Newly Joined!

Hi everyone! I've newly joined MFP, and have about 70 pounds to lose. I'm hoping to get my mother (and potentially my father) to join as well since they also have some weight to lose. I am currently a 3rd year university student and live with two roommates, so I have some difficulties in what foods I can buy (for example, they will only eat white pasta and rice). I also have problems with time; I have very little time to make breakfast (I mean, 5 minutes or so) and about as much time to prepare lunch, so foods need to be quick to make.

Any suggestions for fast breakfast and lunch options would be very much appreciated, as well as healthy snacks.


  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome, I've been here for just a bit under a month, but so far I love it. Hope you do as well.
  • beboudreau
    beboudreau Posts: 8 Member
    Breakfast is very important, it starts your metabolism. For the mornings that I cannot have a lot of breakfast, I usually have a shake. Low fat yogurt plus 2 handfuls of frozen berries = a quick easy and nutritious breakfast.

    With lunch, there are many frozen dinners that are pretty good. Weight Watchers has a huge variety and the majority of them are under 300 calories (my favorites are the salsbury steak/asparagus combo and the cheese pizza). I lead a hectic life most of the week, so I usually make extra at supper time and save it for lunch the next day to make it that much easier. Pasta is really high in carbs, so it is usually best to eat pasta in moderation. As for the white vs brown rice, I would just buy the brown rice and make it for yourself. Good luck on your journey!! It's not going to be easy but it will be worth it in the end.