any runners?

just curious about what foods to eat, i just started running!


  • VialOfDreams
    I eat a high-carb diet, but it's bc I run a lot. (At least 20 miles a week.) But don't be fooled. ;) Most of my carbs come from vegetables, and of course whole grains. I still try not to go over 3 servings of whole grains a day. I also drink protein shakes and make sure I take in enough protein and carb after running. This is very important, especially if you plan to run a lot.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    First of all welcome to the world of prepared for a serious addiction. Now, make sure you have been fitted for proper running shoes as well to avoid injury down the line---this doesn't have to be expensive either, just tell the people your budget for shoes.

    In terms of what to eat, runners eat the same stuff as non-runners..fruits, veggies, etc....You don't need to eat anything special before or during runs unless they are considerably long. For instance, if you run a marathon you should probably eat some extra carbs the night before. For runs longer than 75 mins consider an electrolyte drink or energy chews/gel. Drinking lots of water is VERY important too. Definitely eat more protein than MFP suggests (I eat 50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fats). I"m a vegetarian but my hubby isn't so all of my dinners can be made with meat. Feel free to ask if you want any specifics on the recipes. has tons of info for beginner runners. I still use their smart trainer to help me plan my running schedule for the month (check out my blog if you are interested on this)

    Good luck.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    If you're running seriously- like training for a 1/2 marathon or more, then you need to ea more healthy carbs and lean protein. If you're a running shlep like me, running 10-15 miles a week, then just follow a healthy overall diet. If you're running in heat/humidity, make sure you stay hydrated.
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks all! I'm starting to get addicted to running ;)
  • crosedonahue
    crosedonahue Posts: 21 Member
    Hey! I just started running last July. I completed a 5K in September and just ran my first 10K last weekend! Tons of fun! I'm addicted to BANANAS- they keep me fueled and they're perfect before or after a run. I also recommend a small glass of chocolate milk after a run. Eat something within a half an hour of running. Milk, bananas, oat meal, whole wheat bread with peanut butter- all good post and pre-run foods. I recommend eating no later than 1.5 hours before you run........Have fun!!!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Welcome to our club! I just got back from my late-night run. A beginner runner doesn't need specific foods - just eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid eating before a run. Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Yes, get addicted! I love it.
    I would also recommend not eating before you go, if you've been eating sensibly (carbs, protein, fats, veges etc) in the day(s) beforehand you don't actually need to 'fuel up'- you should have enough of that in you already. Once you get up to doing more than 45min though I'd recommend a half or whole banana. (Yes there is a very valid reason you always see bananas associated with running/triathlons etc, because they are a great fast release carbohydrate). It's really important to try and eat within 30-60 min after you've finished your run to replenish what you're body just used up. It's really important to get some good protein, but particularly carbs at that point, to replace the glycogen you used.

    Beware though, running long distances can make you feel insatiably hungry at times, don't be fooled and overcompensate!

    And nothing ever tastes as good as it does after a long hard run! :)
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    I run (ok, jog) every now and then. I like to run. I did my first 1/2 marathon last fall. Unfortunately, my hip joints don't like me to run too often. However, this morning (after working a 12 hour night shift) I am doing a 5k. Here's hoping I still have the energy after working all night.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i run, and i think its good to eat something light about half an hour before you go and have some caffeine. Not too much or you might get stitch, but if i dont eat anything before i go, i dont run as well and sometimes feel faint. Not good.

    Afterwards i try and eat or drink something when i get in, within 20 or 30 mins, even though i often dont feel like it because it aids muscle recovery and reduces muscle stiffness and soreness

    I try and get as much protein in as i can