently started disappearing. I think the move that really targets the oblique muscles is side bends. Rest on your side using knees and your elbow for support, and lift your hip off the ground and back down slowly. Its kind of like a plank for your side.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    thanks and I shouldnt burn too many cals doing this either
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    not true my bmi is less than 15 and I still have them!