Coke Zero

Im cutting all booze and beer out of my diet. I seem to be replacing that with soda, but im drinking coke zero. It says there are no cal.,no carbs. Is this possible? Should I stay away from diet soda all together? I am new to dieting seriously so any suggestions would help. Thanks in advance.


  • dawnkitchen
    dawnkitchen Posts: 161
    It's a personal decision, really. Some people cut out all soda and carbonated beverages (it can induce bloating for some).

    Personally, I drink Pepsi One (it is sweetened with Splenda, so I don't get headaches like I do from aspertame). It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all.

    Best of luck!
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    If you like drinking a can of chemicals, go right ahead! lol but seriously, I cut all diet soda completely out and I started losing weight faster. I honestly don't know the negative effects it can have but I do know there is nothing natural about soda and I'm trying to be completely natural in my food and drink choices. Water is best!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    as long as its in moderation i wouldnt see a problem. coke zero is my choice diet soda, i have 2-3 a week normally.
  • goofygoober24
    First i think it's great that you are cutting the booze outta your life! Those are some serious calories! Second, I drink coke zero and think it's awesome! but I try to only drink 1 a day or up to 3 on days when i have extreme cramps! Something to think about is that coke zero still has caffeine in it though! What I do when I am really craving a soda is I get sobe life water zero. It's refreshing and good for your body. Filled with tons of vitamins and minerals! and it tastes great! :smile:
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I've just cut down from 2 litres or so a day to nothing. I haven't had a weigh-in since then but I personally believe the sugary taste increases my cravings for non-healthy food and I ended up eating the wrong things. I've also seen a lot of people say that cutting out the diet coke quickly lost them weight. I'm reserving judgement until I see how my own body reacts...
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    bump (I'm addicted to diet dr pepper) LOL great question
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    This is what I drink. I'm hoping to one day cut out all carbonated beverages but for now I feel like Coke Zero and Cherry Coke zero are just satisfying enough that they keep me form binging
  • shellyxxxxx
    shellyxxxxx Posts: 143
    i drink this and it does make you feel bloated but for me it stopped me snacking and ive managed to cut down on tea which i were drinking at least 10 cups a day i carnt drink water as i find it digusting but everyones different try it for abit and see if it helps if not try something else x best of luck x
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    sodas bad ..........
  • lauraspeciale
    I drank diet soft drinks for years mainly as I did not like the sugar taste in real soft drinks. Studies are showing that the artificial sweeteners are causing your body to gain weight. Be careful with soda water also as it has so much sodium that you can retain lbs of water. There are new carbonated waters out there that have 0 sodium, throw a lemon in and yummy...and no bloating or retention.

    just a note: The human body can not process artificial sweeteners, what you have taken in, your body still has...scarey.
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I have drunk Diet Coke for years, and for the last 10, Caffiene-free. I know it's not good....I guess I should start at least trying to drink less. I average at least 4 per day. It does seem like it's my next demon to conquer.
  • katiemeridien
    So glad you posted this.

    I went through the same thing. I cut out booze but became addicted to Aspartame. I was drinking 5 diet coke plus' and 2 vent coffees with extra sugar free hazelnut..

    Not only was my stomach becoming bothered by it... I think it contributed to my weight plateau.

    Aspertame is POISON.

    It turns into formaldehyde when digested into the body. That formaldehyde enters your fat cells and says, 'Hi. I'm staying!'

    Aspertame (Phenylalanine) is an artificial sweetener which is manufactured from the fecal matter of E. Coli.

    Please, look it up. I heard about it myself and started researching on the web... it made me not want to keep taking the risk.

    Stevia is much healthier... at Whole Foods there is a selection of Stevia soft drinks but of course, they aren't anything NEAR the amazing Coke Zero!

    I realized that Diet Coke was increasing my hunger levels and also caused my vision to blur sporadically when I drank too much in a day. Now I drink seltzer water.

    Good luck! You can win!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I love Cherry Coke zero- people knock the zero calorie drinks all the time but I don't care. Just make sure your getting your daily water in cause just soda alone will dehydrate you.
  • brindle619
    k. lol. u win. thanks for the reply. After that I'm finishin off the last couple and I'll stick to water
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Lots o f people will tell you to cut soda out completely. I do drink Diet Mountain Dew and I am not likely to stop. Many people have lost lots of weight drinking diet soda.