My legs keep getting bigger

I know that weight training is an integral part of weight loss, but my thighs were big to begin with and now they are HUGE. I can't fit into my 14's not because of my waistline, but because me thighs and calves are so big that it makes wearing them extremely uncomfortable. So how in the heck am I supposed to reduce my pants size?


  • kirstinkrueger
    Try something like pilates or yoga, they are designed to help lean out and stretch your muscles.
  • mamma3monkeys
    Also, if you are biking or using a stationary bike/spinning, you might want to switch over to walking or jogging which is supposed to be more slimming on the lower body.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    or maybe you can still train with weights, but don't add more weight the stronger you get, have the same amount or lessen the weight. That way you will maintain your muscles or make them smaller but still have the benefit of burning calories as you work out. Hope it made some sense?
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i have the same exact problembefore i joined here i had lost some weight and went down 2 sizes to my first pair of goal jeans just by eating better no exercise well then i hit a plateau for about 5 weeks so decided to join a gym and now those goal pants are not very comfortable because of my thighs ( just noticed today) in the 2 weeks that ive been fgoin to the gym ive lost around 5 pounds and 6 inches so i just dont get it im gonna ask a trainer at my gym for recommendations monday and ill let u know what he says
  • enwethiel
    enwethiel Posts: 13 Member
    Great thanks for all the thoughts. I've been trying to get into yoga but the time hasn't worked out for me. I'm doing relatively low amounts of weight, and alternating my workouts with running on the elliptical. I'll be interested in seeing what your trainer says, Amber. I've lost 16 lbs in 12 weeks, and numerous inches in my waist and hips. But my size hasn't changed at all.